Surgical Tech Certification.txt

  1. Abduction
    Movement away from the midline
  2. Abrasion
    Scraping away a portion of skin
  3. Abruptio
    A tearing away from
  4. Abcess
    A localized collection of pus
  5. Acetabulum
    Depression in the hip that accommodates the head of the femur
  6. Acidosis
    Excessive acidity of body fluids
  7. Acquired
    Nonhereditary condition
  8. Active drainage
    Drainage attached to an external source to create suction
  9. Adduction
    Movement towards the midline
  10. Adenectomy
    Excision of a gland
  11. Adenoid
    Mass of lymphoid tissue in the nasopharynx
  12. Adhesion
    Abnormal joining of parts
  13. Aerobic
    Living in the presnece of oxygen
  14. Alignment
    Positioning of body parts in relation to one another.
  15. Alimentary
    Pertaining to nutrition
  16. Alkalosis
    Excessive alkalinity of body fluids
  17. Allergen
    Substance that brings on an allergy
  18. Allergy
    Hyupersensitivity to a substance
  19. Alloplasty
    Plastic surgery with nonhuman tissue
  20. Ambulatory
    Without overnight hospitalization
  21. Ampule
    Sealed glass that holds a solution for injection
  22. Amputation
    Removal of a limb
  23. Anabolism
    The constructive part of metabolism
  24. Anaerobic
    Able to live without oxygen
  25. Analgesia
    Absence of a normal sense of pain
  26. Anaphylaxis
    An allergic reaction to a foreign substance
  27. Anastomosis
    Surigical connection of two tubular structures to intercommunicate
  28. Anatomical position
    The body standing erect, with the arms and palms facing forward
  29. Anatomy
    Science dealing with the structure of organisms
  30. Anemia
    Reduction in the number of red blood cells
  31. Anesthesia
    The absence of all sensation
  32. Anesthetic
    Agent that produces anesthesia
  33. Aneurysm
    Localized abnormal dilation of a blood vessel
  34. Aneurysm clip
    Device placed on the nect of an aneurysm to isolate it from other vessles
  35. Angioplasty
    Surgical alteration of a blood vessel to restore patency
  36. Anoxia
    Without oxygen
  37. Antagonistic
    Counteracts the action of something else
  38. Anterior
    The front side of the body
  39. Antibody
    Substance developed by the body in response to an antigen
  40. Antiemetic
    Substance that prevents nausea and vomiting
  41. Antigen
    Substance that induces the formation of antibodies
  42. Antiseptic
    Agent that inhibits growth of micororganisms
  43. Apex
    The pointed extremity of a structure
  44. Apnea
    Temporary cessation of breathing
  45. Aponeurosis
    Flat, thin fibrous connective tissue that attaches muscle to bone or other tissues
  46. Appendage
    Anything attaced to a larger part
  47. Appendectomy
    Surgical removal of the appendix
  48. Approximation
    Bringing together sides or edges
  49. Aqueous humor
    Transparent liquid that circulates in the anterior cavity of the eye
  50. Arrhythmia
    Irregular rhythm of the heartbeat
  51. Arthroplasty
    The surgical immobilization of a joint
  52. Arthroscopy
    Joint visiualization
  53. Arthrotomy
    Cutting into a joint
  54. Articulation
    The connection of bones; a joint
  55. Ascites
    Accumulation of serous fluid in the peritoneal cavity
  56. Asepsis
    Free from germs and infection
  57. Aseptic technique
    Technique used in surgical procedures to prevent contamination
  58. Aspire
    To draw in or out by suction
  59. Assault
    Attack or threat of bodily harm
  60. Atraumatic
    Causing no tissue trauma
  61. Atresia
    Imperfection of a normal tubular structure
  62. Atrophy
    Degeneration of an organ
  63. Aural
    Pertaining to the ear
  64. Autoclave
    Steam sterilizer
  65. Autogenous
    From within the body
  66. Axial
    Pertaining to a line running through the center of the body
  67. Axilla
  68. Balance
    Physical state of equilibrium
  69. Barrel
    Cylindrical part of a syringe
  70. Benign
    Not cancerous
  71. Bevel
    The point of a hyperdermic needle
  72. Bifurcation
    Separation into two branches; forking
  73. Bile
    A fluid excreted by the liver
