IELTS voc18

  1. arson
    burning other's property for a criminal or malicious reason
  2. burglary
    illegal entrance to commit theft
  3. convict
    somebody serving a prison sentence
  4. deterrent
    • something that deter somebody
    • رادع
  5. fraud
    crime of cheating somebody
  6. imprisonment
    • incarceration, custody, captivity
    • jail
  7. intent
    plan or purpose
  8. intrusion
    • unlawful entry into a place
    • invasion
  9. kidnapping
    abduction, capture
  10. motive
    the reason for doing something or behaving some way
  11. murder
    crime of killing someone
  12. offence
    legal or moral crime
  13. pick-pocketing
    petty theft (theft from the people's pocket)
  14. prevention
    • action that stops something from happening
    • *the prevention of crime
  15. prosecutor
    النائب العام
  16. recklessness
    • without thought of danger
    • تهور
    • irresponsibility
  17. smuggle
    • bring something into country illegally
    • تهريب
  18. vandalism
    destructive action, damage, harm
  19. harsh
    • severe, critical
    • * a harsh winter
    • * harsh prison condition
  20. law-abiding (law-abyding)
    obeying law
  21. on trial
  22. petty
    insignificant, mean, narrow minded
  23. abide
    • put up with, stand for, bear
    • tolerate something
  24. anecdotal
  25. abolish
    put an end to, eliminate
  26. perpetrate
    do something wrong, commit
  27. resent
    feel aggrieved about something or toward someone, because of a perceived wrong or injustice
  28. elusive
    difficult to find
  29. contend
    state something
  30. bully
    aggressive person
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IELTS voc18
IELTS vocabulary unit 18