nervous systems

  1. Simpathetic stim by the iris
    Pupil dilation
  2. Simpathetic stim by the salivary glands
    Saliva Production reduced
  3. Simpathetic stim by the oral/nasal mucosa
    mucus prodution reduced
  4. Sympathetic stim by the heart
    increase HR and force
  5. Sympathetic stim by the lungs
    bronchial muscle relaxed
  6. Sympathetic stim by the stomach
    peristalsis reduced
  7. Sympathetic stim by the small intestines
    motility reduced
  8. Sympathetic stim by the large intestines
    motility reduced
  9. Sympathetic stim by the liver
    increased conversion of glycogen glucose
  10. Sympathetic stim by the Kidney
    decreased urine secretion
  11. Sympathetic stim by the adrenal medulla
    norepinephrine and epinephrine secreted
  12. Sympathetic stim by the bladder
    wall relaxed/sphincter closed
  13. Parasympathetic stim by the iris
    pupil constriction
  14. Parasympathetic stim by the salivar glands
    saliva prod. increased
  15. Parasympathetic stim by the oral/nasal mucosa
    mucus production increased
  16. Parasympathetic stim by the heart
    decreased HR and force
  17. Parasympathetic stim by the Lung
    bronchial muscle contracted
  18. Parasympathetic stim by the stomach
    gastric juice secreted; motility increased
  19. Parasympathetic stim by the Sm. Intestine
    digestion increased
  20. Parasympathetic stim by the Lg. intestine
    secretions and motility increased
  21. Parasympathetic stim by the kidney
    increased urine secretion
  22. Parasympathetic stim by the bladder
    wall contracted/sphincter relaxed
  23. Ataxia
    muscle incoordination
  24. paresis
    muscle weakness that may lead to paralysis
  25. opisthotonus
    spasm, head and neck are arched backward, poor prognosis
  26. schiff-Sherrington
    • K-9 only
    • sever spinal cord injury
    • front legs extended & rigid
    • hind legs paralyzed
  27. Proproception
    • the sense of body placement
    • foot knuckling
    • delay in righting response indicates cerebellar injury
  28. Cheyne stokes breathing
    • cyclic hyperventilation
    • cycles to perods of apnea
    • cerebrum damage
  29. Apneustic
    long inspiration with pause
  30. Corneal relfex
    blink reflex; last reflex to go
  31. Palpebral Reflex
    touch medial cantus; sensory and motor nerves of the eyelids
  32. Pupillary light reflex
    afferent & efferent pathways; Only tests for functioning of autonomic control of pupil
  33. Menace reflex
    movent twords the eye
  34. Nystagmus
    involuntary movement of eyes
  35. Strabismus
  36. Somatic system
    • voluntary portion
    • -skeletal muscle
  37. Autonomic
    • Involuntary
    • -smooth muscle and glands
    • Sympathetic-fight or flight
    • Parasympathetic-Rest & digest
  38. 4 Parts of the Brain
    • Cerebrum
    • Diencephalon
    • Cerebellum
    • Brainstem
  39. Cerebrum
    higher order of behavior contols muscle movement
  40. Diencephalon
    • thalmus
    • hypothalmus
  41. Cerebellum
    • regulates motor activity of the trunk, limbs, and head
    • equilibrium
  42. Brainstem
    • midbrain
    • pons
    • medulla oblongata
  43. what does the brainstem reulate
    • -HR
    • -RR
    • -blood vessel diameter
    • -swallowing
    • -vomitting
  44. Levels of Consciousness
    • 1 Counscious
    • 2 Hysterical
    • 3 depressed
    • 4 Stupor
    • 5 Coma
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nervous systems