fire instruction 1.txt

  1. The primary role of the instructor is to:
    Focus on the needs and abilities of the students.
  2. An effective instructor is a sincere person with:
    A desire to teach
  3. An instructor must have subject matter knowledge and:
    • Expertise in all specialty areas
    • The ability to communicate effectively
  4. A positive attribute of training is a learner/instructor relationship built on:
    Mutual respect and confidence
  5. The fire service instructor has responsibilities to the fire service, the organization, and to the learners. Which one of the following concerns is primary to all the groups listed above?:
  6. “bullying” by an instructor is:
    An expression of fear or frustration
  7. Instructors are expected to know the subject being taught and should:
    Possess the ability to transfer that knowledge and experience to others
  8. A learner/instructor relationship based upon mutual respect, confidence, and rapport is:
    Important as a positive attribute for learning
  9. Humor has a place in the teaching/learning situation, but it should be used:
    Appropriately and cautiously
  10. An attribute of an effective instructor is:
  11. The instructor is constantly being observed by students and the impression made by the instructor will:
    Affect student response and learning initiative
  12. Airing complaints to learners about equipment or facilities usually creates:
    Negative impressions
  13. An accident investigation should be:
    Objective and free of personal feelings
  14. An accident analysis is conducted to achieve all of the following:
    • disclose the nature and size of the accident problem
    • Identify the need for engineering revisions
    • Identify problems in operating procedures/guidelines
  15. An accident investigator should include identification of all of the following:
    • The principal sources of accidents
    • Problems in operating procedures
    • Unsafe conditions of equipment
  16. An accident investigation report should document:
  17. Analyzing circumstances surrounding accidents can enable an instructor to:
    • Identify and locate principle sources of accidents
    • Disclose the nature and sixe of accident problems in different operations
    • Indicate the need for engineering revisions by identifying unsafe conditions of various types of equipment
  18. Resources often overlooked by instructors that can be used to reveal safety problems in need of corrective action are:
    Records of previous accident investigations
  19. A fire service instructor should:
    • Inform the learners of the concept of safety
    • Ensure the learners properly use personal protective equipment
    • Stress safety, and ensure that it is the highest priority
  20. The NFPA standard concerning fire department occupational safety is:
    NFPA 1500
  21. The standard that provides health and safety guidance is:
  22. Which NFPA standard is for training reports and record keeping:
    NFPA 1401
  23. Which of the following statements is the most correct regarding the legal aspects of records and reports policies:
    Records document permanent facts
  24. The family educational rights and privacy act of 1974 requires that the release of any information from a learner’s record is allowably only:
    With permission from the learner
  25. Which of the following laws restricts access to personal information such as student grades and certifications:
    Buckley amendment
  26. Which of the following types of records or information must be kept confidential:
    Individual training records
  27. Code:
    Body of law established either by legislature or administrative agencies
  28. Factors that prevent the receiver from fully receiving the message and may be created by either internal or external sources is called:
  29. ____consist of decoding the message and assigning meaning:
  30. The communications process exists between two people who are known as the ____and the____.:
    Sender, receiver
  31. Which of the following purposes of communication focuses to control, direct, or manipulate behavior:
  32. Which of the following could create the perception of a hostile work environment that is a major impediment to successful leadership:
    Use of stereotypes
  33. During the communication process, messages that are transmitted without words:
    Nonverbal cues
  34. Which one of the following persons is designated by NFPA 1403 as the person responsible for igniting the fire in an acquired structure:
    The ignition officer
  35. The best choice of fuels to use in an acquired structure would be:
    Fuels that have known burning characteristics and are controllable
  36. You have been given an assignment to conduct an outside fire extinguisher demonstration. The factor(s) that you can not control is/are:
    Weather conditions
  37. When conducting an outside demonstration, portable training props can include
    SCBA mazes and LPG props
  38. the following is considered a proper format for developing records:
    • Essays
    • Forms
    • Simply lists
  39. The primary purpose of collecting training data and analyzing the information is to:
    Enhance learning effectiveness
  40. Training records will do all of the following:
    • Identify areas that need more attention
    • Document training that has been completed
    • Be used in a legal case
  41. Training records can be maintained in a system:
    • If security measures are in place to limit access
    • If access is regulated by policy
  42. Records and reports are necessary to document the results of an organization’s activities, which include:
    • Administrative activities
    • Training sessions
    • Fire and life safety programs
  43. A____is the written or verbal accounting of events based on facts:
  44. the following is a benefit of the executive summary:
    Provides detailed information
  45. An executive summary includes:
    • A statement of the problem
    • Benefits that will result by following the recommendation
    • Recommended or suggested action found I the paper or report
  46. To keep reports simple and concise, organize them into the following parts:
    Heading, introduction, body, conclusion
  47. An executive summary is included at the beginning of all reports that:
    Exceed five pages
  48. Developing a report depends on providing answers to ____ questions that begin with the letter “W”:
  49. When completing a training activity report, which portion os the report would contain the “purpose of the report and time period covered by the report”?:
    The introduction
  50. the following types of reports a level 1 instructor would be responsible for:
    • Injury report
    • Training activity report
    • Course attendance report
  51. Which of the following information is usually not kept as part of an agency’s training records:
    List of members not attending training
  52. Under the family educational and privacy act of 1974 an individual’s name and ____ cannot be displayed together.:
  53. Training records that contain names, grading, and scoring information are subject to the provisions of:
    The family education rights and privacy act of 1974
  54. The least powerful learning channel to the brain is the sense of :
