TEAS TEST (English)

  1. Facts
    Information based on real, provable, provable events, or situations.
  2. Opinion
    beliefs based on personal judgements, rather than on indusputable facts.
  3. Biases
    Opinions or beliefs that affect a person's ability to make fair, unclouded judgements or decisions.
  4. Stereotypes
    Oversimplified opinions, that do not account for individual differences, about an entire group of people or things.
  5. Criticle reading
    A reading style in which the reader carfully analyzes the text, judging it credibility and the author's intensions, rather than simply accounting the material as facts, is generaly preferable to passive reading.
  6. Characteristics of Different Passage Types

    Main reason for writing a particular piece. Tearms like narrative, expository, technical.
  7. Characteristics of Different Passage Types

    Text that tells a story or relates a chain of events.
  8. Characteristics of Different Passage Types

    A passage that introduces or explains a subject, gives ground work information that is necessary for understanding latter ideas, or analyzing information objectivly.
  9. Characteristics of Different Passage Types

    Writing that passes along precise information, usualy about specific topocs, usualy in a formal or a semi formal style.
  10. Characteristics of Different Passage Types

    Writing that tries to get the reader to agree with the author.
  11. Topic, Main Idea, Supporting Details, and Themes

    The general subject matter covered by the work.
  12. Topic, Main Idea, Supporting Details, and Themes

    Main Idea
    The works specific message
  13. Topic, Main Idea, Supporting Details, and Themes

    Supporting details
    Flush out and explain the main idea.
  14. Topic, Main Idea, Supporting Details, and Themes

    Subjects that a written work frequently touches apon
  15. Topic and Summary Sentences

    Expres the main point of a paragraph, or of a large text structure. Usually, a paragraph starts with a topic sentence.
  16. Topic and Summary Sentences

    Summary sentences
    Generaly apear at or near the end of a sentence, chapeter section or document. Sometimes they sum up the point of the earlier text.
  17. Logical conclusions
    An idea that follows from the facts or ideas presented in the text. NOTE: A logical conclusion does not need to be factual or true; it may be completly logical when viewed on its own.
  18. Predictions, Inference, and Conclusions

    A next step or logical conclusion that is not actualy written in the text; rather it is deducted by the reader, based on information that is in the text.
  19. Persuasive, Informative, Entertaining and expressive passages.
    * Inform: the reader about some fact or event; newspaper articles pften fall into this category.

    * Persuade the reader to a particular viewpoint; this sort of writing is often called persuasive writing.

    * Entertain the reader

    * Express felings: such as poetry.

    One of the reader's most inportant jobs is figuring out this purpose(author's intent)
  20. Text Structure

    Text structure
    The way in which a given text is organized.
  21. Text Structure

    Author presents an action then describes the efffects that result or may result from that action.
  22. Text Structure

    Might be illustrated by presenting the problem in one paragraph, and the solution in another. The author may write one solid parigraph and use one font for the problem and another font for the solution.
  23. Text structure

    Author may present two diferent cases with the intent of making the reader consider the diferences between the two cases.
  24. Text structure

    Passages that use description tend to describe or charactorize a person thing or idea.
  25. Definitions in context

    Consists of surounding words, sentences or paragraphs that usualy help to reveal the word's meaning.
  26. Legends and Keys of Maps

    A small portion of a typical map. Small area that explains the symbols and notationsused on the map.
  27. Legends and Keys of Maps

    Compass rose
    Contained in the legend and indicates the cardinal direction, North, South ect.
  28. Legends and Keys of Maps

    Distance scale
    Contained in the legend. Tells the reader how to intepret distance on the map.
  29. Headings and Subheadings

    Titles that preface a section of text.
  30. Headings and subheadings

    headings that appear below other headings within the same category.
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TEAS TEST (English)
Teas test (English)