leader in African American Civil rights movement, led march on washington. brotherhood of sleep car porters, black union?
A. Randolph
vocal leader in intermnet of japanese. supported internment and convinced roosevelt to move japs from coastal areas to camps
John DeWitt
controlled north vietnam, vietnamese revolutionary leader and president of democratic republic of vietnam
ho chi minh
1st supreme commander of NATO, was in charge during wwII, led liberation of western Europe and invasion of Germany, he was pretty much the top guy during most of WWII
Dwight Eisenhower
dropped on hiroshima and nagasaki, its develepoment was pressed by albert einstein and made by manhattan project
atomic bomb
1st city destroyed by atomic bomb, august 6
turning point of war in pacific, japan lost 1/3 of their planes
battle of midway
December 7, 1941
Pearl Harbor
leader of troops in philippines, defended from Japanese invasion
Gen. Douglas MaCarthur
controlled by Japan, U.S. sent to liberate
came up with theory of relativity, u-238 split in Berlin, pushed for atomic bomb funding and it was appeased in Manhattan Project
albert einstein
japanese officer in phillipines that refused to surrender
hiro onoda
U.S. would support countries who were trying to resist communism. considered start of cold war
Truman Doctrine
if one country communistic, the surrounding countries would soon fall into the pressures
domino theory
divided korea
38th parallel
considered the “great leader” in korea, ruler of north korea
kim II sung
communist, founding father of people's republic of china
mao tse tung
agreement to end israeli-palestinian conflict
geneva accords
logistical system that ran from north vietnam to south vietnam; manpowered
ho chi minh trail
going from island to island attatcking during battle of pacific
largest naval battle of wwII
battle of leyte gulf
signed in berlin; established Axis powers of WWII
tri- partite pact
supreme commander of japan navy behind pearl harbor
isoroku yamamato
gave president all power over gov and economy. gave president more power than anyone in u.s. history
war powers act
confident of FDR. 1 of most powerful men in American domestic and foreign policy
james byrnes
created to coordinate scientific research for military purposes like the atomic bomb
office of research and development
president after JFK assassination
lyndon johnson
allowed gov to take over and operate plants in which labor disputes might have interrupted war production
smith conally war disputes act
tactic used to prevent spread of communism
containment policy
group intending to keep america out of war
commitee to defend america first
influential member of nationalist party. part of nationalist vs communist
chian kai-shek
last german offensive, 55 mile front
battle of bulge
named after stalin. no tactical advantage
battle of stalingrad
italian politican who led national facist party. led italy into wwII
benito mussolini
death of many jews
president during Cold War, dropped bombs on Japan
harry Truman
president during wwII, longest presidential term.
franklin roosevelt
germany lost the war. no tactical advantage and germany lost many people
battle of stalingrad
supreme court said japanese internment camps was constitutional
kormeatsu vs. us
decisive naval battle during WWII in which Americans bombed
Japanese carriers
battle of philippine sea
between stalin, Roosevelt, and Churchill to open up the
second front. established d-day
teheran conference
dividing line between north and south vietnam
17th parallel
between Churchill, Stalin, and Roosevelt; said basic peace
treaty after WWII to restore Europe. Formed the UN, created occupation zones in germany, fix Poland
yalta conference
first disarmament conference in history; Russia not invited;
it led to some other treaties; fdr and churchill agree on military strategy
washington conference
established by Congress to try and get debts back that
countries still owed from WWI. Many countries in Europe said they’re still rebuilding and so they had longer time to pay, didn’t have to pay at all, or got a significant decrease in the debt.
foreign debt commission
made war preparations easier on Germany. The
U.S. allowed them to start off paying little by little and then get to payments that got bigger and bigger.
dawes plan
pact between Germany, France, and U.S. stating war wouldn’t
be used to solve weapons
kelloggs- briand act
nicaraguan minister to u.s.; agreed to allow construction of canal across country link caribbean with pacific
emiliano chamoro
nicaraguan revolutionary leader of rebellion against u.s.;communist
augusto sandiano
non interfence in domestic affairs in latin american countries
good neighbor policy
international organization for cooperation on trade and other issues
pan american conference
non recognition of international terrority changes that were executed by force
stimson doctrine
jap attack on american gunboat while it was anchored. they claimed to have not seen the american flag
uss panay
no selling weapons to countries at war. if country is at war, no u.s. citizens allowed on belligerent ships
neutrality acts
volunteers who served in Spanish civil war
abraham lincoln brigade
brodcasted war of worlds on broadcast radio
h.g. wells
issued early in wwII. defined allies goals for post- world war
atlantic charter
pact guaranteed a one front war when germany started war; no violence
nazi soviet pact
u.s. agreement with british saying they could get weapons if they could pay for them on the spot
cash and carry act
lightening warfare
newspaper editor, politician, author, leader of progressive movement
william allen white
officer in u.s. army stationed in panama and philippines
robert wood
every male older than 18 had to sign up for draft
selective service act
u.s. gave war supplies and money to other countries
lend-lease act
1st u.s. navy ship sunk by hostile action
uss reuben james
undeclared war while u.s. still neutral; told ships to shoot on sight and armed merchant ships.
battle of atlantic
u.s. helped rebuild european nation after wwII to prevent spread of communism
marshall plan
campaign by black people to stop racism in u.s.
double v. campaign
1st pres of south vietnam
ngo diem
between u.s. and great britain and russia; talked about post war order, peace, treaties, issues
potsdam conference
russian communist leader
joseph stalin
north atlantic treaty organization. grew because of fears of Russian military agresson. 3rd phase of containment
blockade by russians. airlifted supplies. eventually blockade stop. a cause of cold war
berlin crisis