Rsdiology T2

  1. 5 steps to process a film
    • 1 developing
    • 2 Rinsing/stop bath
    • 3 fixing
    • 4 washing
    • 5 drying
  2. whats the purpose of a tech chart
    provides a consistant way of setting the proper exposures for a diagnostic radiograph
  3. KvP range for extremities
    55-65 KvP
  4. KvP range abdomen
    65-85 KvP
  5. KvP range thorax
  6. KvP Range Pelvis
    55-75 KvP
  7. KvP Range Spine
    70-90 KvP
  8. types of xray units
    • Conventional
    • mounted
    • small portable
  9. 5 elements of xray production
    • 1 source of production
    • 2 means of accelerating electrons
    • 3 free path for the passage of highspeed electrons
    • 4 target in which electrons can interact
    • 5 Containment area that contains a vacuum
  10. MA
    number of xrays ultimately being produced due to the heating filament
  11. Kilovoltage peak kVp
    speeding up of electrons
  12. Penetration
    xrays that have gone through the object and interacted w. the film
  13. Absorption
    xrays that do no not pass through object and do not interact w/ film
  14. Radiograph
    visible photographic record on film produced due to the passage of erays through an object or body
  15. 5 tissues most sensitive to radiation
    • 1gonads
    • 2 thyroid
    • 3 lens of the eye
    • 4 skin
    • 5 blood forming organs
  16. parts of the screen
    • base/support
    • refective layer
    • phosphor crystal layer
    • protective coating
  17. layers of the cassette
    • cassette top
    • top padding
    • intensifying screen
    • film
    • intensifying screen
    • bot pad
    • lead foil
    • cassette bot
  18. 4 ways to increase rad. density
    • increase:
    • mA
    • kVp
    • developing time
    • temp of developer
  19. contast influences
    • subject contrast
    • kvp
    • scatter radiation
    • film type
    • film fog
  20. Doubly dark
    • Decrease kvp 15%
    • mAs 50%
  21. 1/2 doubly dark
    • decrease kvp 10%
    • mAs 30%
  22. doubly light
    • ^ kvp 15%
    • mAs 50%
  23. 1/2 doubly light
    • ^kvp 10%
    • mAs 30%
Card Set
Rsdiology T2
belrea readiology