1. How do you determine the aggravating factors of the hip?
    • - likely direction of restricition
    • - movts the pt is avoiding
    • - irritability
    • * pain intensity
    • * how quickly it comes on
    • * how quickly it eases
  2. Area of pain for pts with hip problems?
    • - groin and lower back pain- need to think L2 (if pins and needles/ numbness- from lumbar spine)
    • - arthritic hips sometimes present with knee pain
    • - slipped femoral capepiphosis- boys 10-14 sometimes present with knee pain
  3. What are some easing factors for those with hip problems?
    • - taking wieght off leg
    • - lying position of ease- on back
    • - movement- general movement
    • - heat
    • - medication
  4. What are the aggravation factors for hip problems?
    • - sitting
    • - crossing legs
    • - getting in and out of your car
    • - up and down stairs
    • - squat
    • - on/ off bicycle
    • - gardening
    • - putting socks on
    • - starting to walk after period of immobility
  5. Mechanical features of hip problems?
    • - stiff like heat
    • - panadol
    • - worse activity
    • - daily pattern
    • - eases with rest
    • - short term stiffness in morning <1hr
    • - worse end of day- stiff
    • Joint- OA- stiffness
  6. Inflammatory features of hip problems?
    • post injury:
    • - antiinflammatory- RA- systemic- night pain, bilateral systems, other jts- chornic pain- likes heat
    • - Worse 1-2 hrs
  7. Night pain for people with hip problems?
    • difficulty getting to sleep
    • best/ worse position
    • wake during the night eg moving
    • how often
    • how long does it take to get back to sleep
    • pillows- easing factor
    • matress
  8. Special questions?
    • - tumor that sits in the middle of the back presents like a mm
    • - recent cold and flu- could be systemic
    • - general health
    • - unexplained weight loss
    • - past history of cancer
    • - surgery
    • - FH (family history) of rheumatoid
    • - diabetes, heart problems
    • - kidney usually lower back
    • - urinary problems- usually can present groin
  9. What is the 24hr behaviour?
    • Morning
    • - effect of rest
    • - morning stiffness > 30 min- inflam or OA hip
    • Evening
    • - activity levels
    • - eased with rest
  10. What investigations for hip problems?
    • - XR
    • - MRI
    • - Arthrogram-joint die, leaking
    • - Bone scan- whole body- hotspots- blood supply where it shouldnt
    • - screening for urogenital, intestinal function
  11. History of hip problem pts?
    • - gradual or sudden
    • - overuse/ misuse- standing on one hip
    • - sudden eg twist on one leg, labral tear (soft cartilage- makes jt deeper), mm, lig tear
    • - history of LBP (lower back pain) 1st
    • -referred pain- hip only refers down
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