
  1. Air Conditioning
    FLOW Switch Must Be in NORM For Takeoffs
  2. Altitude - Maximum Operating
  3. Autoland - Maximum Wind Components
    • Headwind.....25 kts
    • Tailwind.......10 kts
    • Crosswind.....15 kts
  4. Autoland - No Operations
    • ALIGN mode is not annunciated on the FMA by 100 feet RA
    • Any unusual control position or other abnormal condition exists in the flight control system
    • RUDDER PWR OFF alert is displayed
    • Runway slope for landing exceeds; 0.8% to -0.8%
    • Airport elevation exceeds 8000 ft MSL
  5. Autopilot
    • During takeoff, do not engage the autopilot below 500 ft AGL
    • Do not conduct an auto coupled (ILS or Autoland) approach if STAB OUT OF TRIM alert illuminates for longer than 3 seconds when stabilized and tracking the glideslope
    • For non-precision approaches, the autopilot must be disengaged no lower than the applicable mins. minus 50 ft
  6. APU
    • APU Air Switch must be OFF for takeoff and inflight operations
    • APU starter motor duty cycle is limited to 3 consecutive start attempts (Wait 30 mins. prior to further starts)
    • The APU can be started and operated throughout the airplane envelope
  7. APU Operational Limits
    All Operations: Red Boxed Digits When Limits Exceeded
  8. Maximum Weights
    • Taxi: 121,000
    • Takeoff: 120,000
    • Landing: 104,000
    • ZFW: 98,000
  9. Communications
    DO NOT use VHF-3 for ATC communications with ACARS operational
  10. Maximum Runway Contaminates For Takeoff and Landing

    Contaminated Runway
    • Standing Water and/or Slush - 1/2 inch
    • Wet Snow - 1 inch
    • Dry Snow - 4 inches

    Single-engine CAT II/III landings are not permitted on contaminated runway
  11. Emergency Lights
    The emergency light system must be armed for all flight operations
  12. Engine Crosswind Limitations For Takeoff
    The engine limiting crosswind component is 40 knots

    For Crosswinds greater than 40 knots or tailwinds greater than 10 knots, only taxi and ground handling is allowed with the engine N1 limited to 50%
  13. Engine Limits:

    TGT: Takeoff / Max Continuous Thrust / Starting Ground (Flight)
    Oil Temp (Min/Max): Takeoff / Max Continuous Thrust / Starting Ground (Flight)
    Minimum Oil Pressure: Takeoff / Max Continuous Thrust / Starting Ground (Flight)
    Max Rotor Speeds: Takeoff / Max Continuous Thrust / Starting Ground (Flight)
    TGT: Redline (900) 5 mins / Amber Line (850) Continouous / Red Line

    Oil Temp: Red Line and Red Boxed Temperature

    Min Oil Pressure: Red Boxed Pressure

    Max Rotor Speeds: Red Line / Red Line / NA

    In the event of an engine failure during takeoff or go-around, a total time of 10 minutes at takeoff thrust is allowed
  14. Engine Limits (Cont.)
    • Oil Pressure normal operating limits are green arc. Max and Min oil pressures are indicated by a Red Boxed Value
    • Normal oil pressure is 45psi; Below 35 psi is undesirable, tolerated for compleation of flight at reduced power
    • Use of N1 mode for takeoffs is prohibited
    • Icing conditions exist when TAT is 6C and below and visible moisture is present in any form, or dewpoint and OAT are within 3C of each other
  15. Engine Starter Duty Cycle
    • 3 minutes on, 15 seconds off
    • 3 minutes on, 15 seconds off
    • 3 minutes on, 15 minutes off
    • After 15 minutes wait (above) repeat cycle
  16. Evacuation System
    Prior to departure movement from the passenger loading ramp until arrival at the unloading ramp the:

    • Slide Girt Bars must be inserted in the floor fittings at the forward entry and foward service door
    • The emergency operating handle on the aft pressure bulkhead door must be exposed and the normal operating handle covered
  17. Flaps
    Takeoff with flap settings of less than 5 degress is prohibited
  18. Flight Crew - Minimum Required
    Two Pilots
  19. Flight Management System (FMS)
    The accuracy of the FMS performance predictions has not been demonstrated, therefore airplane range calculations, fuel management, and engine out terrain clearance must not be predicated on FMS use

    Lateral navigation (NAV) must not be engaged to the flight director and/or autopilot until the airplane is 400 feet AGL

    Lateral navigation (NAV) must be maually disengaged for landing approach when 50 feet below minimuns

