Health Assessment

  1. what is the palpebral fissure?
    Distance across eye between eye lids.
  2. What is the Canthus?
    • Where eyelids meet.
    • Can be inner and outer.
  3. What is the Tarsal plate?
    Boney structure which gives eyes shape.
  4. Where are the meibomian glands?
    • Within the upper and lower eyelids.
    • Can be plugged-->pain. Assess by folding eylid back to inspect.
  5. What is a nystagmous?
    Extra twitch or bounce to eye when doing the "follow my finger" test.
  6. What is consensual light reflex?
    When pupil of one eye constricts when the other is stimulated by light.
  7. What is Accommodation?
    Pupils will constrict when tracking a far object as it moves towards the face.
  8. What is Presbyopia.
    • Decreased visual accuity and night vision.
    • Happens in elderly
  9. What is Stravismus?
  10. What is diplopia?
    Double vision.
  11. What is the Hirschberg Test?
    • Also called Extraocular Muscle Test
    • Pt and examiner on same plane, light shined between pt's eyes.
    • Light should reflect from same locatino off of pupils. (ie 2:00, 5:00, etc.
    • If fails then cover each eye independently, then drop cover. Slight jump of eye ball will indicate weak eye.
  12. What are Pingueculae?
    Yellowish elevated nodules due to thickening of bulbar conjunctiva from prolonged exposure to sun, wind, and/or dust. Appear at 3 and 9 oclock position.
  13. What is Xanthelasma?
    • Soft, raised yellow plaques at inner canthi.
    • Commonly occure during 5th decade of life, more frequent in women. Occure with high and normal levels of cholesterol.
    • Not a concern.
  14. Exophthalmos?
    Bulging eyes
  15. Enophthalmos
    Sunken eyes
  16. Ptosis
Card Set
Health Assessment
Chapter 14