massage therapy canada endocrine

  1. endocrine organs may control actions by monitoring
    blood levels of other hormones
  2. a hormone that exhibit antagonism will increase the action of another hormone
    false antagonism has an opposite effect
  3. thymic hormones are involved in
  4. steroids are synthetisized from
  5. hormones may communicate with their target cell by
    binding to an extracellular receptor, this mechanism is used by amino acid hormones
  6. hormones may communicate with their target cells by
    direct gene activation, this is the mechanism used by steroid hormones
  7. a hormone can't affect all cell of the body, all major hormones circulate to virtually all tissues, but the hormones
    influence only certain cells refered to has target cells
  8. the hypothalamus regulates activity of the
    pituitary gland
  9. hypothalamus control anterior pituitary which release
    adenohypophysis activity
  10. hypothalamus release hormones from the posterior pituitary, name
  11. antidiuretic hormone is inhibited by
  12. sympathetic nerve stimulation causes the release of epi & nore from
    adrenal medula, is a neurally stimulated gland
  13. the hormones of the thymus gland are essential in the formation of
    immune cell
  14. the pancreas is considered endocrine and
    exocrine gland
  15. T-lymphocytes are the ________
    main cells of the immune system
  16. T-lymphocytes mature in _____ stimulated by thymosin hormones
    thymus gland
  17. the secretion of melatonin followas a night-day circle becoming
    high at night and low during daylight hours
  18. the skin, heart, kidney contain cells or tissues that produce
  19. the synthesis and release of most hormones are regulated by a
    positive feedback system
  20. blood levels of most hormones are regulated by a
    negative feedback system
  21. the target tissues for oxytocin are the smooth muscle cells of the
    utherus, mamary glands
  22. the utherus contracts and the mammary gland eject milk when
    is stimulated by oxytocin
  23. hormones are chemical sustances secreted into
    extracellular fluids
  24. major hormone classification are
    amino-acid based and steriods
  25. hormones are ''long distance'' chemical signals that travel in
    blood and lymph throught the body
  26. local hormones are released into extracellular fluid and affect only
    adjacent cells in the same tissue
  27. hormones that are derived from cholesterol are
  28. steroids are synthesized from
  29. steroid hormone?
  30. what hormone the kidney produce
    renin, and erythropoietin but their primary function is excretion of body waste
  31. acromegaly is a condition from the over-secreting
    growth hormone, over growth of bones of the extremities and face
  32. hormonal action is characterized by degrading and
    removal of other hormones
  33. steroid hormones influence cellular activities by
    binding to DNA/ hormoneand forming a gene-hormone complex
  34. symphatetic nerve stimuli are responsible for the release of
  35. the preganglionic fibres of the sympathetic neurons stimulate the adrenal medulla to produce
    epinephrine and norepinephrine
  36. the actions of hormones on living cells does not include
    alteration of the structure of the plasma membrane,
  37. hormones change cellular function rather than
    cellular structure
  38. the adrenal gland produce
  39. location of the adrenal gland
    top of the kidneys, also known as suprarenal glands
  40. the growth-promotion functions of GH do not include
    increasing the rate of glucose uptake
  41. the hypothalamus controls the secretion of the
    pituitary gland
  42. the metabolic rate of most body tissues is controlled by
    TH thyroid hormones,
  43. thyroid hormones controls
    the comsumtion of oxigen by all body tissues, by way of an increase in glucose metabolism
  44. the secretion of parathyroid hormone is a good example of
    humonal stimuli
  45. hypophysis is another name for
    pituitary gland
  46. the declining levels of calcium ions in the blodd controls
    secretion of PTH
  47. the stimulus for producing insulin is
    high blood glucose concentration
  48. excess glucose levels in the blood stimulate
    beta cells in the pancreas to secrete insulin
