the difference between a budget gap and a structual budget gap has to do with....
how persistent the gap is
the state legislature first and formost want to craft a budget that...
will cater to their constituents and special interest groups who helped elect them
what is backed by the "full faith and credit" of the state government
general obligation bonds
due to the two-thirds budget rule...
minority party connot realistically disavow the final outcome of the budget process
the state legislature first and formost wants to craft a budget that...
will cater to the constitutional and special interest groups who help elect them
what is NOT true about sales tax
its the same is all of ca
it is determined exclusivly by the state gov
it is considered a progressive tax
accounts for the largest portion of the states general fund
what is true about the ca state budget
it cantains little room for increased spending on environmental protection and state government resources.
ca state operates in a pay-as-you-go system meaning that...
nobody knows how much revenue especally in taxes will come in untill the end of the year
which governor had to backpedal from his limited gov approach and approve tax increases due to pressure by various constituencies?
ronald regan
prop 22 resulted in a constitutional amendment restricting the use of.....
fund earnmsrked for transportation and local gov
the general trens in media ownership in the twentieth century has been...
towards greater consolidation and concentration of ownership
in what two ways is tv unique
its immediacy and its visual content
the difference in access to and mastetry of information and communication technology between segments of the community is know as....
the technology gap
research on portrayals of public officials in the mntertainment media indicates that since 1975 portrayls have become....
overestimate the level of crime in society
what percentage of the programming that children watch generally goes far beyond their life experiences making the potential for molding their minds greater than for adults
80 %
the president main spokesperson responsible for holding daily conferences with news media outlets in the...
press secertary
by 2001_______ large companies dominated the mass media
the federal communications commision was established in
the theroy that the media should provide both what the public wants and whats good for it is advocated by the ....
libertsrisn theory
members of the US house of representaties serve a term of
4 years
there are __ clauses in article 1 section 8
the U.S senators have been directly elected by the people since the ratification of the ......
seventeenth amendment
most accurately describes the selection of senators
one-third of the seats in the senate are elected every two years
when the boundaries of an electoraldistrict are drawn to secure a partisan advantage___ is said to have occurred
the precess of reallocating the number of seats assigned to each state in the US house of rep besed on changes in the popualtion of the states is known as
there are _____ menmebers of the house of rep
the process of reviewing and revisings a proposed piece of legislataion by a committee is generally referred to as..
cracking refers to the...
division of opposition voters into a wide number of electoral districts.
The house committee resoinsible for establishing the terms and conditions of debate on a bill is the....
rules committee
the rationale for the rules report is...
to establish rules regarding the consideration of executive decisons, streamine the legislative process and making things fair
what senate rule signals to the rest of the chamber that it would be pointless to bring a piece of legislation to the floor
a hold
a senator who wants to stop debate and vote on a bill can attempt to
invoke cloture
the deference to seniority expected by new members of the senate is sometimes refered to as the...
apprenticeship norm
federal money and programs that largley of wholly benifi just one state or congressional district are often referred to as...
in the context of the congressional legislative process logrolling refers to the ...
reciprocal exchange of support for legislation
prop 140
limited the terms of office for californiastate legislators
which of the following would be an example of a juice bill
legislation giving a particular corporation a tax break
members of the state legislature recive which of the folloing benifits///
a cell phone
the preaker pro tempore
presides over assembly floor sessions in the absence of the speaker