Lightning Equations

  1. Zone of Protection Equation
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  2. Bonding Distance
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  3. What are you calculating when you use the Zone of Protection equation? (i.e. what is d?)
    horizontal protected distance
  4. What is h1 of the protected distance equation for zone of protection?
    height of the higher air terminal or protected roof
  5. What is h2 of the protected distance equation for zone of protection?
    height of the lower roof or object under consideration for protection
  6. What is R of the protected distance equation for zone of protection?
    rolling sphere radius = 150 feet
  7. What is h in the bonding distance formula?
    vertical distance between the bond being considered and the nearest lightning protection system bond (for buildings under 40 feet it can be considered the building height)
  8. What is n?
    • n = 1 where there is only one
    • n = 1.5 where there are only two
    • n = 2.25 where are are three or more
  9. What is Km in the bonding distance formula?
    • a value of 1 if the potential flashover is through the air
    • a value of 0.50 if through solid building material
  10. Sample Bonding Calculations Table
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  11. Sideflash distance from a mast formula
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  12. What is the equation for sideflash distance from an overhead ground wire?
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  13. Slope
Card Set
Lightning Equations
Lightning Equations