Biology Plant Reveiw

  1. Image Upload 2Name the parts of the flower.
    • A: Stamen
    • B: Carpel
    • C: Filament
    • D: Anther
    • E: Stigma
    • F: Style
    • G: Ovary
    • H: Petal
    • I: Sepal
    • J: Ovule
  2. Name the three tissues in a plant.
    • Dermal Tissue
    • Vascular Tissue
    • Ground Tissue
  3. What are the characteristics of a plant? (name at least four)
    • Multicellular
    • Photoautotrophes
    • Eukaryotic
    • Mostly terrestrial (live on ground)
    • Dont move on own
  4. What is dermal tissue made up of?
    • Epidermis
    • Cuticle
  5. What is vascular tissue and wat are the two types?
    • Transport system that moves water and nutrients throught the plant
    • Phloem
    • Xylem
  6. What is Phloem? What is Xylem?
    • Phloem: transports nutrients through plant
    • Xylem: transports water through plant
  7. What 3 type of cells make up ground tissue?
    • Parenchyma cells
    • Collenchyma cells
    • Sclerenchyma cells
  8. What are the major organs of the plant?
    • Roots
    • Leaves
    • Stems
  9. What are the two types of roots?
    • Taproot
    • Fibrous roots
  10. What do roots have that help them absorb water and dissolved minerals?
    Root hairs
  11. Image Upload 4Name the parts of the leaf.
    • A: Blade
    • B: Vein
    • C: Petiole
  12. What is Transpiration?
    Loss of water through the leaves
  13. Image Upload 6Name the parts of the leaf.
    • Z:Stomata
    • X: Gaurd cell
  14. Image Upload 8
    • A: Frond
    • B: Rhizome
    • C: Soris
  15. What are Bryophytes?
    • Nonvascular plant that get water by osmosis and reproduce by spores
    • never produce flowers
  16. What were first to have vascular tissue,
    have true roots stems and leaves, and
    reproduce by spores?
    Ferns and Fern allies
  17. What are Gymnosperms?
    • Seed plants that bear seeds dirctly on surface of cones
    • Include conifers and palm-like plants
  18. What are angiosperms?
    • Also named flowering plants b/c they bear theri seeds inside a layer of tissue that protects the seed
    • Include grasses, flowering trees, and shrubs
  19. What are the 3 life spans of angiosperms?
    • Annuals – complete their life cycle within one growing season
    • Biennials – complete their life cycle in 2 years
    • Perennials – live for more than 2 years
  20. What are the characteristics of Monocots?(seeds, leaves, flowers, stems, roots, exsamples)
    • Seeds
    • 1 cotyledon (seed leaves)

    • Leaves
    • Parallel veins

    • Flowers
    • Floral parts in multiples of 3

    • Stems
    • Vascular bundles scattered throughout stem

    • Roots
    • Fibrous roots

    • Examples
    • Grass, corn, wheat, lilies, orchids, palmss
  21. What are the characteristics of dicots?(seeds, leaves, flowers, stems, roots, exsamples)
    • Seeds
    • 2 cotyledons (seed leaves)

    • Leaves
    • Branched veins

    • Flowers
    • Floral parts in multiples of 4 or 5

    • Stems
    • Vascular bundles arranged in a ring

    • Roots
    • Taproot

    • Examples
    • Roses, clover, tomatoes, oaks, daisies
Card Set
Biology Plant Reveiw
5 6wks reveiw for biology covering plant kingdom