Bio Chapter 27 Warm Up 5

  1. What is the building of a body from a seriess of similar segments?
  2. What were the first segmented animals?
    Annelid Worms
  3. What are annelids composed of?
    A chain of identical segments.
  4. What is the advantage of segmentation?
    The flexibility it offers with segments with a different function.
  5. What re some segments modified for?
    Reproduction, feeding, or eliminating wastes.
  6. What fraction of annelids live in the sea? And what are most others?
    2/3; earthworms
  7. Describe the baiscbody plan of an annelid?
    "A tube withina tube"
  8. What are the three characteristics annelids share?
    Repeated Segments, Specialized segments, connections between segments
  9. Describe repeated segments, specialized segments, and connections between segments
    Repeated Segments: Body segments of annelids except for leeches are divided from one another internally by partitions. Each segment has digestive, excretory, and locomotor organs. The fluid within the coelom of each segment creates a hydroskeleton for rigidity. Due to the segmentation, it is able to expand or contract at any part of the body.

    Specialized Segments: Anterior(front) segments of annelids are modified and contain the sensory organs that are sensitive to light; elabrate eyes in some annelids. Also a well developed cerebral ganglion or brain.

    Connections between segments: Circulatory system carues blood from one segment to another, while a nerve cord connects the nerve centers, or ganglia, with the brain to coordinate the worm's activity.
  10. What were the first animals with the appendages?
  11. How are arthropod bodies similasr to annelids?
  12. When is the only time that segmentation is present in an arthropod?
    In the larva stage
  13. What is a larva?
    An immature organism that has a body form different from that of the adult.
  14. What is different in arthropods during the adult stage from the larva stage?
    The segments are fused
  15. What are the three sections of a butterfly?
    Head, Thorax, Abdomen
  16. What is the characteristic of all adult insects?
    A head, thorax, and abdomen
  17. All arthropods have jointed appendages such as what for doing what?
    Legs for walking, wings for flying, and antennae to sense their environment, mouthparts for sucking, ripping, chewing their food.
  18. Without what a person could not walk or grasp any object.
    Jointed appendages.
  19. What do arthropods have that muscles attach to on the interior surface?
  20. Whatis an exoskeleton?
    A rigid external shell made of a substance called shitin.
  21. What does an exoskeleton protect?
    An arthropod rom predators and impedes water loss.
  22. What is the limitation an arthropod has?
    The limitation of not being able to support great weight.
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Bio Chapter 27 Warm Up 5
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