cpa bec Information System Control ninja

  1. Diagnostic control system
    Compares actual performance to planned performance in order to evaluate company progress.
  2. Diagnostic control system
    Compares actual performance to planned performance in order to evaluate company progress.
  3. Interactive control system
    Helps top-level managers with high-level activities that require frequent attention, such as setting company objectives and developing company strategy
  4. COBIT
    Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology, consolidates standards from 36 different sources into a single framework of generally applicable IT security and control practices
  5. COBIT business objectives
    Availability, Compliance with legal requirements, confidentiality, effectiveness, efficiency, integrity, and reliability
  6. COBIT IT resources
    Application systems, data, facilities, people, technology
  7. COBIT IT processes
    Acquisition and implementation, delivery and support, monitoring, and planning and organization
  8. COSO
    Committee of Sponsoring Organizations
  9. Control Environment
    The foundation of a business is its people and the environment in which it operatess
  10. Control activities
    Policies and procedures are needed to make sure control objectives are effectively carried out
  11. Risk Assessment
    Organizations must set objectives to identify, analyze, and mange their risks
  12. Information and communication
    Organizations should create and use info and communication systems to plan, conduct, manage, evaluate, and control their operations
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cpa bec Information System Control ninja
cpa bec Information System Control