  74. Biliary tract
    System of body parts that conveys bile
  75. Binary fission
    Method of asexual reproductions
  76. Bioburden
    Presence of organic material and debris found in a specific area or on an instrument
  77. Biopsy
    Excision of a small piece of living tissue for examination
  78. Bleeder
    A blood vessel that has been severed
  79. Blunt dissection
    Use of a sponge or blunt instrument to separate tissue
  80. Body planes
    Imaginary lines separating the body into specific areas
  81. Bone marrow
    Vital substance found in the medullary canal of long bones
  82. Bony orbit
    Rounded socket in the cranium that accommodates the eyeball
  83. Bovie
    Spark generator used to cauterize
  84. Box lock
    Hinge joint of an instrument
  85. Bardycardia
    Slow heart rate
  86. Buried suture
    Any stitch that remains completely under the skin
  87. Brusa
    A sac found near a joint filled with synovial fluid
  88. Calculus
    A stone
  89. Cancellous bone
    Spongy tissue found in the epiphysial portion of long bones
  90. Cannula
    Small tube for insertion into a body part
  91. Canthus
    Inner or outer corner where the eyelids meet
  92. Capsule
    Container that encluses a single dose of a drug
  93. Cartilage
    Dense connective tissue
  94. Cateract
    Opacity of the lens of the eye
  95. Catheter
    Tube passed into the body for evacuating fluids
  96. Catheterization
    Insertion of a catheter into the urethra
  97. Caudal
    Refers to the tail
  98. Cauterization
    Destroying tissue by burning
  99. Cavity
    A hollowed-out space
  100. Cell
    The simplest form of living matter
  101. CNS
    Central Nervous System; nerve tissues that control voluntary acts
  102. Cephalic
    Refers to the head
  103. Cerebrospinal fluid
    Fluid that protects the brain and the spinal cord
  104. Cerumen
    Waxlike substance found in the external ear canal
  105. Cholecystectomy
    Excision of the gallbladder
  106. Cholelithiasis
    Formation or presence of calculi in the gallbladder
  107. Chordee
    Painful downward curvature of the penis
  108. Chyme
    Mixture of partially digested food found in the stomach
  109. Cicatrix
    A scar
  110. Clamp
    Instrument that presses two parts together to constrict
  111. Coagulation
    The proecess of clotting
  112. Colectomy
    Excision of part or all of the colon
  113. Colitis
    Inflammation of the colon
  114. Colostomy
    The opening of some portion of the colon
  115. Communicable
    A disease that is capable of being transmitted
  116. Compact bone
    Hard, dense tissue of bone that surrounds the marrow cavity; also referred to as cortical bone
  117. Congenital defect
    Imperfection existing since birth
  118. Conization
    Excision of a cone of tissue
  119. Conjunctiva
    Mucous membrane lining the eyelids
  120. Contaminate
    To introduce microbes into a sterile field
  121. Contrast medium
    Radiopaque substance
  122. Cornea
    Transparent portion of the outer layer of the eye
  123. Coronal plane
    A lengthwise plane that divides the body into front and back
  124. Cortical bone
    Hard, dense tissue of bone that surrounds the marrow cavity; also referred to as compact bone
  125. Cranioplasty
    Plastic operation on the skull
  126. Craniosynostosis
    Premature clusure of the skull sutures
  127. Craniotomy
    Incision through the cranium
  128. Culdoscopy
    Examination of the viscera of the pelvic cavity
  129. Culture
    A tissue sample that is grown in a medium to view its condition
  130. Currettage
    The scraping of the inside of a cavity
  131. Cyanosis
    Slightly bluish coloration, especially of the skin and mucous membranes, due to reduced hemoglobin in the blood
  132. Cyst
    A sac containing a fluid-like substance
  133. Cystectomy
    Removal of the bladder
  134. Cystocele
    A bladder hernia protruding into the vagina
  135. Cystosocpy
    Examination of the bladder with a scope
  136. Cystotomy
    Incision into the bladder
  137. Debridement
    Removal of dead or damaged tissue from a wound
  138. Decontamination
