Bio 205 Final STI

  1. What is safer sex?
    Contraception and Prevention of Infection
  2. Types of Sexually Transmitted Infections
    • Viruses
    • Bacteria
    • Protozoa
    • Fungi
  3. Viral STI's (viruses)
    • Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
    • Human Papilloma Virus
    • Herpes Simplex Type 2
    • Genital Herpes
    • Hepatitis A,B,D, and G
  4. Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
    • Increasing heterosexual transmission
    • Open wound is susceptible for virus to come in
    • Opportunistic infection causes death
  5. Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)
    • Genital Warts
    • Chronic Infection
    • Carriers without lesions
  6. Herpex Simplex Type 2
    • Itching
    • Blisters
    • Painful Ulcers
  7. Genital Herpes
    • After healing, disease present but latent
    • Triggered by stress, sunlight, hormone changes
  8. Hepatitis A,B,D,and G
    • Inflammation or infection in the liver
    • 6-7 different types
  9. Hepatitis A
    Fecal contamination of water and/or food stuff
  10. Hepatitis B
    Can be passed through by blood, sexual secretions, or breast milk
  11. Hepatisis D
    • Present only with Hepatitis B
    • Through sexual secretions
  12. Hepatitis G*
  13. Bacterial STI's
    • Chlamydia
    • Gonorrhea
    • Syphilis
  14. Chlamydia
    • Most commonly transferred STI in the US
    • Vaginal, anal, oral sex transmission
    • Usually silent; women often reinfected
  15. Gonorrhea
    • GU, eye, throat infection
    • Throat symptoms same as strep throat
    • Blindness in newborn if no c-section
    • VERY antibiotic resistant
    • Can affect joints and heart also
    • Can spread infections to other parts of the body
  16. Syphilis
    • Congenital (mother with it will have it cross the placenta and have the baby born with it)
    • Multiple Stages
    • -Primary Syphilis
    • -Secondary Syphilis
    • -Latent Syphilis
    • -Tertiary Syphilis
    • -Cogenital Syphilis
  17. Primary Syphilis
    • Chancre at the site of infections (painless ulcer)
    • Painless
    • Lesions heals spontaneously
    • Disease will progress
  18. Secondary Syphilis
    • Non-itchy rash
    • Palms and soles too
    • Disappears
  19. Latent Syphilis*
    Being pregnant in this stage has 40% still birth rate
  20. Tertiary Syphilis
    • Gumma - Affects joints, you can get arthritis, and eyes can cause blindness. Can go to brain.
    • Psychological disturbances
  21. Cogenital Syphilis
    • "Being born with a second degree burns all over their body"
    • 40% Stillbirths
    • 40-70% cogenital syphilis of live births transmitted through placenta
  22. Protozoa STI
  23. Trichomonas
    Leads to premature birth (6-7 months)
  24. Crabs (Pubic Lice)
    Anywhere there is hair
  25. Fungal STI
  26. Candida*
    Keeps out other opportunistic infections
  27. Pelvis Inflammatory Disease (PID)
    • Affects more women than gonorrhea
    • 8% sexually active female population
    • Most caused by STI
    • Will "hide" between attacks
    • Major cause of female infertility
  28. PID complications
    • Infertility
    • Chronic pelvic pain
    • Recurrent PID
    • Ectopic pregnancy - baby does not go into the uterus to implant and grow, but implants outside the uterus and implants in the fallopian tube
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Bio 205 Final STI
woo hoo. more biology