  49. the transcription of new messengers RNA is a funtion of
    steriod hormones
  50. most hormones remain in the body from a seconds to a
    30 minutes
  51. ADH is synthesized by the hypothalamus and stored in the
    posterior pituitary gland
  52. the production of funtional thyroid hormone requires
  53. has not endocrine function
  54. parathyroid PTH control
    calcium balance of the blood
  55. cell clusters in the adrenal cortex mainly produce
    mineralocorticoids that help regulate fluid-electrolite balance
  56. hormone produce by pancreas
    insulin, help to lower blood sugar levels, mainly after eaten
  57. permissiveness is
    when a hormone needs another to be fully effective
  58. TSH is not a true hormone is a
    tropic subtance, its a stimulating hormone, but help to release another hormone
  59. neuroendocrine organ
  60. eicosanoids are not true hormones because they
    act locally, not distal like true hormones
  61. water-soluble hormones are coupled with
    one or more intracellular messengers
  62. hormone could enter a cell
  63. how do protein kinases affect enzymes
    they add a phosphate group to the enzyme
  64. water soluble hormones exhibit the
    shortest life
  65. the normal endocrine controls can be directly over-ridden by the
    nervous system
  66. insuline-like growth factors stimulate the uptake of
  67. excess growth hormone can promote
  68. hypersecretion of ADH not damaga the
    pineal gland
  69. thyroxin will not affect
  70. iodination of thyroid hormones is mediated by
    peroxidase enzymes
  71. congenital condition that include mental retardation, short body, thick tonge and neck is due by
    deficiency of thyroxin
  72. osteitis fibrosa systica is due to
    increase in the PTH parathyroid hormone
  73. insulin enhances the membrane transport of glucose in all of the following tissue except
    the brain
  74. hormone suppress insuline release
  75. resistin is a hormone produced by
    adipose tissue
  76. cholecalciferol is a
  77. hormones does the skin produce
  78. C cells, calcitonin, reduce
    blood calcium levels
  79. The posterior pituitary stores and releases:
    Oxytocin, Antidiuretic hormone (ADH, also known as vasopressin
  80. hyposecretion of cortisol can cause
    addisons disease
  81. the general adaptation syndrome
    resets the levels of controlled conditions in the body in response to stress
  82. vasopressin is the same hormone as
  83. A lack or decrease in insulin hormone receptors on cells can result in
    type II diabetes mellitus
  84. the endocrine system
    releases chemicals, into the bloodstrem, produces effects can last for hours, can alter the gene activity of cells
  85. epinephrine, melatonin, thyroxine are
    amino acid
  86. testosterone hormone doesnt no act via
    second messenger system
  87. what hypophyseal structure receives signals from the hypothalamus via the hypophyseal portal system
  88. low blood glucose typically result in the secretion of
    glucagon, thyroxine hGH but not PTH
  89. hormone increase intestinal calcium absortion?
  90. function of glucocorticoids
    increase glucose on the blood
  91. the _____ cells of the pancreas secrete insuline
  92. somatosin is secreted by
    pancreatic delta cells
  93. the general adaptation syndrome is activated by the
  94. tumor in the adrenal zona glomerulosa may cause hypersecetion of hormones, the C will
    increase blood sodium levels
  95. oxytocin is secreted by the
  96. stress can cause the adrenal medulla to release
    epinephrine and norepinephine
  97. Diabetes insipidus (DI)
    • is a condition characterized by excessive thirst and excretion of large amounts of severely diluted urine
    • caused by a deficiency of arginine vasopressin (AVP), also known as antidiuretic hormone (ADH)
  98. Atrial natriuretic peptide
    vasodilator & protein (polypeptide) hormone secreted by heart muscle cells. released by muscle cells in the upper chambers (atria) of the heart (atrial myocytes), in response to high blood pressure. ANP acts to reduce the water, sodium and adipose loads on the circulatory system, thereby reducing blood pressure.
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massage therapy canada endocrine
masage therapy canada endocrine