    The process of removing organisms from places and objects
  139. Decubitus ulcer
    Pressure sore on the body
  140. Dehiscence
    Separation of wound edges
  141. Dehydration
    The process of losing water
  142. Dermatome
    Instrument for cutting thin slices of skin for transplantation
  143. Dermis
    Inner layer of skin
  144. Desiccation
    Causing tissue destruction by drying
  145. Dialysis
    Process of removing waste products from the blood
  146. Diaphysis
    Main shaft-like portion of the bone
  147. Digestion
    The mechanical and chemical breakdown of food
  148. Director
    A grooved instrument used to guide and identify nsinus tracts
  149. Disinfection
    Process of destroying microbes with a chemical agent
  150. Dislocation
    Displacement of a part of a joint
  151. Dissect
    To cut or separate tissue
  152. Distal
    Farther away from point of reference
  153. Diverticulum
    A sac or pouch in the walls of an organ
  154. Don
    To put on
  155. Dosage
    Amount of medicine to be administered
  156. Dose
    Amount of medication takenat one time influenced by patient's age, size and medicaql condition
  157. Drain
    An exit pathway for abnormal fluid accumulation
  158. Drainage tube
    Tube inserted into a body cavity to drain away contents
  159. Drug
    Chemical substance that affects body functions
  160. Duct
    A narrow tubular vessel
  161. Dyspnea
    Difficulty breathing
  162. Ectopic
    In an abnormal position
  163. Edema
    Collection of fluid in tissue
  164. Electrocautery
    Using electric current to cut or coagulate tissue
  165. Electrosurgery
    Surgical procedure where electriciy is required
  166. Embolectomy
    Surgical removal of an embolus
  167. Emergency
    Accident or illness that requires immediate intervention
  168. Empyema
    Pus in the body
  169. Endarterectomy
    Surgical removal of the lining of an artery
  170. Endocrine gland
    Ductless gland producing secretions discharged into blood or lymph
  171. Endometriosis
    Presence of functioning uterine tissue in places where it is not normally
  172. Endoscope
    Instrument for visualization within a body cavity
  173. Endoscopy
    Inspection of body organs or cavities with an endoscope
  174. Endosteum
    Inner layer of the medullary cavity of a bone
  175. Endotracheal
    Within the trachea
  176. Enterectomy
    Excision of a portion of the intestine
  177. Enterocele
    Herniation of the cul-de-sac of Douglas
  178. Enucleation
    Removal of an entire mass or part without cutting into it
  179. Enzyme
    Catalytic substsnce in tissue cells
  180. Epidermis
    The outer layer of skin
  181. Epiphysis
    Bulbous shaped portion of a long bone
  182. Episiotomy
    Incision into the perineum during normal labor
  183. Epistaxis
  184. Erect
  185. Erythema
    Redness over the skin
  186. Esophagoscopy
    Visual examination of the esophagus
  187. Eversion
    Moving the sole of the foot outward at the ankle joint
  188. Evi
  189. Evisceration
    Spilling out of abdominal contents caused by dehiscence; removal of contents of a cavity
  190. Excision
    The act of cutting away
  191. Extension
    Straightening the angle between two bones
  192. External
    On or close to the outside of the body
  193. Extrinsic eye muscle
    Muscle connecting the eyeball to the orbital cavity
  194. Extubation
    Removal of an endotracheal tube
  195. Exocrine gland
    A gland whose secretions reach epithelial surfaces
  196. Fasciculation
    Muscular twitching
  197. Fibroma
    A fibrous connective tissue tumor
  198. Fissure
    A deep groove in tissue, skin or organ
  199. Fistula
    An abnormal passage to a free surface or other cavity
  200. Flaccid
    Lacking tone in muscle
  201. Flange
    Rib or rim of a syringe
  202. Flexion
    Bending the angle between two bones
  203. Flouroscope
    A device that uses flourescent light to examine deep structures and reproduces optical images onto a screen
  204. Fomite
    Inanimate object
  205. Fontanelles
    Unossified spaces between the cranial bones
  206. Foramen
    A hole in a bone for passage of vessels and nerves
