Basic Nursing Skills Obj. 1-3

  1. Basic Nursing Skills
    1. Emergency Preparedness
    2. Know Emergency Exits
    3. Security
    -Code Gray is..
    -Code Silver is..
    • Code Gray: Combative person/ patient
    • Code Silver: Person with a weapon and/or hostage situation
  2. What do you do for an accident?
    • 1. Think and Prevent them!
    • 2. Educate the Patient on how to avoid accidents
    • 3. Be aware of surroundings, observe, and first aid.
    • - Incident report
    • - If you have any knowledge of situation fill it out
    • - No blame, used for education and prevention
    • - do not chart that the incident report was filled out.
  3. ***Nursing Process

    A. D. P. I. E.
    • Assessment- collect data that is pertinent (having logical reason) to the patients health or the situation
    • Diagnosis- analyzes assessment data to determine the issue and select diagnosis
    • Plan- develo a plan that prescribe strategies that will attain the desired outcome.
    • Implementation- implement the identified plan
    • Evaluation- evaluates the patients progress towards attaining the desired outcome
    • - Goals (short, long term)
    • - Outcomes
  4. ***Documentation

    SOAP NOTE stands for..
    • Subjective- the patient states what they believe is the problem..
    • Objective- What you see, hear, smell, touch , feel and measure
    • Assessment- your diagnosis, what you think needs to happen
    • Plan- plan of care
  5. Infection Control


    1. Asepsis
    2. Medical Asepsis
    3. Surgical Asepsis
    • 1. Asepsis- Clean
    • 2. Medical Asepsis- confining a specific microorganism to a specific area, or to limit the number of organisms, their growth and their transmission.
    • 3. Surgical Asepsis (the Sterile Technique) - keeping an object free of microorganisms and spore. Used for surgery.
  6. Transmission of Microorganisms

    Six steps in the chain of infection are..
    • 1. Etiologic Agent (Microorganism)
    • 2. Reservior (Source)
    • 3. Portal of Exit from reservoir
    • 4. Method of Transmission
    • 5. Portal of entry to the susceptible host.
    • 6. Susceptible host
  7. Nosocomial Infections

    1. Hospital acquired infections
    2. Can come from endogenous source
    3. exogenous source


    1. Endogenous
    2. Exogenous

    Most common microorganisms that cause exogenous infections are..
    • 1. Endogenous- from the patients own body
    • 2. Exogenous - Health care environment or personnel

    E. coli, S. aureus, Enterococcus.
  8. State the Causative agents of disease
    • 1. Bacteria
    • 2. Viruses
    • 3. Fungi
    • 4. Protozoa
  9. Common Bacteria
    • 1. Streptococci
    • 2. Staphylococci
    • 3. Diplococci
    • 4. Bacilli
    • 5. Spirilla
    • 6. Rickettsiae
  10. Viruses
    • 1. Smallest known causing agent
    • 2. Cannot live outside the body
    • 3. Examples are..
    • - The common cold (self limiting)
    • - Hepatitis, Herpes, HIV (causes serious illness and/or death)
  11. Fungi
    • 1. Yeast or molds
    • 2. Examples are:
    • - Athletes foot cause by Fungi
    • - Yeast infection (candida albicans)
    • - Coccidiomycosis: Valley Fever (attacks the respiratory system)
    • - Histoplasmosis: Bird Droppings_
  12. Protozoa
    • 1. Example of Parasite (lives on other living organisms)
    • 2. Malaria caused by protozoa
    • 3. Worms, ticks, fleas mites are examples of parasites
Card Set
Basic Nursing Skills Obj. 1-3
Basic Nursing Skills Obj. 1-3