Intro to VN Obj. 33-34

  1. Health Insurance

    List the type of Insurance
    • 1. Private Insurance
    • 2. HMO
    • 3. PPO
    • 4. DRG
    • 5. Medicare
    • 6. Medicaid
  2. Private Insurance
    • 1. Individual Plan/ Employer
    • 2. Fee for Service
    • 3. Not for profit (Blue Shield)
    • 4. Profit (Metropolitan/ Aetna)
  3. HMO
    • 1. Health Maintenance
    • 2. They emphasizes client wellness and prevention of illness
    • 3. A fee is set monthly for patient.
    • 4. Referrals by PCP only
  4. PPO
    • 1. Preferred Provider Organization
    • 2. Healthcare at a discounted rate.
    • 3. Patient can choose which doctor
  5. DRG
    • 1. Diagnostic Related Groups
    • 2. Reimbursement is made by dianosis
    • 3. Followed by Medicare
  6. Medicare
    • 1. Health Insurance Program for older adults.
    • 2. Part A- people over 65 and/or with disabilities
    • 3. Part B- voluntary and provides partial coverage to people eligible for part A.
    • 4. Does not cover dental, eyeglasses, hearing aids and dentures.
    • 5. Open enrollment Nov. 15- dec 31st
  7. Medcaid
    • 1. Federal public assistance program paid bytaxes.
    • 2. Helps people who need financial assistance
    • 3. There is an approval process
  8. Case Management
    • 1. range of models to provide cost and effective care and quality outcomes.
    • 2. Use clinical pathways to acheive progress
    • 3. Plans intervention/ community services
    • 4. cost effective.
  9. Quality Improvement

    1. Quality of care
    2. Patient Saftey/Satisfaction surveys
    3. Organize commitees
    • 1. Step One: Identify - determines what should be improved
    • 2. Step Two: Analyze - Understand the problem
    • 3. Step Three: Develop - Hypothesize about what changes will improve the the situation and develop a plan based on these situations.
    • 4. Step Four: Test and implement - test the plan!
  10. Current Trends
    • 1. Computer use
    • 2. Types of health care settings
    • 3. Health Promotion (HMO)
  11. Health care settings
    • 1. Public Health
    • 2. Clinics
    • 3. Rehab
    • 4. Industrial Clinics
    • 5. Home Health
    • 6. Hospice
    • 7. LTC/Assisted Living
    • 8. Crisis Centers
    • 9. Self Help Groups
    • 10. Surgery Centers
  12. Ethical Issues Facing Nurses
    • 1. Telling the truth
    • 2. Confidentiality
    • 3. Right to Die.
    • 4. Scarce Resources
    • 5. Values
  13. Nursing Ethics
    • Ethics- expected standards of moral behavior
    • Morals- personal standards of what is right and wrong
    • Beliefs- opinions that people accept as true and judged as correct or incorrect
    • Attitudes- thoughts or feelings towards a person or idea. Can be judged as good or bad
  14. Ethical Issues
    • 1. Abortion
    • 2. Euthanasia- Passive
    • 3. Organ transplant
    • 4. AIDS
    • 5. DNR (Do Not Resitate)
  15. Terms
    • Autonomy- The right to make ones own decision
    • Nonmaleficence- Duty to do no harm
    • Beneficence- Doing good
    • Justice- Fairness
    • Fidelity- Faithful
    • Veracity- Telling the truth
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Intro to VN Obj. 33-34
Intro to VN Obj. 33-34