  207. Foramen magnum
    Opening in the occipital skull in which the spinal cord passes
  208. Forceps
    Instrument used to hold, grasp, or extract an object
  209. Fossa
    Shallow depression in a bone
  210. Fracture
    Loss of continuity of a bone
  211. Friable
    Easily torn
  212. Frozen section
    Cutting a piece of frozen tissue for examination under a micriscioe
  213. Gastrectomy
    Surgical removal of a part or all of the stomach
  214. Gastritis
    Inflammation of the stomach
  215. Gastroenterostomy
    Surgical anastomosis between the stomach and small bowel
  216. Gastrorrhaphy
    Suture of an injured stomach wall
  217. Gastroscopy
    Examination of the stomach with a scope
  218. Gauge
    A standard of measurement of a slender object
  219. General anesthesia
    A state of unconsciousness produced by a pharmaceutical agent
  220. Germicide
    Substance that destroys germs
  221. Globe
  222. Glossectomy
    Partial or complete excision of the tongue
  223. Granulation
    Formation of new tissue
  224. Greater curvature
    The larger curve of an organ
  225. Ground
    The earth pole that has zero electrical potential
  226. Gynecomastia
    Abnormal enlargement of the male bteasts
  227. Hematuria
    Presence of blood in urine
  228. Hemorrage
    Abnormal internal or external bleeding
  229. Hemorrhoidectomy
    Removal of hemorrhoids
  230. Hemostasis
    Stopping blood flow
  231. Hemothorax
    Accumulation of blood or fluid in the pleural cavity
  232. Hernia
    Protrusion of an organ through a defect
  233. Herniorrhaphy
    Surgical repair of a hernia
  234. Hilium
    A depression where other structures may enter or exit an organ
  235. Homeostasis
    State of equilibrium of the body's internal environment
  236. Hypertrophy
    Abnormal increase in size of an organ
  237. Hypodermic
    Beneath the skin
  238. Hypoxia
    Lack of adequate amount of oxygen
  239. Hysterectomy
    Surgical removal of the uterus
  240. Immune
    Not susceptible to a disease
  241. Immunization
    Process of rendering a patient immune
  242. Implant
    To insert or graft
  243. Incision
    A cut made with a blade
  244. Incontinence
    Inability to retain urine or feces
  245. Indwelling
    Any catheter that is allowed to remain in place
  246. Inert
    Causing little or no tissue reaction
  247. Infarct
    Area of tissue in an organ that undergoes necrosis
  248. Infection
    Reaction to the presence of microbes and thier toxins
  249. Inferior
    Farther away from the head
  250. Infiltration
    Process of substance passing into and being deposited in a cell, tissue or organ
  251. Inflammation
    Tissue response to an injury
  252. Inhalant
    Medication administered by inhaling
  253. In situ
  254. Insufflation
    Using gas to inflate a cavity
  255. Intercostal space
    Space between two ribs
  256. Internal
    On the inside of the body
  257. Intradermal
    Within the skin
  258. Intramuscular
    Within a muscle
  259. Intraocular
    Inside the globe of the eye
  260. Intraoperative
    During surgery
  261. Intravenous
    Within a vein
  262. Intrinsic eye muscle
    Muscles located inside the eyeball
  263. Intubation
    Insertion of an endotracheal tube
  264. Intussusception
    Slipping of one part of an intestine into another
  265. Invasive
    Techniques using equipment placed into a body cavity or vessel
  266. Inversion
    Moving the sole of the foot inward at the ankle joint
  267. Involuntary
    Independant of will
  268. Iris
    Colored membrane of the eye
  269. Ischemia
    Tissue anemia due to obstruction
  270. Isotonic
    Having same trension or tone
  271. Joint
    Point of junction between two bones
  272. Keloid
    Unsightly excessive scar formation
  273. Keratin
    Protein substance in hair and nails
  274. Kink
    Deformation of a strand of a suture
  275. Labyrinth
    Intricate communicating passages of the internal ear
  276. Laceration
    A wound made by tearing
  277. Lacrimal gland
    System that secretes tears
  278. Lamina
    Thin plate of bone
  279. Laminectomy
    Removal of a vertebral lamina
  280. Laparoscopy
