Arch 540

  1. Dura Europa, an early house of warship
  2. Atrium
    A rectangular court, such as an early Christian church, enclosed on three or four sides
  3. Noethex
    lobby of an early Christian or Byzantine church or basilica, originally separated from the nave by a railing or screen
  4. Aisle
    A part of a church divided laterally from the nave by a row of pillars or columns.
  5. Apse
    A usually semicircular or polygonal, often vaulted recess, especially the termination of the sanctuary end of a church.
  6. transept
    he transverse part of a cruciform church, crossing the nave at right angles.
  7. st pauls outside the walls
  8. mausoleum of galla placidia
  9. church of hagia sophia
  10. ome of the rock, inspired by a nerby church, protecting a pieace of stone , covered with gold and tile,
  11. Minaret
    tower, the place that gives light
  12. great mosque of cordoba
  13. palace chapel of charlemagne
  14. doors of bishop bernward
  15. santiago de compostela,
  16. durham catherdral
  17. stave church
  18. st denis cathedral
  19. chartres cathedral
  20. sainte-chapell
Card Set
Arch 540
study final