function of the nevous system
recieves and interprets messages about what the body is doing feeling and then decides how to respond
two cells involved in the nevous system
neurons and neuroglia
carry electrical and chemical messages between the brain and the body
support and nourish neurons, rapain the brain aftery injury and attack invading bacteria
- signals traval along the neurons, pass through the synapes and move onto muscles and glands
- help body respond to enviornmental changes
sensory receptors
- temperature
- pain
- touch
- presssur
- proprioception
special sences
- smell
- taste
- equilibrium
- hearing
- and vision
central nervous system
brain and spinal cord
peripheral nervous system
network of nerves radiating from the CNS throughout the body
collet/recieve electrical signals
cell body
contains nucleus
delivers electrical signals to dendrites of another cell
sensory neurons
carry imput toward the CNA
motor neurons
carry information away from the CNS
link sensory and motor neurons within the brain or spinal cord
myelin sheath
- formed by schwan cells that wrap around the axon
- insulates neurons, prevent sidways message transmission, and thus increase transmission speed
bundles of myelinated axons in the PNS
nerve tracts
myelinated axons bundled together in the CNS
node of ranvier
- myelin sheath has tiny unmyelinated gaps
- nerve impulses jump from gap to gap increasing the signal speed
- made up of a terminal button on the presynaptic neuron
- filled with neurotransmitters
alzheimers disease
defect in acetylcholine function
parkinsons disease
progresseve disease caused by malfunctioning of duons that produce dopamine- controls emotions and complex movements
Sense organs transmit
information to the CNS- seat of itenlligence, learning, memory, and emotion
the brain and spinal cord
are protected by bone and are protected by meninges-connective tissue
cerebrospinal fluid
surrounds and cushions the CNS and fills its cavities
spinal cord
- composed of fibers that control reflexes and transmit impulses to and from the brain
- interneurons
brain areas
- cerebrum
- thalamus
- hypothalamus
- cerebellum
- brain stem
controls language memory sensations and decision making
temporal lobe
processes auditory and visual info, memory and emotion
occipital lobe
visual info
parietal lobe
touch info and self awarness
frontal lobe
processes voluntary muscle movements and involved with planning organizing future behavior
- relays imput between brain and spinal cord
- pain pressue and temp info passes into the cerebrum
processes the input and sends appropriate signals to the spinal cord and to muscles
- controls sex drive,. pain, pleasure, hunger thirst bp and body temp
- regulates egg and sperm production and the menstraul cycle