    Abdominal exploration utilizing a laparoscope
  281. Laparotomy
    Surgical opening of the abdomen
  282. Laryngoscopy
    Visual examination of the larynx
  283. Lateral
    Toward the side of the body
  284. Lens
    Part of the eye that refracts light rays and focuses them on the retina
  285. Lethal dose
    Fatal dose
  286. LIgament
    A band of fibrous connective tissue connecting bone to bone
  287. Ligate
    To tie
  288. Ligature
    Strand of suture material used for tying a structure
  289. Lithotomy
    Incision into a duct or organ
  290. Lobe
    A fairly well-defined part of an organ
  291. Lobectomy
    Surgical removal of a lobe of any organ
  292. Local
    Limited to one part or place
  293. Lumen
    The space within a tube
  294. Lymph
    Tissue fluid that enters the lymphatic capillaries
  295. Malignant hyperthermia
    Potentially fatal complication of anesthesia
  296. Malleable
    Capable of being bent or shaped as needed
  297. Malunion
    Union of fractured bone in a faulty position
  298. Mammoplasty
    Reconstructive surgery of the breast
  299. Marsupialization
    Suturing of a cyst wall to permit it to close by granulation
  300. Mastectomy
    Excision of the breast
  301. Mastication
  302. Mastoidectomy
    Excision of the mastoid cells
  303. Maximum dose
    Highest dose that is safe to administer
  304. Medial
    Closer to the midline of the body
  305. Median
    A lengthwise plane through the midline that divides the body into right and left halves
  306. Medullary cavity
    A cavity within the diaphysis containing bone marrow
  307. Melanin
    The dark pigment that gives color to hair and skin
  308. Menenges
    The 3 layered membrane that protects the spinal cord and brain
  309. Mesentary
    A peritoneal fold encircling the small intestine and connecting it to the posterior abdominal wall
  310. Metastasis
    The process by which cells spread from one part of the body to another
  311. Minimum dose
    Lowest dose that will be effective
  312. Mucosa
    Mucous membrane
  313. Muscle spasm
    An involuntary abnormal muscular contraction
  314. Myelin sheath
    Cellular covering of the nerve fiber
  315. Myocardial
    Cellular covering of a nerve fiber
  316. Myology
    Study of muscles
  317. Myoma
    Benign tumor containing muscle tissue
  318. Necrosis
    Localized death of tissue
  319. Nephrectomy
    Removal of a kidney
  320. Nephrolithiasis
    Kidney stones
  321. Nephropexy
    Surgical fixation of a kidney
  322. Neurolysis
    Relieving a nerve from adhesion
  323. Neuroma
    Nerve tumor
  324. Neuroplasty
    Surgery to repair a nerve
  325. Neurotomy
    Dissection of a nerve
  326. Node
    A small rounded mass
  327. Nonunion
    Failure of the ends of a fractured bone to unite
  328. Nosocomial infection
    Infection acquired in a hospital
  329. Occlude
    To close, to obstruct
  330. Occlusion
    The state of being closed
  331. Olecranon process
    An extension at the proximal end of the ulna
  332. Olfactory
    Pertaining to smell
  333. Oophorectomy
    Removal of an ovary
  334. OR attire
    Scrubs, hat, mask, gloves, shoe covers, goggles
  335. Organ
    Tissue that performs a particular function
  336. Organism
    Group of organ systems that make up a whole person, plant, animal or living thing
  337. Organ system
    Group of organs arranged together to perform a function of the body
  338. Os
  339. Ossible
    Any small bone
  340. Osteoplasty
    Plastic surgery of the bones
  341. Otitis media
    Inflammation of the middle ear
  342. Otolith
    A stone in the inner ear
  343. Otology
    The science dealing with ear function and diseases
  344. Otosclerosis
    The condition of immobility and fixation of the stapes
  345. Packing
    Gauze sponges and/or strips used to fill a wound
  346. Palliative
    To alleviate without curing
  347. Panhysterectomy
    Removal of the uterus
  348. Parenteral
    Any route other than the alimentary canal
  349. Passive drainage
    Drainage that provides a path of least resistance
  350. Pathogen
    A microbe capable of causing disease
  351. Perineorrhaphy
