Ramont Chapter 9 Vocab

  1. Bacteria
    most common microorganisms that cause disease in humans
  2. Viruses
    microorganisms made of nucleic acid; they must enter living cells in order to reproduce
  3. fungi
    microorganisms classified as either yeasts or molds
  4. Parasites
    microorganisms that live on other living organisms
  5. Resident Flora
    microorganisms that are normal in a particular body area
  6. infection
    invasion and growth of microorganisms in a body tissue
  7. pathogens
    microorganisms that cause disease
  8. disease
    process with distinctive signs and symptoms of infection
  9. virulence
    microorganism's ability to produce disease
  10. communicable disease
    disease spread or transmitted by direct or indirect contact
  11. vector
    object or animal by which organisms are transmitted (an insect, or a used drinking glass, for instance)
  12. local infection
    illness caused by microorganisms that are only in a specific part of the body
  13. systematic infection
    illness caused by microorganisms that spread to and damage other body areas
  14. septicemia
    condition that exists when bacteria enter the bloodstream and spread through all of the body's systems
  15. nosocomial infections
    infections that occur as a result of healthcare delivery in a healthcare setting
  16. iatrogenic infections
    infection directly caused by any diagnostic or therapeutic source
  17. carrier
    person or animal that has a pathogenic microorganism living inside the body
  18. reservoir
    place where a microorganism naturally lives
  19. transmission
    manner in which a microorganism gets to the host. (1) Direct infected person has direct contact with another person through touch, droplets, kissing, or sexual intercourse. (2) Indirect requires a vector or vehicle to carry the microorganism to the host. (3) Airborne droplet nuclei (remains of droplets coming from an infected person) are spread to another person
  20. susceptible host
    individual who has difficulty combating microorganisms and is at risk for developing an infection
  21. non-specific defenses
    defenses that protect the body against all microorganisms
  22. specific defenses
    immune defenses that fight against identified foreign proteins such as bacteria, fungi, viruses, and other infectious agents
  23. antigens
    markers that identify the type of cell and help the immune system determine whether the cell is foreign to the organism
  24. immunity
    resistance of the body to infection
  25. inflammatory response
    defense reaction of tissues when they are exposed to infection or injury
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Ramont Chapter 9 Vocab
Ramont Chapter 9 Vocab