
  1. Maximum speed for autopilot operation:
    VMO: 245 knots
  2. Autopilot or yaw damper shall not be used below:
    200 feet AGL
  3. Autopilot or yaw damper shall not be used during:
    takeoff or landing.
  4. Starter Limitations:
    • 40 seconds on,
    • 60 seconds off,
    • 40 seconds on,
    • 60 seconds off,
    • 40 seconds on,
    • 30 minutes off.
  5. Generator load limits:
    -ground operation:
    -in flight:
    • ground operation: 85%
    • in flight operation: 100%
  6. Generator output: ____ volts and within ___ of each other.

    Maximum allowable load difference: ___%
    -27.5 to 29.0 volts; w/in 1 volt of each other.

  7. Inverter Limits:
    - volts:
    - frequency:
    • 115 (+/- 5) volts
    • 400 (+/- 10) Hz
  8. Propeller RPM, normal range:
    1,600 - 2,000 rpm
  9. Takeoff is prohibited when:
    - either fuel gauge indicates in the yellow arc or less than 265 lbs of fuel.
  10. Operation with fuel pressure light illuminated is limited to:
    10 hours.
  11. Maximum fuel imbalance:
    1,000 lbs
  12. Total fuel capacity:
    Total usable fuel:
    • 549 gallons;
    • 544 gallons.
  13. When shall the ice vanes be extended?
    Operations in 5oC or below with visible moisture.
  14. Max zero fuel weight:
    11,000 lbs.
  15. Max Ramp weight:
    • Normal Category: 12,590 lbs.
    • Restricted Category: 13,590 lbs.
  16. Max Takeoff Weight:
    • Normal Category: 12,500 lbs.
    • Restricted Category: 13,500 lbs.
  17. Max Landing Weight:
    12,500 lbs.
  18. Airstair Door Limit:
    300 lbs.
  19. Minimum safe single-engine airspeed, VSSE:
    104 KIAS
  20. VFE
    -Maximum approach flap speed:
    -Maximum full flap speed:
    • - 200 KIAS
    • - 155 KIAS
  21. VLO
    Maximum gear retraction speed:
    164 KIAS
  22. VLE
    Maximum gear extension/extended speed:
    182 KIAS
  23. VA
    Maximum Design Maneuvering Speed:
    - Flaps up:
    - Flaps down:
    • Flaps up: 181 KIAS
    • Flaps down: 111 KIAS
  24. Turbulent Air Penetration Speed:
    170 knots
  25. Maximum operating altitude:
    31,000 feet
  26. Max altitude with unpressurized cabin:
    25,000 feet
  27. Max altitude with inoperative yaw damper:
    17,000 feet
  28. Maximum cabin pressure differential:
    6.1 psi
  29. Acceleration Limits:
    3.17g to -1.27g clean configuration;

    2.0g to -1.27g with flaps extended.
  30. Prohibited Maneuvers:
    • 1. Abrupt control movement.
    • 2. Unusual g loading.
    • 3. Bank angle greater than 50o (normal category).
    • 4. Bank angle greater than 35o (restricted category).
    • 5. Pitch attitude more than 30o above or below the horizon.
    • 6. Intentional spins.
  31. Maximum crosswind component during landing:
    • - 25 knots.
    • - Icy runway: 10 knots.
    • - Soft field landing: 5 knots.
  32. Maximum tailwind component:
    10 knots.
  33. Maximum tire speed:
    139 KIAS
  34. Oil Temperature Normal Operating Range:
    10 - 99oC
  35. Oil Pressure Normal Operating Range:
    • 105-135 psi below 21,000 feet;
    • 85-135 psi above 21,000 feet.
  36. VYSE
    Best rate of climb single-engine:
    121 KIAS
  37. ABNORMAL START (13.1)
    • 1. Condition lever -- Fuel cutoff (note ITT decrease).
    • 2. ENG START switch -- OFF.
    • In the event of a hot start:
    • 3. ENG START switch -- STARTER only (until reaching an ITT of 300oC or lower).
  38. FIRE ON GROUND (13.4)
    • 1. Aircraft -- Stop.
    • 2. Parking brake -- On.
    • 3. Condition levers -- FUEL CUTOFF (PNF).
    • 4. Propeller levers -- FEATHER (PNF).
    • 5. Firewall valves -- CLOSED.
    • 6. Fire extinguisher -- As required (PNF).
    • 7. Gangbar -- OFF (PNF).
  39. ABORTED TAKEOFF (14.1)
    • 1. Power levers -- IDLE/REVERSE as required.
    • 2. Brakes -- As required.
    • If anticipating leaving prepared surface:
    • 3. Condition levers -- FUEL CUTOFF prior to leaving prepared surface (PNF).
    • After aircraft stops:
    • 4. Firewall valves -- Close.
    • 5. Gangbar -- OFF.
  40. Engine Failure After Takeoff (15.2.2)
    • 1. Power -- Maximum allowable.
    • 2. Airspeed -- VLOF or greater.
    • 3. Gear -- UP.
    • +4. Propeller -- Confirm autofeather or feather inoperative engine propeller (PNF).
    • 5. Airspeed -- V2 (until clear of obstacles, then VYSE).
    • 6. Flaps -- UP (at VYSE).
    • 7. Emergency Engine Shutdown checklist -- Perform.
  41. Emergency Engine Shutdown (15.2.3)
    • +1. Condition lever -- FUEL CUTOFF (PNF).
    • +2. Propeller lever -- FEATHER (PNF).
  42. Engine Flameout (Second Engine) (15.2.5)
    1. Airstart -- As required.
  43. Propeller Failure or Overspeed (15.2.7)
    1. Power lever (affected engine) -- Reduce.
  44. All Fire/Smoke/Fumes Emergencies
    1. Oxygen mask -- Don/deploy (crew 100%) (both/TA).
  45. Explosive Decompression (15.7.2)
    • 1. Oxygen mask -- Don/deploy (crew 100%)(both/TA) (if above 10,000 feet).
    • 2. Descent -- As required.
  46. Emergency Descent Procedure (15.8.4)
    • 1. Power levers -- IDLE.
    • 2. Propeller levers -- FULL FORWARD.
    • 3. Flaps -- APPROACH (VFE).
    • 4. Landing gear -- DOWN (VLE).
    • 5. Airspeed -- Do not exceed VLE.
  47. Windshear Escape Maneuver (15.8.9)
    • 1. Power -- MAXIMUM.
    • 2. Autopilot -- DISENGAGE.
    • 3. Pitch attitude/wings -- Rotate toward 15o / gently roll wings level.
    • 4. Configuration -- Do not change.
  48. Single-Engine Waveoff / Missed Approach (16.1.1)
    • 1. Power -- Maximum (ensure propeller lever is full forward).
    • 2. Nose attitude -- Establish positive rate of climb (7 to 10o nose up). Go-around pitch bar may be helpful.
    • 3. Airspeed -- As required (VXSE or VYSE).
    • 4. Gear -- UP.
    • 5. Flaps -- UP.
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UC-12B study cards