    Suture of the perineum
  352. Perioperative
    The period before, during, and after surgery
  353. Periosteum
    The fibromuscular membrane that covers bone
  354. Peripheral
    Part away from the center
  355. Peristalsis
    A wavelike involuntary movement that occurs in hollow tubes of the body, forcing their contents onward
  356. Perioneum
    The serous membrane lining the abdominal cavity
  357. Phlebotomy
    Surgical opening of a vein
  358. Plantar
    The sole of the foot
  359. Plaque
    Patch of atherosclerotic accumulation
  360. Pleura
    Serous membrane that encloses the lungs and lines the thoracic cavity
  361. Pleural spac
    Space between the parietal and visceral pleura
  362. Pneumonectomy
    Removal of the lung
  363. Pneumothorax
    Accumulation of air in the pleural cavity
  364. PNS
    Peripheral nervous system; provides input from sensory receptors to the central nervous system
  365. Polydactylism
    More than the susual number of fingers or toes
  366. Polyp
    A growth extending into the lumen of a mucous membrane
  367. Posterior
    The back side of the body
  368. Postoperative
    After surgery
  369. Posture
    Alignment of the body
  370. Preoperative
    Before surgery
  371. Pressure equalizing (PE) tubes
    Small drainage tubes placed in the tympanic membranes
  372. Probe
    Instrument for exploring the depth and direction of a wound
  373. Process
    A projection or outgrowth of a bone
  374. Proctoscopy
    Examination of the rectum through a scope
  375. Prognosis
    Prediction of the course and end of a disease
  376. Pronation
    Turning the hand so he palm faces downward
  377. Prone
    Lying in a horizontal position with the face down
  378. Prophylactic
    Measures to prevent infection and disease
  379. Prostatectomy
    Surgical removal of the prostate gland
  380. Proximal
    Nearere a point of reference
  381. Ptosis
    Drooping of an organ or part
  382. Pupil
    Opening at the center of the iris
  383. Pyelotomy
    Incision into the renal pelvis
  384. Pyloric stenosis
    Abnormal narrowing of the pylorus
  385. Pylorotomy
    Incision into the pylorus to relieve stenosis
  386. Pylorus
    Lower portion of stomach that opens into the duodenum
  387. Pyogenic
    Producing pain
  388. Radiopaque
    Impenetrable to x-rays or other forms of radiant energy
  389. Ratchets
    Interlocking parts between the finger rings of an instrument
  390. Rectocele
    Herniation of the rectum through the vagina
  391. Referred pain
    Pain seeming to arise in an area other than its origin
  392. Regional anesthesia
    Desensitization to pain in a region of the body
  393. Resection
    Partial excision of a structure and reconstruction of the remaining parts
  394. Resident flora
    Potentially pathogenic organisms normally present in the body that are not harmful
  395. Retina
    Innermost layer of the eye
  396. Retractor
    Instrument used to hold open the edges of a wound
  397. Rhinoplasty
    Plastic surgery of the nose
  398. Rotation
    Moving the bone around a central axis
  399. Rugae
    Folds of mucous membrane seen on the internal surface of the stomach
  400. Sagittal Plane
    A lengthwise plane parallel to the midline that divides the body
  401. Salpingectomy
    Surgical removal of a fallopian tube
  402. Sclera
    Outer layer of the eye
  403. Sclerosis
    Hardening of an organ or tissue
  404. Scoliosis
    Abnormal curvature of the vertebral column
  405. Sebum
    Oil secretions of the sebaceous glands of the skin
  406. Self-retaining
    Capable of being placed in a fixed position
  407. Septic
    Pertaining to toxins in an organism
  408. Septum
    Wal that divides two cavities
  409. Serrations
    Grooves on the jaws of a surgical instrument
  410. Shield
    A protective barrier
  411. Shunt
    To divert; a passage
  412. Sigmoidoscopy
    Instrumentation for viewing of the sigmoid colon
  413. Sphincter
    Ring-like muscle that closes a natural orifice
  414. Splenectomy
    Surgical removal of the spleen
  415. Stenosis
    Constriction or narrowing of a passage or orifice
  416. Sterile
