Medication Theory.txt

    • author "me"
    • tags "Exam 1"
    • description ""
    • fileName "Medication Theory"
    • freezingBlueDBID -1.0
    • Pharmacological concepts - chemical
    • Description of the drugs chemical composition
  1. Pharmacological concepts - generic
    Manufacturer's name--derived from chemical name
  2. Pharmacological concepts - trade name
    Brand name - easy to spell, pronounce, & remember
  3. Classification
    • Body system
    • Symptoms relieved
    • Desired effect
  4. Nurses should know
    • Why am I giving a certain Med
    • Always look up Med before giving
    • Side effects
    • Nursing implications
  5. Drug forms
    • Liquid
    • Capsules
    • Tablets
    • Suppository
  6. 1906 Pure Food & Drug Act
    No impurities in food or drugs
  7. Nurse Practice Act
    Defines the scope of a nurses professional functions & responsibilities--protects public from unskilled, undereducated,unlicensed personnel
  8. Pharmacokinetics
    Absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion, action
  9. Pharmacokinetics - absorption
    Passage of Med into blood-influenced by route, the ability to dissolve, blood flow to site, high lipid cross over membranes easier
  10. Pharmacokinetics - distribution
    To tissue, organs & specific site
  11. Pharmacokinetics - metabolism
    Break down to inactive form
  12. Pharmacokinetics - excretion
    Exit via kidneys, liver, bowel, lungs, & exocrine glands
  13. Pharmacokinetics - action
    Vary how they act & type of action
  14. Routs of administration
    • Oral
    • sublingual
    • buccal
    • parenteral
    • topical
    • inhalation
  15. Parenteral injection sites
    • ID - dermis
    • Sub-Q - just below dermis
    • IM - muscle
    • IV - vein
  16. Med admin tips
    • Administer only what you prepare
    • Do not ignore client concerns
    • Check with MD order
    • Never use unmarked containers
    • If reused--if opened, do no return to container
    • Dont open meds until you are next to pts bedside
    • Be aware of distractions
    • Never leave meds at bedside
    • You are pts advocate -- if meds are containdicated with each other, dont give med to pt, call MD
  17. Types of orders
    • Standing orders
    • PRN orders
    • Single orders
    • STAT orders
    • Now orders
  18. Standing order
    • Carried out until canceled
    • First in MAR
  19. Prn orders
    • Given upon client request--as needed
    • At end of MAR
  20. Single order
    One time order
  21. STAT order
    Give immediately & only once
  22. Now orders
    Give within 90 minutes
  23. Distribution systems
    • Stock supply
    • Unit dose supply
    • Automated medicine dispensing system
    • Individual storage
  24. Stock supply
    Multi dose - med rooms
  25. Unit dose supply
    • Portable carts
    • Meds are packaged
    • Every pt has their own drawer of meds on cart
  26. Automated medicine dispensing systems
    Computerized control over drawers & distribution of meds
  27. Individual storage
    Next to clients room
  28. Medication errors
    Any event that could cause or lead to a client receiving inappropriate medication therapy or failing to receive appropriate medication therapy
  29. List of medication errors
    • Inaccurate prescribing
    • Administration of wrong drug
    • Wrong route or time interval
    • Administration of extra dose or missing dose
    • Wrong patient
    • Distractions
  30. What to do in case of a medication error
    • Check on pt - very important
    • Acknowledge immediately - dont ignore an error
    • Report to MD
    • File incident report - protects you & pt
  31. Controlled substances
    Violations of rules & regulations can lead to fines, imprisonment, loss of licensure
  32. Guidelines for safe narcotic
    • Locked - 2 times - behind door & behind cabinet
    • Keys or computer code - nurse manager & shift nurse
    • Change of shift - count & sign
    • Discrepancies - if off, dont leave - let supervisor know what happened
    • Inventory record
    • Document name, date, time, med, dose, & signature
    • Proper disposal of unused portion
  33. 5 schedules of controlled substances
    • Schedule I - LSD, marijuana, heroin - illegal
    • Schedule II - cocaine, ritalin, MS
    • Schedule III - codeine, in combination with tylenol, ASA, & vicodin
    • Schedule IV - librium, valium, ativan
    • Schedule V - robitussin A-C, lomotil
  34. 7 parts of a med order
    • Full name
    • Date order written
    • Med name
    • Dose
    • Route
    • Time & frequency
    • Signature
  35. 6 RIGHTS - KNOW!!!!
    • Right drug
    • Right dose
    • Right client
    • Right route
    • Right time
    • Right documentation
  36. Right drug
    • Check expiration dates & check 3 times
    • Check when looking in drawer - before removing
    • Compare side by side with MAR
    • Check against med sheet at bedside
  37. Right dose
    • Minimizes errors - if doing math - have another RN check
    • Use standard dose sizes - use med cup not spoon
    • Morter & pissel - used to crush meds - clean & dry before & after use
  38. Right client
    • 2 identifiers
    • Client states name - check ID band - dont say pts name, ask them
    • Check name against med sheet with arm band
    • Med record number
  39. Right route
    Always clarify - if not stated, call MD
  40. Right documentation
    • 30 minute time frame before OR after scheduled time
  41. Pts rights
    • Information - to be informed in terms they understand
    • Refusal - of med, procedure...dont push, ask why & call MD
    • Careful assessment - vitals - check apical before any cardiac meds
    • Safe administration - receive meds safely without discomfort in accordance with 3 checks & 6 rights
    • No unnecessary medications
    • To havequalified nurses & MDs assess a medhx, including allergies & use of herbs
    • Advised of experimental meds
  42. Student should know
    • Med
    • Dose
    • Route
    • Time
    • Patient
    • Documentation & equipment
  43. Student should know MED
    • Ordered
    • Classification - of drug
    • Why - pt getting drug
    • Allergies - to anything...shellfish, latex, tape
    • Adverse reactions/side effects
    • Action - what system does drug work thru
    • Assessment after - BP...
    • Labs - check blood thinner, heart meds
  44. Student should know - DOSE
    • Calculate - have another RN check
    • Safe dose
    • Dilute
    • Equipment
    • Draw up meds - graduated cup, syringes, graduated cylinders, droppers
  45. Student should know - ROUTE
    • Correct - route for med, check drug book
    • Injection site - landmarks
    • Technique - for giving SQ / IM
  46. Student should know TIME
    • Last given (prn) - see if youre in time frame from last date
    • Correct time to give - 30 before / 30 after
    • Abbreviations
    • Rate - of administration for IVs
    • Prioritization - pts determine order- based on vitals
    • Which one first
    • Dont give / why not - if pt is vomiting & cant take med, hold & call MD
  47. Student should know PATIENT
    • Check ID
    • MAR to compare
    • ID band
    • Whats your name
  48. Student should know DOCUMENTATION
    • Immediately after med administration
    • Injection site
    • Response to med
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Medication Theory.txt