What is the natural order of life?
When was the natural order changed? How?
In Incarnation, humans became higher than angels
What are teh three fundamental/basic truths?
- 1) we are created good
- 2) we are in need of salvation
- 3) we are meant for eternal life in the glory of God's holy presence
What are three things Jesus promised us?
- New life
- we will see God in heaven
- we're in union with the trinity
In the Old Testament, what does Pentecost celebrate?
God's gift of the Torah/the Law, to the people of Israel
As a bishop, priest or deacon, what is ordrained ministry conferred through?
The Sacrement of Holy Orders
Who can confer ordained ministry through the Sacrement of Holy Orders?
A bishop, priest or deacon
What are we doing when we are praying for the dead?
We are interceding for those in Purgatory and asking that they may soon enjoy the everlasting glory, peace and comfort of God's holy presence
What is Eucharistic Adoration?
Belief that the wine and bread really becoem the blood and body of Christ though they maintain bread and wine shape
What are Evangelical Counsels?
The call to go beyond the minimum rules of life required by God and strive for spiritual perfection through a life marked by a commitment to chastity, poverty and obedience
What is the Fall?
Also called the fall from Grace, the biblical revelation about the origins of sin and evil in the world
What is the Reign of God?
The rule of God over the hearts of people
What is a Lay person?
Any person who is a not a bishop, priest or deacon
Define consecreate.
To make holy
What is Grace?
The gift of God's loving presence with us that allows us to respond to God's call
What is Sacremental Life?
What helps us attain a heavenly home
What are Sacrements?
Visible signs of God's invisible grace that unite us all
What are Bishops?
Descendants of Apostles
What is faith?
Makes us blessed
What is the real presence?
Where the bread and wine turn into Jesus' real body and blood