became one of the most influential of all American psychologist
organisms tend to repeat responses that lead to positive outcomes they tend not to repeat responses that lead to neutral or negative outcomes
Applied psychology
a branc of psychology concerned whith everyday practical problems
The premise that knowledge should be acquired though abservation
needs data, document prove
A tentative statement about the relationship berween 2 or more vareables
Operational Defenition
Describes the actions or operations that will be used to measure or control a variable
Independant Variable
A condition or event that an experimenter varies or maipulates in order to see its impact on another variable
causes change
Dependent Variable
the variable that is thought to be affected by manipulation of the independent variable
gets changed
if independent varable is manipulated than dependent changes
Termital buttons
small knobs that secrete chemicals which are called neurotransmitters
a junction where information is transmitted from one neuron to another
a process in which neurotransmitters are spinged up from synaptic cleft by the presynaptic neuron
REM Sleep
Rapid Eye Movement
rapid eef
dreaming rem and profound muscle relaxating go with rem stage of sleep
How can lethal overdose occur
Classical Conditioning
A type of learning in which a stimulus acquires the capacity ot evoke a response that was originally evoked by another stimulus
Conditioned Response
A learned reaction to conditioned stimulus that occurs becuase of previous conditioning
Negative Reinsforcement
occurs when a response is streaghtned bcuz it is followed by the removal of aversive unpleseasant stimulus
involves focusing awareness on narrow range of stimuli or events
is an organized cluster of knowledge about a particular object of sequence of events
Archivement tests
measure previous learning instead of potential
skinner theory language
proposed that children learn language the same they learn everything else
though imitaion, reinforcement and shaping
consistes of symbols that convey meaning and rules for combining these symbols that can be used to generate an infinite variety of messages
Language is generative
meaning a limited number ofsymbols that can combined in an infinite variety of ways to generate and endless array of meanings
the reinforcement of closer and closer approxiamation of the desired response
Age of viobility
the age at which a baby can survive in the event of a premature birth sometime between 22 and 26 weeks
Erik ericksons stage theory
trust vs mistrust
autonomy vs shame and doubt
initiative vs guild
industry vs inferiority
The two major aspects of people are defined by personality are_____and_____
The ID
the devil
the primitive instivtive component of personality that operates according to the pleasure principles
i want it now
eat sleep sex poop peep
biologial urges
gets outof control breaks rules
the brain
the decision making component of personality othat operates according to the reality principle
2 yrs secondary process thinking moderage you dont always get wat you want
against id/ morally wrong or right
the moral component of personality that incorporates social standarts about what represeents right and wron
guilt + shame when break rules
pride+ self satisfations when followe
any circumstances that threatenor are perceived to threten ones well being and thereby tax ones coping abilites
is experienced whenever you want somehtin adn u cant have it
occurs when two or more incompartible motificatiosn or behaviour implused compete for expression
Phobia Disorder
a persistend and irrational fear of an object or situation that presents no realistic danger
Panic Disorder
Recurrent attacks of overwhelmin anxiety that usually occur suddenlyor unexpectly
Bipolar Disorder
formely known as main drepressive disorder
is marked by the experience of both depressend and maniac periods
a chemical used to control mood swings in patients w. bipolar mood disorders
Anti depresent drugs
gradually elevate mood and help bring ppl ou of depression
take 1 - 2 weeks to reduce symptoms of depression
Group therapy
the simultaneous treatment of several clients in group
4-15 ppl less expensive group memers fuctions as therapist for each other
Behaviour therapy
involves applicaion of the principles of learning to direct efforts to change clients maldaptive behaviours
base on research by bf sknner
Antianxiety drugs
reduce tension, apprehension and nervousness including valium, xanax, and ativan.
Tardive dyskinesia
a neurological disorder markedby involutary writhing and tic like movement of the mouth tongue and face
side effect of antipsychotic drugs
Schizophrenic disorder
are a class of disorders marked by fragmentation of taught processes including delusions, hallucinations speech and deterioration of adaptive behaviour
is a system of interrelated ideas used to explain a set of observatins.
Cognitive Therapy
an isight threapy that empahsizex recognizing and changing negative thoughts and maladaptive beliefs
Cilent centred therapy
and insight therapy that imphasizes provding a supportive emotional climate for clients who play a major role in determining the pace and direction of their therapy.
Experimental Research method
a research method in which theinvestigator manipulates a variable under carefully controlled condtions and observes whether any changes occur in a second varable as a relationships
Fetal stage
the third stage of prenatal development lasting from two montss trough birth
the fetus becomes capable of physical movement during this stage
freuds method for treating mental disorder
for psychotdynamic+ freud focus on uncoucious mental forces
involves efforts to vercome imagined or real inferiourites by developing ones abilities
both argued freud over analys\zed sexual drugs
Insight therapies
clients engage in complex verbal interaction with their therapists with the goal being to pursue increased insight regarding their problems and to sort through possible solutions
refers to largely unconscious defensive manuevers intended to hinder the progress of therapy
Free Association
when clients spontaneously express their thoughts and feelings exactly as they occur with as little cesorship as possible
when clients start relating to the therapist in ways that mimic critcal relationships in their lives
are physicians who specialize in the diagnosis and treatment ofpsychological disorders. they prescribe drugs as well.
Clinical psychologist
who specialize in the diagnisis and reatment of psychological disorders and full fledged mental disorders