Distribution Channel (Marketing Channel)
A sequence of marketing organizations that directs a product from the producer to the ultimate user.
Middleman (or marketing intermediary)
A marketing organization that links a producer and user withina marketing channel
Merchant Middleman
A middleman that actually takes title to products by buying them
Functional Middleman
a middleman that helps in the tranfer of ownership of products but does not take title to the products
A middleman that buys from producers or other middlemen and sells to consumers
a middleman that sells products to other fims
Intiensive distribution
the use of all available outlets for a product
Selective distribution
The use of only a portion of the abailable outlets for a product in each geographic area
Exclusive distribution
the use of only a single retail outlet for a product in a large geographic area
Supply-Chain management
Long-term partnership among channel members working together to create adistribution systemm that reduces inefficiencies costs and redundancies while creating a competive advantage satisfying customers
Merchant wholesaler
a middleman that purchases goods in large quantities and then sells them to other wholesalers or retailers and to institutional, farm, government, professional or industrial users
Full service wholesaler
A middleman that performs the entire range of wholesaler functions
General merchandise wholesaler
a middleman that deals in a wide variety of products
Limited line wholesaler
a middleman that stocks only a few product lines but carries numerous product items within each line
Specialty-line wholesaler
A middleman that carries a select group of products within a single line
A middleman that expedites exhanges, represents a buyer or a seller, and often is hired permanently on a commission basis
A middleman that specializes in a particualr commodity,represents either a buyer or a seller, and is likely to be hired on a tempory basis
Independent retailer
A firm that operates only one retail outlet
Chain retailer
A company that operates more than one retail outlet
Department store
a retail store that (1) employs 25 or more persons and (2) sells at least home furnishings, appliances ,family apparel, and household linens and dry good, each in a dfferent part of the store.
Discount store
A self service general merchandise outlet that sells products at lower than usual prices
Warehouse Showroom
A retail facility in a large, low cost building witha large on-premises inventory and minimal service
Convenience store
a small food store that sells a limited variety of products but remains open well beyond normal business hours
A large self serice store that sells primarily food and household products
a large retail store that carries not only food and nonfood products ordinarily found supermarkets but also additional product lines
Warehouse club
A large scale member-only establishment that combines features of cash and carry wholesaling withdiscount retailing
traditionl specialty store
A store that carries a narrow product mix with deep product lines
Off-Price retailer
A store that buys manufacturs seconds,overruns returns, and off season merchandise for resale to consumers at deep discounts
Category Killer
a very large specialty store that concentrates on a single product line and competes on the basis of low prices and product availability
Nonstore retailing
A type of retailing whereby consumers purchase products without visiting a store
Direct Selling
The marketing of products to customers through face-to-face sales presentations at home or in the workplace
Direct Marketing
Is the use of the telephone, Internet, and nonpersonal media to introduce products to customers, who then can purchase them via mail, telephone, or the Internet
Catalog marketing
A type of marketing in which an organization provides a catalog from which cutomers make selections and place orders by mail, telephone, or the Internet
Direct-Response marketing
A type of marketing in which a retailer advertises a product and makes it available through mail, telephone or online orders
Television home shopping
A form of selling in which products are presented to television viewers, who can by them by callina a toll free number and payiing witha a credit card
Online retailing
Retailing that makes products available to buyers through computer connection
Automatic Vending
the use of machines to dispense products
Lifestyle shopppping center
An open air environment shopping center with upscale chain specialty stores
Neighborhood shopping center
A planned shopping center consisiting of several small convenience and specialty stores
Community shopping center
A planned shopping center that includes one or two department stores and some specialty stores, along with convenience stores
regional shopping center
a planned shopping center containing large department stores, numerous specialty stores, restaurants, movie theaters and sometimes even hotels
Physical distribution
all those activities concerned with the efficient movement of products from the producer to the ultimate user
Inventory management
the process of managing inventories in such a way as to minimize inventory costs, including both holding costs and potential stockout costs
Order Processing
Activities involved in receiving and filling customers purchase orders
The set of activities involved in receiving and storing goods and preparing themm for reshipment
Materials handling
The actual physical handling of goods, in warehouses as well as during transportation
The shipment of products customers
A firm that offers transportation services
communication about an organization and its products that is intended to inform, persade or remind target market members
integrated marketing communications
coordination of promotion efforts to ensure mazimal informationl and persuasive impact on customers
Promotion Mix
the particular combination of promotion methods a firm uses to reacha target market
A paid nonpersonal message communicated to select audience through a mass medium
Personal Selling
personal communication aimed at informing customers and persuading them to buy a firms products
Sales promotion
The use of activities or materials as direct inducements to customers or salespersons
public relations
communication activities used to create and maintain favorable relationships between an organization and various public groups, both internal and external
primary demand advertising
advertising whose purpose is to increase the demand for all brands of a product within a specific industry
Selective-Demand advertising
Advertising that is used to sell a particular brand of product
Institutional Advertising
Advertising designed to enhancea firm's image or reputation
Advertising Agency
An independent firm that plans, produces and places advertising for its clients
Order Getter
A salesperson who is responsible for selling a firm's products to new customers and increasing sales to present customers
Creative Selling
Selling products to new customers and increasing sales to present customer
Order Taker
A salesperson who handles repeat sales in ways that maintain positive relationships with customers
Sales Support Personnel
Employees who aid in selling but are more involved in locating prospects, education customers, building goodwill for the firm, and providing follow-up service
Missionary salesperson
a salesperson generally emplyed by a manufactur who visits retailers to persuade them to buy the manufacturers products
Trade salesperson
Salesperson-Generally employeed by food producer or processor-who assists customer in promoting products, especially in retail stores
Technical Salesperson
A salesperson who assists a compny's current customers in technical matters
Consumer sales promotion method
a sales promotion method designed to attract consumers to particular retail stores and to motivate them to purchase certain new or established products
Trade sales promotion method
a sales promotion method designed to encourage wholesalers and retailers to stock and actively promote a manufacturer's product
A return of part of the purchase price of a product
reduces the retail price of a particular item by a stated amount at the time of puchase
A free product given to customers to encourage trial and purchase
A gift that a producer offers a customer in return for buying its product
Frequent-user incentive
a program developed to reward customers who engge in repeat purchases
Point of purchase display
promotional material placed within a retail store
Trade Show
an industry-wide exhibit atwhich many sellers display their products
Buying allownace
a temporary price reduction to resellers for purchasing specified quantities of a product
Cooperative advertising
An arrangement whereby a manufacurer agrees to papy a certain amount of a retailers media cost for advertising the manufacturer's products
Communication in news-story form about an organization, its products, or both
News Release
A typed page of about 300 words provide by an organization to the media as a form of publicity
feature article
A piece prepare by an organization for inclusion in a particular publication
captioned photograph
a picture accompanied by a brief explanation
press conference
A meeting at which invited media personnel hear importan ntews announcements and receive supplementary textual material and photographs