E&S:Lecture 7

  1. Lifetime of CO2 in the Earth's atmosphere
    100 years
  2. How many tons of carbon does an average US resident emit?
    18.9 tons
  3. Data for greenhouse gas emissions
    • 1. Antartic Ice Core:
    • -strong correlation of temperature with atmospheric CO2 concentration
    • 2. Bubbles trapped in ice cores:
    • -Show a significant increase in greenhouse gasses around the industrial era
    • 3. Temperature records
    • -show clear and rapid warming trend
  4. Indicators of global warming
    • 1. Melting of glaciers
    • -surface area decreased by 50% since th end of the 19th century
    • 2. Sea level rise
  5. Sea level rise due to
    • 1. Melting of ice
    • 2. The thermal expansion of seawater (water molecules become spread out
    • 3. The sinking of contents due to tectonic processes
  6. Since the last ice age, sea levels have risen
    more than 100 meters
  7. Effects of global warming
    • 1. Increases the frequency of severe weather events
    • 2. Sea level rise
    • 3.Ocean acidification:
    • -coral bleaching
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E&S:Lecture 7