How do people make privilege happen?
- Through their actions in relation to others (i.e. discriminate).
- >discrimination helps maintain privilege.
How can males also be hurt by gender inequality? 2 points.
To always try to retain control > maintain power.
- Have to try to always "measure up" to being a man.
- Compete constantly with other men.
Is violence against gays and women related?
Gays threaten straight males by undermining what "real men" are > don't need to have sexual power over women > threatens accepted existing gender relationships, illegitmizes it.
Lesbians challenge "manhood" by not submitting to men as sexual partners.
How are whites affected by "race troubles"?
- Hypersensitive to race issues b/c of discomfort
- Uncomfortable around blacks
- Low morale b/c racism points out hypocriticalness of values (i.e. fairness, equality, decency, justice)
Is problem with privilege related only to individuals?
Problems also exist in organizations, communities & society.
How is it related to organizations, communities and societies?
B/c they act as though issues don't exist > deal with everything in panic mode > get rid of "trouble-makers" > maintain status quo.
- White men don't properly mentor non-whites and females.
- > treat them "fairly" by treating them like other whites w/o being able to understand their plight.
Problem > culture of DENIAL & NEGLECT
How can change to existing problem of privilege be made?
- Not in healing messages:
- pretend that bad stuff is in the past
- damage only emotional, not in tangible terms