Biooo Final

  1. What was Easter Island (Austrilia) like when first found
    In 1722, Small w/ little vegetation, Stone statues
  2. What was Easter Island Origonally like..
    350 A.D fertile and densely forested. but by 1400 droped, 1550 forest gone..No food
  3. Loss Of Biodiversity...
    15,000 people destroyed biodiverstiy which they depened on
  4. What is Biodiversty
    Variety of life on in a particular habitat..or on earth
  5. Biodiversity today
    6 billion ppl on planet, DECLINING biodiversity in the process of worldwide extinction..
  6. ____ percent of all species that have ever lived on earth are now extinct
  7. Biodiversty is _____ than ever.
  8. The current rage of biodiversity is the rusult of ...
    Past extinctions and recoveries
  9. Mass Extinction... How many, and causes?
    5 great mass extinctions, causes no always known
  10. What time periods where there mass extinctions..
    • 1. Tertiary/Cretacequs
    • 2. Triassic/permian
    • 3. Carboniferous/Devonian
    • 4. silurian/Ordovician
  11. ______ recovers very slowly
  12. Each mass extinction has been followed by an ________
    Adaptive radiation
  13. it takes _____ million to ______ million years to reach pre-mass extinction level of diversity
    20 million to 100 million
  14. ___ million years ago human started hunting mammals
  15. about 11,000 years ago they began to drastically....
    reduce mammalian habitat
  16. of 4500 living mammal species how many are endangered...
  17. Endemic?
    species originated in one geographic region and found no where else..Extreamly vulnerable to extinction
  18. Habitat Loss because of what?
    Chemical Pollution
  19. Habitat loss in US?
    • 98% of tallgrass praries gone
    • 50% of wetlands have been destroyed
  20. 3 effects of habitat fragmentation
    increases habitat edges, Decreases number of individuals that can be supported; may be too few to allow breeding, decreases the area in which individuals can find food or other resources
  21. Isolated patches of habitat are like...
  22. What is Island Biogeography?
    Study of the factors affecting diversity on islands, implications for predictin extinction of nonisland species
  23. MacArthur-Wilson Model...
    uses island biogeography to estimate future extictions
  24. what are some perdictions which the model has made?
    • Destruction of 50 percent of habitat island will drive 10 percent of endemic species to extinction...
    • Destruction of 90 percent of habitat will drive 50 percon of species to extinction
  25. Indicator Species?
    species that provide warning of changes in habitat and impending widespread loss of biodiverstiy
  26. Exotic Species
    intorduced into new habitat..Overcome endemic species, play role in why 70 of endmic species are threatened
  27. Threats to coral reefs
    • Huricanes: Natural threats
    • Manmade: water pollution, oil spills, dredging, dynamite, cyanide fishing, coral bleaching.
  28. reef- building corals have...
    photosynthetic, dinoflagellate symbionts
  29. When doe corals expel protistans
    when stressed
  30. if stress continues coral will die
    leaving behind hard shell..Bleached Coral
  31. Conservation Biology
    systematic study of biodiverstiy, works to decipher the evolutionary and ecological orgins of biodiverstiy, attempts to identify ways to maintain biodiversty for good of human pop
  32. Who is Rachel Carson
    Silent Spring, 1962..Helped lanch the enviormental movement
  33. what is the main threat to biodiversity?
    Human Growth
  34. When will people sustain biodivesity..
    when they make a living doing so
  35. Strip logging?
    sloped forested area is logged in strips, working p the slope
  36. Dodo Bird
    First slighten around 1600, became extinct in 1681
  37. Tasmainian Tiger
    Last known individual died at hobart zoo 1933
  38. Carolina Parakeet
    Last seen in florida 1920
  39. Ivory-billed woodpecker
    list confirmed sighting louisiana 1943
  40. The Great Auk
    shot while nesting in iceland 1844, chicks too
  41. Tundra:
    High latitudes, permafrost lies beneath surface, nutrient cycling very slow, no trees, cold open grasslands: ALASKAN TUNDRA
  42. Boreal Forest:
    Taiga, Northern Europe, Asia, N. America, Cold dry winters, mild humid summers, spruce fir trees, birch and aspen, form islands in the southn app. mtns
  43. Temperate Deciduous Forest
    Cool/Cold winters, warm rainy summers, Associated with Oak, Pine, Hickory, Maples... Eastern U.S, western Europe and much of Japan. Biome of Boone, NC
  44. Tropical Rain Forest:
    Constant temp all year, heavy rainfall, distinct wet/dry season. 10 Degrees of equatior, broad leaf trees, vines, epiphytes, high biological productivity, very rapid nutrient cycling..West africa, malaysia, amazon basin
  45. Hot Deserts:
    Winters are warm and dry, summers are very hot sporadic rain, little vegetation, southwest us, north africa, central austraila
  46. Chaparral:
    Mediterranean Climate, cool rainy winters, hot dry summers, dense shrubs, grapes/olives. Many Fires!!
  47. Tropical Savanna
    Warm Winters, hot summers, defined by wet/dry seasons, tall grasses w/ sporadic trees, Many large grazing mammals, Central Africa
  48. Temperate Grasslands
    cold dry winters, warm wetter summer, shorter grasses and very few trees, Bison and Pronghorn, Central US
Card Set
Biooo Final
Bio Final