BIO 252 Ch 1

  1. Which of the following would be the most likely cause of an iatrogenic disease?

    B. an unwanted effect of a prescribed drug
  2. The manifestations of a disease are best defined as the:

    B. signs and symptoms of a disease
  3. The best definition of the term prognosis is:

    C. the predicted outcome or likelihood of recovery from a specific disease
  4. Which of the following is considered a systemic sign of disease?

    D. fever
  5. Etiology is defined as the study of the:

    C. causes of a disease
  6. Hypertrophy of the heart would be related to:

    A. an increase in the size of the individual cells
  7. A tissue in which the cells vary in size and shape and show increased mitotic figures would be called:

    B. dysplasia
  8. When a group of cells in the body dies, the change is called:

    D. necrosis
  9. Lack of exercise during an illness may cause skeletal muscle to undergo:

    B. atrophy
  10. The term cancer refers to:

    A. malignant neoplasm
  11. Apoptosis refers to:

    C. pre-programmed cell self-destruction
  12. Which of the following statements is true?

    A. Damaged cells may be able to repair themselves
  13. Caseation refers to an area of necrosis where:

    C. dead cells form a thick cheesy substance
  14. Routine application of sun block to skin would be an example of:

    C. a preventative measure
  15. A circumstance that causes a sudden acute episode of a chronic disease to occur is termed:

    B. precipitating factor
  16. An acute episode of a chronic disease is called:

    B. an exacerbation
  17. Potential unwanted outcomes of a primary condition:

    C. a sequela
  18. etiology
    concerns the causative factors in a particular disease
  19. incidence
    the number of new cases of a disease in a given population noted within a stated time period
  20. precipitating factor
    a condition that triggers onset or exacerbation of disease
  21. iatrogenic
    a disease caused by the actions of a health care worker including treatment, diagnosis or failure to recognize complications
  22. Metaplasia
    occurs when one mature cell type is replaced by a different mature cell type that is functional. Malignant neoplasms are referred to as cancer and involve dysplastic tissues.
  23. Gangrene
    an area of ischemic and necrotic tissue that has been invaded by bacteria
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BIO 252 Ch 1
Chapter 1