1. Which bronchi is longer and has a more acute angle than the other?
  2. Respiratory center is located where?
    the medulla
  3. a curved laryngoscope blade is inserted where?
    in the vallecula
  4. after intubating the chest and breath sounds are NOT being heard on both sides, what do you do?
    move tube back slightly and reevaluate
  5. In most cases, if the tube is inserted too far, it will lodge where?
    the right bronchus
  6. Respiratory system palpable just above the sternum is what?
  7. Covers trachea during swallowing and prevents aspiration is what?
  8. Narrowest part of the upper airway in infants is where?
    cricoid cartilage
  9. the oropharyngeal airway is measured how?
    from patient's mouth to angle of the jaw
  10. endotracheal tubes for children and infants are what?
  11. When suctioning the upper airway, when do you activate negative pressure?
    when the tip is in the oropharynx
  12. a nasophyngeal airway is measured from the nares to the what?>
    angle of the jaw
  13. what is the Sellick maneuver?
    applying pressure to the cricoid ring which prevents regurgitation and aspiration. Use on unresponsive patients without a gag reflex
  14. Primary indication for orotracheal intubation in the field is what?
    securing airway and ventilating a patient in respiratory arrest.
  15. What is a stylet?
    tube inserted into the endotracheal tube to provide stiffness and shape to help guide tube.
  16. what is an end tidal CO2 detector?
    confirms ET tube placement by monitoring blood gasses
  17. method for sizing and ET tube for child
    16 plus child's age divided by 4
  18. Monitoring a child's heart rate is important because why?
    stimulation of airway can cause slowing of the heart rate
  19. How is a Combitube (ETC) inserted?
  20. Name the most significant complication when using the Combi tube (ETC)?
    ventilation of the incorrect port after inserting the device
  21. How much do you inflate a Combi tube (ETC)?
    • proximal 80-100ml
    • distal 10-20ml
  22. What is unique about a child's tube?
    its not cuffed.
  23. Most dangerous complication of endotracheal intubation, why?
    esophageal intubation. leads to inadequate ventilation, severe hypoxia, and gastric inflation if not corrected in a few minutes
  24. What is a Miller blade?
    Straight blade that lifts epiglottis to allow visualization of the vocal cords. Most often used for children and infants
  25. What is a MacIntosh blade?
    curved blade inserted into the vallecula. Elevates epiglottis and allows a view of vocal cords and glottic opening.
  26. What is hypoxemia?
    abnormal deficiency in O2 concentration of arterial blood
  27. What is hypoxia?
    Inadequate O2
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