Antepartum Care Review

  1. Maria is 11 weeks pregnant. What are some likely symptoms she may be experiencing:

    E. All of the Above
  2. A client telephones the clinic to ask about a home pregnancy test she used this morning. The nurse understands that the presence of which hormone strongly suggests a woman is pregnant?

    B. Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)

    • Starts day of implantation
    • Detectable at 7-10th day of gestation
    • Rise until 60-70th day of gestation
    • Slight decline until 80th day of gestation
    • Remains stable until 30th week of gestation
    • Level gradually increase until termhCG maintains corpus luteum production of estrogen and progesterone until the placenta takes over this function
  3. When is the gender determined?

    a)The second the egg is fertilized
    b)When everything else starts to develop
    c)The end of the second month (weeks 8-9)The third month (weeks 10-14)
    Weeks 8/9
  4. More than half the neonatal deaths in the United States are caused by:

    1. Failure of lung to expand
    2. Preterm births
    3. Congenital heart disease
    4. Respiratory distress syndrome
    2. Preterm Birth

    • 1.Occur from respiratory distress, which in turn is associated with preterm births, the leading cause of death.
    • 2.Two-thirds of neonatal deaths are associated with preterm births; there appears to be a correlation with teenage pregnancy, lack of prenatal care, and chronic health problems.
    • 3.Most babies who die from congenital heart disease die after the neonatal period.
    • 4.This is just one complication of a preterm birth.
  5. Goodell’s Sign
    The cervix is normally firm like the cartilage at the end of the nose. The Goodell's sign is when there is marked softening of the cervix. This is present at 5 weeks of pregnancy
  6. Chadwick Sign
    a bluish discoloration of the cervix, vagina, and labia caused by the hormone estrogen which results in venous congestion. This is present at 6-8 weeks of pregnancy.
  7. Hegar’s Sign:
    This is softening of the lower uterine segment just above the cervix. When the uterine is compressed between examining fingers, the wall feels tissue paper thin. Noted by the 6th-12th week of pregnancy
  8. If exhibited by a pregnant woman, which of the following represents a positive sign of pregnancy?

    A. Marked softening of the cervix
  9. Taking 400 mcg of folic acid daily before pregnancy may prevent which birth defect?

    • D) Spina bifida
    • Folic Acid 400mcg, increased to 800 mcg in pregnancy – prevent neural tube defects
  10. What is the recommended weight gain for a women starting her pregnancy with a normal weight (BMI 19.8-26)?

    A. 28 to 40 pounds
    B. 15 to 25 pounds
    C. 25 to 35 pounds
    D. 20 to 30 pounds
    • Recommended Weight Gain During Pregnancy:
    • Underweight women (BMI <19.8):
    • 28 to 40 lb
    • Normal weight women (BMI 19.8-26):
    • 25 to 35 lb
    • Overweight women (BMI 26-29):
    • 15-25 lb
    • Obese women (BMI >29):
    • approximately 15 lb
    • Teenage girls:
    • 35-40 lb
    • Women carrying twins :
    • 34-45 lb
    • Women carrying triplets :
    • overall gain of 50 lb
  11. Patients from which cultural/ethnic/religious background are most likely to request a vegetarian diet?

    a) Jews
    b) Muslims
    c) Hindus
    d) Vegetarians
    C - Hindus
  12. True pr False

    All of these are external risk factors in pregnancy?
    Pathogenic Agents
    Poor living conditions
    Hazards at home and work
    Natural and synthetic chemicals
    Including drug and alcohol abuse
  13. You are a RN getting ready to meet your patient for the first time. Her name is Jane Smith. Jane is a 17 yr old female, she is alone and carries a concerned expression on her face. Her clothes also look worn and she is missing a shoe. What would be the proper way to begin her assessment.

    A.Introduce yourself, call her Jane, immediately ask her how she plans to provide for the baby.

    B.Try to relate to her, refer to her as “Girlfriend” use slang and try to act her age. Then proceed with your assessment.

    C.Call her Ms. Smith, Introduce yourself, continue your assessment as normal. Be sure not to ask her anything about her socioeconomic status as you do not want to embarrass her.

    D.Call her Ms. Smith, Introduce yourself, continue your assessment and be sure to ask her questions relating to her home environment and socioeconomic status in an appropriate manner.
    D.Call her Ms. Smith, Introduce yourself, continue your assessment and be sure to ask her questions relating to her home environment and socioeconomic status in an appropriate manner.
  14. The nurse’s care of the woman in the second trimester is to:

    D. Measure the fundal height.
  15. How many times does mother typically sees the doctor or midwife from week 27 or 28 and week 36?

    A. every two week; every week
  16. A 36 year old woman is expecting her first child in March, she has a sister with Down syndrome and her doctor has recommended an amniocentesis. What are the risks with the procedure that she’ll need to consider when making her decision whether or not to do the test?

    D. All of the above
  17. Name 2 Federal programs available to pregnant women
    • Medicaid - covers treatment of pregnancy related conditions
    • WIC - provides food, health care referrals & nutrition education to low income pregnant women
  18. What three things happen in the third trimester?
    • A.Lanugo appears, testes descend into the scrotum, and crying works.
    • B.Height gain of 13 cm., brain maintains normal growth, and lungs can now stay inflated.
    • C.Muscle tone allows for lifting and turning of the head, weight gain of ½ lb. a week, and nails begin to grow.
  19. Which of the following statements are true in a pregnant woman:

    B. the uterus increases in capacity
Card Set
Antepartum Care Review
antepartum review questions