Bible Exam 3

  1. Paul saw himself as one of the victors sent by god as part of the triumphal procession?
    T or F
  2. The cynics were criticized for?
    Begging for money and telling rough jokes
  3. After leaving Ephesus, the Lord "opened a door" for the gospel in...
  4. Unlike many of his Jewish friends, Paul did not seem to display an awareness of how craft Satan is?
    T or F
  5. The "Roman triumph" was essentially a:
    huge parade
  6. After the Romans defeated Judea in the Jewish war, they set up in Rome...
    The arch of Titus
  7. The last part of the "Roman tiumph" was when...
    Prisoners were killed
  8. The Sophist generally were highly regarded in Paul's day?
    T or F
  9. Paul was proud to be called a "peddler of the gospel"?
    T or F
  10. Paul did not think that the Corinthian church had sufficiently punished the man who had attacked him on the "painful visit"?
    T or F
  11. Paul called ____ a "ministry of death"
    The Mosaic Law
  12. Erastus was commended for?
    Laying pavement in Corinth
  13. The man who wore a "veil" was...
  14. Although we know that Jews lived in Corinth, no evidence of a synagogue has been found in the city?
    T or F
  15. The author in making application tells the story of a missionary in a ____ country.
  16. Although familiar to us today, letters of reference were almost unknown in Paul's day?
    T or F
  17. Most mirrors in antiquity were made of polished metal and produced unclear images?
    T or F
  18. The judgement seat in the forum at Corinth was called the...
  19. Paul's emphasis on the "new covenant" was influenced by the OT prophet...
  20. Erastus in the famous "Erastus Inscription" in Corinth was...
    the "city treasurer"
  21. The prase "a tool that speaks" referred to...
  22. the paradox of the Christian life is inner revewal in the midst of outer, physical decay?
    T or F
  23. In some ways Paul and his colleagues, at least on the surface, looked like other itinerant preachers and philosophers?
    T or F
  24. As far as we can tell, Corinth did not have an emperior cult?
    T or F
  25. Mastema, Azael, Samael and "god" are other names for...
  26. The first emperor to be deified as a "god" was...
    Julius Caesar
  27. The Christian ___ was burned at the stake for refusing to pay homage to the Roman gods and the Roman emperor.
  28. Unlike many of the philosophers of his day, Paul is not negative about the physical body?
    T or F
  29. The emperor Domitian was called...
    Lord and God
  30. Paul said that the gospel was contained in...
    Jars of clay
  31. Greek writers described the body as...
    A prison of the soul
  32. Paul compares the temporary nature of this physical body with a...
  33. The phrase "new creation" was particular to Paul and unknow in Judaism?
    T or F
  34. The most dazzling orators of Paul's day were the...
  35. The word "gymnasium" is related to the Greek word for...
  36. The words, "I was not, I was, I am not, I care not" were found inscribed on....
    Grave markers
  37. As a general rule, nakedness did not bother Jews?
    T or F
  38. The bema at Corinth was not only a place for judicial pronouncements, but also served as...
    A platform for public oration
  39. "Reconciliation" has its background in...
  40. During the intermediate "naked state" the soul and/or spirit is temporarily separate from the body?
    T or F
  41. In the Mediterranean world core values included...
    Honor and shame
  42. Since most homes in Corinth did not have much room, the ___ provided facilities for entertaining at dinner parties...
  43. The Roman god of war was...
  44. Like others in the first century, Paul in his "hardship lists" stressed self reliance?
    T or F
  45. Belial is another name for...
  46. The "hardship catalogs" of Paul listing some of the hardship he endured were also common among the...
    Cynics and Stoics
  47. As far as we know, there was a temple of Aphrodite in Corinth, but not a temple of Apollo?
    T or F
  48. The warning "not to be yoked with unbelievers" especially applied to christians in Corinth frequenting pagan temples?
    T or F
  49. Paul in no way undermines the significance of the temple in Jerusalem?
    T or F
  50. In the Roman army infantryman carried two of these...
    Medium lenght javelins
  51. Repentance is, the author says, mainly done only at the beginning of the Christian life?
    T or F
  52. The god of healing was...
  53. The ancient philosophy that stressed lack of emotion, feeling or attachment in life was...
  54. The goddess of health was..
  55. Worldy sorrow for sin is the same as repentance?
    T or F
  56. This colleague and helper to Paul was a Greek, had traveled to Jerusalem with Paul and later was sent to Crete. Who is he?
  57. One of Paul's Jewish contemporaries pictured repentance as...
    A beautiful angel
  58. Paul was very relieved at the treatment ___ received from the Corinthians after being sent to them.
  59. In antiquity, the word "salvation" usually meant deliverance from calamity rather than eternal life?
    T or F
  60. Candid speech was not favored in the ancient world between either friends or foes?
    T or F
  61. The population of Corinth during Paul's day was about ___.
  62. Some think that chapters 10-13 belong to an earlier letter because they are so negative?
    T or F
  63. The Corinthians thought Paul was fickle because...
    he had changed his travel plans
  64. Paul's new opponents in Corinth had recently arrived from: (2nd Cor.)
  65. The maximum number of guests that even large, elegant villas could hold at Corinth was about ___ persons:
    50 ppl
  66. The "god of oaths" among the ancients was...
  67. By the time 2 Corinthians was written most, if not all of the problems which are reflected in 1st Corinthians, had been settled?
    T or F
  68. On the "painful visit" Paul made to Corinth he was...
    attacked by a member of the congregation
  69. The Corinthians appreciated Paul's willingness to make tents rather than accept their patronage?
    T or F
  70. Paul says that the ___ was an "arrabon" or down payment in lieu of a full payment later on.
    Holy Spirit
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Bible Exam 3
2nd cor. ch 1-7