Penatration theory

  1. What are the 5 phrases of penatration theory
    • 1. Orientation
    • 2. Exploritory
    • 3. Affective stage
    • 4. Stable Stage
    • 5. Depenatration
  2. What happens in the ORIENTATION STAGE
    • 1. Play Safe
    • 2. Small Talk
    • 3. Follwoing standards of social desirability
    • 4. norms of appropatness
  3. Exploratory affective stage
    • 1. Start to reveal ourselves
    • 2. Expressing personal attitudes, (gove/ education)
    • 3. not laying it all on the line yet
    • 4. Still feeling our way around
    • 5. most relationships end here
  4. Affective Stage
    • 1. Start talking about private and personal matters
    • 2. Arguments
    • 3. Kissing and touching at this stage
  5. Stable Stage
    • 1. Realationship is Plateau
    • 2. Personal things have been shared
    • 3. Able to predict emotions of the person
  6. Depenatration Stage
    • 1. Relationship starts to break down
    • 2. Costs exceed benifits
    • 3. Withdrawl of disclosure
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Penatration theory
Penatration theory