    When operating in the IRS NAV only, the airplane position must be verified using other navigation systems if available

    FMS generated V-Speeds will not be used for takeoff
  20. Fuel / Hydraulic System
    DO NOT reset any tripped Fuel Pump or Hydraulic Auxiliary Pump circuit breakers
  21. Fuel Ballast
    Fuel may be loaded into the center tank for ballast purposed provided the following condions are met:

    • Compleation of the flight, inclucing reserve fuel, does not require the use of ballast fuel
    • The ZFW and CG includes the weight of the ballast fuel
  22. Fuel Loading
    If the main tanks are not full, fuel may be added into the center tank until full if the ZFW and CG plus the center tank fuel DO NOT exceed the MZFW and CG Limits
  23. Fuel Management
    After takeoff, the center tank fuel shall be emptied prior to using the main tank fuel. If ballast fuel is being carried, the center shall be emptied to the ballast fuel value prior to using main tank fuel

    Maximum permissible lateral unbalance under all operating conditions, including engine out is: for taxi, takeoff, inflight, and landing - 1500 pounds
  24. Landing Gear and Brakes
    • DO NOT set parking break if BRAKE OVERHEAT alert is displayed
    • DO NOT takeoff is any break temperature exceeds temperature limits from the MAX TAKEOFF BRAKE TEMP chart
    Maximum airspeed with malfunctioning or inoperative MACH Trim Compensator (MTC) is .78 MACH
  26. Pressurization - Cabin
    If operating in the manual mode; takeoff and land unpressurized

    • Max cabin differential pressure: 7.86 PSI
    • Max emergency relief pressure: 8.27 PSI
  27. Reduced Thrust Takeoffs (FLEX) Prohibited
    • Contaminated runway
    • Anti-Skid inoperative
    • MEL or CDL item which effects the Max Takeoff Weight
    • Engine intrument inoperative
    • Windshear (known or suspected)
  28. Reverse Thrust
    • DO NOT takeoff with U/L or REV displayed on the primary engine display
    • Inflight movement of reverse thrust levers or use of inflight reverse thrust is prohibited
  29. Reverse Thrust For Powerback
    Thrust reversers on both engines must be operative

    Power back is not authorized when winds are higher than 25 knots, or when ice, snow, or slush is on the ramp, or during periods of heavy raing

    Application of brakes while backing is prohibited
  30. Rudder Power
    The rudder hydraulic power must be on for takeoff
  31. Rudder - Manual Rudder Control
    DO NOT attempt an approach or missed approach at a speed less than 144 KIAS (until landing is assured) whe RUDDER PWR OFF alert is displayed
  32. Speed Brakes
    Speed Brakes must not be used with the flaps extended beyond 20 degrees

    DO NOT move spoiler / speed brake lever to ground spoiler position in flight
  33. Max Speeds:

    Turbulence Penetration Speed
    Vmo: 340 KIAS

    MMO: .82 MACH

    MACH .75 / 275 KIAS
  34. Slat Extend Speed
    280 KIAS / MACH .57
  35. MAX Flap Speeds
    • 0-10 degrees 280/.57
    • 10.1-20 degrees 240/.57
    • 20.1-25 degrees 220/.57
    • 25.1-40 degrees 200/.57
  36. Gear Speeds
    • MACH: .70
    • Landing Gear Retraction: 250 KIAS*
    • Landing Gear Extentions and Extended: 300 KIAS

    *Cumulative system tolerances may dictate a maximum of 230 KIAS to achieve positve gear retraction
  37. Tailwind For Takeoff And Landing
    Limiting tailwind component for takeoff and landing is 10 knots
  38. Windshield Heat
    DO NOT operate windshield anti-ice or anti-fog on cracked windshield

    DO NOT exceed 315 KIAS below 10,000 feet when windshield is inoperative on any windshield
  39. Cracked Windshield (limits below 10,000 feet)
    Inner glass cracked: Under 235 KIAS

    Outer glass cracked: Under 315 KIAS
  40. Windshear Guidance
    Use of the flight director for coupled windshear guidance with one engine inoperative is prohibited
  41. Wing Landing Lights
    Wing landing light motors should be allowed to cool for 1.5 minutes after initial extension or rectraction and 3.5 minutes after each subsequent extenstion or rectraction

    Lamps should not be ON in still ambient air for periods of over 10 minutes due to excessive heat buile up
  42. Wing Ice and Ice Detection
    DO NOT takeoff with WING ICE DET alert displayed

    Assure any ice on the wing upper surface is removed prior to flight
Card Set
B717 Limitations