ota health

  1. study of the structure of body parts
  2. study of function of body parts
  3. Transportation system.
    body parts that transports blood througout body to keep it functioning properly.
    circulatory system
  4. muscular pump
  5. larget blood vessels that cary oxygenated blood away from the heart.
  6. takes blood from the body back to the heart
  7. smallest blood vessels thatcarry blood from arteries to body's cells and from those cells to the veins
  8. condition characterized by shortage of red blood cells
  9. occurs when blood flow to one part of the brain is severely restricted or cut off.
  10. infection of the lungs and causes difficulty breathing.
  11. swelling or inflammation of the bronchi
  12. group of tissues that make body parts move.
    muscular system
  13. organs that take in food and break it down into achemical form tht can be absorbed by the body.
    digestive system
  14. provides ways for waste to be excreted from the body.
    excretory system
  15. includes skin, hair, sweat glands, and oil glands
    integumentary system
  16. inborn resistance to certain diseases.
    natural immunity
  17. the body adapts to respond to certain invaders and then can remember who the intruders were so next time they care ready to attack.
    acquired immunity
  18. maintains moneostasis (a stable internal environment)
    nervous system
  19. comes from animal resources like meat, poultry, fish, cheese, eggs
    complete protein
  20. starches that turn to sugar
    Complex carbohydrates
  21. what is LDL
    • Low Density Lipoproteins
    • also called bad cholestoral
  22. what is HDL
    • High Density Lipoprotein
    • also called good cholestoral
  23. organic substances that body needs to help regulate and coordinate functions of the body
  24. inorganic substances essential for your body
  25. self-induced starvation resulting in extreme weight loss, intense fear of gaining weight and becoming fat.
  26. pattern of bingeing (eating large amounts of food) followed by self-induced vomiting, or laxative abuse with or without weight loss.
  27. volume of blood pumped by heart in one minute
    cardiac output
  28. volume of blood heart pumped at each stroke
    stroke volume
  29. activies you can participate in, throughout your life... examples: golf, swimming, tennis
    lifetime sport
  30. gradually doing more than normal to improve your performance
  31. starting with little and gradually adding to it regularly to improve
  32. principle of exercise that you must do specific kinds of exercise to develop certain parts of the body.
  33. responsible for more infections than any other pathogen
  34. one-celled tiny organisms that come in many shapes.
  35. organisms that usually cause diseases of the skin such as ringworm and athletes foot.
  36. those that develop suddenly with symptoms that are often severe.
    acute disease
  37. develop gradually and may persist for years
    chronic disease
  38. caused by a virus that is spread through fecally-contaminated food, water, or objects
    Hepatitis A
  39. Can cause extensive liver damage in a person suffering from this infection
    Hepatitis B
  40. most common of STD in US- most difficult to discover, can casue great damage to reproductive system
  41. next most common STD after chlamydia
    often called the "preventer of life" because it can cause sterilization in both males and females
  42. STD called "the great imitator" because it looks like many other diseases.
  43. 3 types of cardiovascular disease
    • arteriosclerosis
    • high blood pressure
    • stroke
  44. hardening of arteries
  45. hypertension
    High Blood Pressure
  46. insulin dependent - usually in young people, but can develop up to age 35
    Diabetes 1
  47. non insulin dependant. usually appears gradually in people over age 40
    Diabetes 2
  48. your body's response to external and internal changes
  49. is the stimulus that triggers stress
  50. occurs when the stress reaches a point when feelings of depression, confussion, and exhaustion replace natural excitement and drive to meet a challenge.
  51. flaking of the outer layer of dead skin cells
  52. insects that can live in the hair and look much like dandruff
    head lice
  53. gum disease caused by buildup of plaque and tarter on the teeth
  54. more advanced gum disease
    peridontal disease
  55. grainy, sticky coating that is constantly forming on your teeth
  56. hard substance that is formed on teeth
  57. condition where upper and lower teeth do not align properly
  58. to expose to hazard or danger
  59. unexpected harmful event that occurs by chance
  60. forcing a person to have sex without consent
  61. sexual intercourseis attemptedbut doesnt occur
    attempted rape
  62. adult has sex with a minor with minor consent
    statutory rape
  63. affects only the outer layer of skin
    first degree burn
  64. damage not only to outer layer of skin but also the layer beneath
    second degree burn
  65. very serious burns in which all the layers of skin are damaged
    third degree burns
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ota health
health final exam