Intro to VN Obj. 35-38

  1. Equal Employment Opportunity Law
    • 1. No discrimination
    • 2. Worker's Compensation if employee is injured on the job
  2. OSHA
    • 1. Stands for Occupational Safety and Health Administration
    • - Safety devices
    • - Infectious wastes (bagging, do not shake the linen)
    • - there is a plan in case you do get explosed
    • - latex allergies
    • - Standard precautions (Tier 1)
    • - transmission based precautions (Tier 2)
  3. Standard Precautions

    what are they?
    • 1. Hand Hygiene
    • 2. Personal Protective Equipment (Gloves, Gown, Mask, etc. )
    • 3. Patient-Care Equipment
    • 4. Environmental Control
    • 5. Linen
    • 6. Occupational Health and Bloodborne Pathogens
    • 7. Patient Placement
  4. Transmission Based Precautions

    1. Airborne/ Droplet
    2. Contact (VRE/ MRSA)
    Wear Personal Protective Equipment
  5. Hazard Communication Standard
    • 1. Material Safety Data Sheet
    • 2. Any Chemicals that you may get exposed to
    • 3. Cheomotherapy one exampe of MSDS
    • 4. How to clean up in case of accidental spill
  6. Controlled Substance act
    • 1. Regulates how often a prescription should be filled.
    • 2. Determines how abuse potential of drug should be addressed.
    • 3. Est. Programs to treat drug dependance.
  7. Legal Issues that affect nurses
    • 1. Assualt - verbal
    • 2. Battery - physical
    • 3. Libel- defamation (communication that is false) by means of print, writing, or pictures
    • 4. Slander- defamation by spoken word that can cause damage to a persons reputation.
    • 5. Informed consent
    • 6. False Imprisonment
    • 7. Privacy/ Confidentiality
  8. Common Causes of Nursing Lawsuits

    What is the most common cause of nursing lawsuits?
    • 1. What is most common cause of nursing lawsuits?
    • Medical Errors
    • 2. Know the six rights
    • 3. Professional liability
    • 4. Falls
    • 5. Inadequate patient assessment
    • 6. Unperformed care
    • 7. Failure to Communicate
    • 8. Malpractice/ negligence/ reporting abuse
    • 9. Patients Bill of Rights (1972 AHA)
  9. The Nursing Practice Act.
    • 1. Defines and describe the scope of the nursing process
    • 2. Protects the Public
    • 3. Regulates the Practice of Nursing
  10. Define the Six Rights
    • Right Patient
    • Right Medication
    • Right Dosage
    • Right Time
    • Right Route
    • Right Documentation
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Intro to VN Obj. 35-38
Intro to VN Obj. 35-38