Group of simular cells that act together to perform a specific function.
4 major types of Tissues
- Epithelial
- Connective
- Muscle
- Nervous
Group of two or more tissues that act together to perform a specific common function and have a consistently recognizable shape
Embryonic Tissues (Layers)
- Ectoderm: The outermost layer (epidermis, nails, hair, nerves
- Mesoderm: middle portion, muscle,tendon, bone and blood
- Endoderm: Inner portion ,organ tissue, glandular tissues
Epithelial Tissue (Aka epithelium)
Covers body surfaces and forms the major portions of most glands. Covers body surfaces and forms the major portions of most glands. Cell division (mitosis) replaces damaged cells with daughter cells. Cells are avascular (without blood supply) and receive nutrition via diffusion from surrounding connective tissue)
Simple Epithelium
a single layer of cells
Stratified Epithelium
multiple layers of cells
Pseudostratified Epithelium
a single layer of cells of different size, giving the appearance of being stratified
Epithelial Tissues bassed on shape
- Squamous cells: fried egg like appearance, flat, scaly.
- Cuboidal cells: Cubed shaped
- Columnar cells: tall cell, rectangular
Squamous cells
- fried egg like appearance, flat, scaly.
- Functions:
diffusion - Location: bold and lumpy vessels, serious membranes
- fried egg like appearance, flat, scaly.
Cuboidal cells
Location: sweat glands, digestive system
Columnar cells
- Functions: protection, secretion, and absorption
- Location: glands, stomach, stomach, intestines
- tall cell, rectangular. Some may have have cilia (hair like projections) while others may have microvilla (projections in the cell wall)
Without blood supply
Connective Tissue
Lends support to the body and binds body parts together. It is highly vascularized. Varies in appearance, but all types of connective tissue cells share 3 basic components
What is the most abumdant type of tissue in the body
Connective Tissue
Liquid Tissue
- includes blood, lymph and interstitial fluid (between cells)
- Yellow marrow: yellow adipose tissue, stores fat
- Red marrow: Hematopoietic tissue produces red and white blood cells
What produces red and white blood cells
Red Marrow
Hardest type of connective tissue. Highly vascularized. Compact tissue, spongy (cancellous) tissue. Collagenous fibers, and mineral salts.
Bone Tissue
Is a tough but flexible type of connective tissue and is avascular
Two types of Cartilage are
Elastic Cartilage: Contains elastins fibers and is best suited for bending. Found in the epiglottis, the external ear, and gives shapes to the nose
Fibro cartilage: Is The strongest cartilage. It resists compression, and prevents bone to bone contact. Found in the intervertebral disk knee and jaw pads and the public symphasis
Areola, Adipose and Reticulated is what type of connective tissue?
Loose Connective Tissue
What connective tissue absorbs physical shock to the body, and separates the skin from deeper structures
Areola connective tissue
What connective tissue provides protection, insulation, and is a form of stored energy. (Fat)
Adipose connective tissue
What tissue forms the framework for the lymphatic tissue (lymph nodes and spleen), bone marrow, and liver
Reticulated Connective Tissue
Protein fibers that run in one or two directions. Ex. Tendons, ligaments, retinacla, aponevrosis
Dense Regular Connective Tissue
Protein fibers are the meshwork of randomly arranged fibers, giving it strength in many directions. Ex. Deep facial, deep epidermis, periosteum
Dense Irregular Connective Tissue
Proteins that provide support for the connective tissues
Protein Fibers
Most common protein in the body. Tough but flexible. Can't stretch it.
What are the three Protein Fibers
- Collagen Fibers
- Reticulated Fibers
- Elastins Fibers
Elastin fibers. Strong and stretchable
Elastins Fibers
What type of protein fiber is thin and forms a "net like" reticulated pattern
Reticulated Fibers
What determins the character of the matrix wdetermines the type of connective tissue
- Connective Tissue cells
- Protein Fibers
- Ground Substance
It fills space between connective tissue and fibers. Consistency of maple syrup. shapeless fluid (gel background) against which protein fibers are seen through a microscope.
Ground substance
contracts & elongates to perform specific movements. These movements generate heat that warms the body. It is elastic and highly vascularized. Has unique ability to shorten (contract) or elongate (stretch) to produce movement)
Muscle Tissue
The three types of muscle tissue are?
- Skeletal Muscle
- Cardiac Muscle
- Smooth Muscle
Controlled muscle tissue is called?
not consciously controlled muscle tissue is called
What muscle attaches to skelatal bone via tendons to produce movement
Skeletal Muscle
What muscle provides pumping to the heart
Cardiac Muscle
What muscle have a variety of functions. Found in the digestive circulatory, urinary reproductive and respiratory system.
Smooth Muscle
The two types of membrains are?
The four membranes are
- Cutaneous Membrane (Dry) : skin
- Serous Membranes (Moist)
- Mucous Membranes
- Synovial Membranes
What are the stages of tissue repair?
- Inflammation
- Resolution
- Regeneration
- Fibrosis/replacement
- Remodeling
All tissue healing starts with
Inflammation steps for tissue repaire are
- Heat
- Redness
- Swelling
- Pain
- Loss of function
What is Homeostasis
Stable condition of the body's internal environment