    Free of living microbes
  417. Sterile field
    Area around the operative site
  418. Sterilization
    Process of destroying all microbes
  419. Stimulus
    Any agent that produces a response
  420. Strabismus
    Eye disorder in which optic axes cannot be directed to the same object
  421. Stress Incontinence
    Inability of the body to control the evacuation of urine during laughing, coughing, sneezing, lifting or sudden movement
  422. Stricture
    A narrowing of the luming of a tube
  423. Strike-through
    Contamination of microbial barrier by fluid or puncture
  424. Stylet
    Wire inserted into a chamber to maintain rigidity
  425. Subcutaneous
    Introduced beneath the skin
  426. Sublingual
    Beneath the tongue
  427. Suction
    Act of drawing up a liquid
  428. Superior
    Toward the head of the body
  429. Supination
    Lying flat upon the back; turning the palm anteriorly
  430. Supine
    Position of lying down on the back
  431. Surgical conscience
    Inner awareness of maintaining aseptic principles in order to deliver quality patient care
  432. Surgical dressing
    Sterile materials applied to the incision site
  433. Surgical sponge
    Sterile absorbent material with radiopaque strips used during surgery
  434. Suture
    Material used to approximate tissue; line of union of the cranial bones
  435. Swage
    Location where the suture is attached to the needle
  436. Symbiosis
    The living together of two organisms of different species
  437. Syndactylism
    Webbing between adjacent digits
  438. Systemic
    Affecting the whole body
  439. Tablet
    Drug compressed into solid form
  440. Tachycardia
    Abnormally rapid heartbeat
  441. Teamwork
    Cooperative work done by several for the efficiency of the whole
  442. Tendon
    Tough band of connective tissue that attaches muscle to bone
  443. Tenotomy
    Incision into a tendon
  444. Tetany
    Condition of physiological calcium imbalance
  445. Thoracoplasty
    A plastic operation on the thorax
  446. Thoracotomy
    Surgical incision into the chest wall
  447. Thrombus
    A blood clot that blocks a blood vessel or heart cavity
  448. Thyroidectomy
    Excision of the thyroid gland
  449. Tie
    Strand of suture material used for tying a structure
  450. Tinnitis
    Ringing in the ear
  451. Tissue
    Group of similar cells arranged together
  452. Toxic dose
    Poisonous dose
  453. Tracheostomy
    Making a surgical wound in the trachea to permit insertion of an airway
  454. Traction suture
    Suture strand used for retraction
  455. Transfusion
    The injection of blood into the bloodstream
  456. Transient flora
    Microorganisms present on the epidermis
  457. Transverse plane
    A crosswise plane that divides the body into upper and lower parts
  458. Trephination
    Cutting out a circulr piece of bone
  459. Trigone
    A triangular area at the base of the bladder
  460. Tube
    A long, hollow structure
  461. Tumor
    Growth of tissue forming an abnormal mass
  462. Turbinate
    One of the 3 scroll-like bones within the nasal cavity
  463. Ulcer
    Open sore
  464. Universal Precautions
    Recommended guidelines to prevent transmission of pathogens
  465. Vaginal vault
    Dome or upper part of the vagina
  466. Varicose veins
    Swollen, distended and knotted veins
  467. Vasectomy
    Removal of all or a segment of the vas deferens
  468. Vasoconstriction
    Narrowing of a blood vessel
  469. Vasodilation
    Widening of a blood vessel
  470. Vasovasotomy
    Rejoining of the vas deferens
  471. Ventricle
    One of the cavities of the brain
  472. Vertigo
    Sensation of having objects moving around, causing difficulty in maintaining equilibrium
  473. Vesicle
    A small sac containing fluid
  474. Vial
    Small glass bottle containing medication
  475. Viscera
    Internal organs enclosed within a cavity
  476. Vitreous humor
    Clear jelly-like fluid in the posterior cavity of the eye
  477. Voluntary
    Controlled by will
  478. Volvulus
    A twisting of the bowel upon itself causing obstruction
Card Set
Surgical Tech Certification.txt
Medical Terminology