    • Hearing
    • Sight
    • Smell
    • Taste<
  55. Cognitive objectives emphasize
  56. In which learning domain would a statement such as “a firefighter is willing to make in service inspections” occur:
    • Cognitive
    • Affective<
    • Psychomotor
    • Terminal
  57. The domain of learning which emphasizes physical skills is the ____ domain:
  58. The law of ____ states that no one will ever become proficient at any sill without performing the operation:
  59. Which of the following would not be considered an area of learner frustration
    Positive feedback<
  60. It is the responsibility of a fire service instructor to plan his teaching methods so that ideas are conveyed to the learner:
    Through as many of the senses as practical<
  61. The law of readiness is based upon a principle of learning which states that people learn best when:
    They are prepared to learn<
  62. Learning will always be effective when a feeling of satisfaction, pleasantness, or reward accompanies the learning process. This statement describes the:
    Law of effect<
  63. Repetition is basic to the development of adequate responses best describes the law of:
  64. An active process that produces a change in behavior as a result of acquiring new information best describes:
  65. Approximately 83 percent of learning is a result of:
  66. The concept that learning is more effective if a reward is attached illustrates the law of
  67. The highest percentage of learning occurs through:
  68. Which of the following is not true of adult learners:
    Adult learning is very similar to adolescent learning<
  69. Learning:
    Relatively permanent and observable change in a persons behavior
  70. Education:
    Knowledge based learning objectives that are not tied to a specific job
  71. Training:
    Instruction that emphasizes job specific learning objectives and skills based instruction
  72. Instructors need to use various tools or “triggers” to motivate adult learners. Which one of the following ideas might have the opposite effect on an adult:
    • Use peer pressure to motivate the difficult students<
    • Expect outstanding performance from the students
    • Tell the students why the knowledge they are learning is important
    • Praise student achievements in public
  73. There are ____ levels of psychomotor learning used as the basis for testing skills and abilities.:
  74. When training records are kept on a computer, is/are a(n) important issue:
  75. Using the L.E.A.S.T. method of progressive discipline in a classroom environment, “T” stands for:
    Terminate the student from your class<
  76. What is the difference between educational level and literacy level:
    Literacy level is the ability to read, and educational level is graduation form college.<
  77. The U.S. government through the Americans with disabilities act divides learning disabilities into three major categories. Which one of the following is not one of those identified categories:
    Ability to read due to educational level<
  78. Motivation is created:
    From within the student<
  79. Coaching will include:
    Mastery of the subject being taught<
  80. Extroverted individuals can be managed by:
    Assigning a special project<
  81. An adult learner becomes motivated when he:
    Can identify by “what’s in it for me”<
  82. It is not advisable to permit gifted learners to:
    Work ahead of the rest of the class<
  83. A shy or timid learner can be helped by:
    Encouraging participation when discussion is informal<
  84. An instructor should give challenging assignments to:
    Gifted learners<
  85. An intensive kind of tutoring given to learners o improve skills in a subject or activity is referred to as:
  86. A successful technique that has been used to get daydreamers back “on track” is to:
    Ask a direct question<
  87. When a disruptive learner is in a class and the instructor does not seem to be getting through to that learner, the instructor should:
    Have the person report to their supervisor<
  88. A learner who uses a group situation to gain attention is classified as:
    A show off<
  89. The uninterested learner displays little ____ and ____:
    Energy, attention<
  90. An initial method for handling disruptive learners is to:
    Counsel them according to guidelines<
  91. At the beginning of a lesson, you realize that one of your learners is timid. To bring such learners into the group, you should:
    Visit during a break to put timid learners more at ease.<
  92. Coaching includes all of the following:
    Providing written directions<
  93. Which of the following is not considered a primary means of helping learners with learning disabilities:
    Teaching to the slowest learning level<
  94. A goal is:
    The intended end result of evaluation<
  95. When given a topic for instructional delivery, an instructor should determine what materials are needed:
    From the lesson plan on the topic<
  96. During the preparation step, the instructor should:
    • Have all handouts copied and ready for class
    • Make sure all audio visual equipment works
  97. Time frame:
    Pace of presenting the lesson plan
  98. Lesson summary:
    Conclusion of the lesson to clarify uncertainties
  99. Prerequisites:
    Previous requirements that a student must have mastered to enter a course
  100. An acronym used to establish the relevance of the topic to the student’s needs is ACID, which stands for Attention, Curiosity, ____ and Desire:
  101. One of the most time consuming parts of preparing for a course is:
    Arranging logistical support based on the lesson plan<
  102. When preparing for a presentation, the instructor I must consider logistical support prior to the class and:
    • Logistical time to return material to service after the class
    • Classroom time to refill SCBA bottles after use
  103. You have been assigned to teach a CPR class. You should gather your materials and resources during the ____ step of the four step instructional process:
  104. During the application step in teaching, an opportunity is provided for all of the following:
    • Providing learners an opportunity to demonstrate the skill
    • An instructor to use a checklist
    • Learner evaluation of the instructor
  105. The introductory components of a lesson plan typically contain:
    Learning objectives
  106. A factor often overlooked during classroom preparation for a scheduled course that can create a distraction for the student is:
    Seating arrangements
  107. In which step of the lesson plan outline are learners motivated to learn:
  108. During which step in a lesson plan is a learner given an opportunity to practice what has been learned:
  109. whether the training is academic or practical, success during the presentation step requires thhorough planning and should:
    folow an outline sequence
  110. During which step in a lesson plan is a learner given an opportunity to practice what has been learned?
    • A)preparation
    • B)presentation
    • C)application
    • D)evaluation:
    • application
  111. Wether the training is academic or practical, success during the presentation step requires thorough planning and should
    • A)follow an outline sequence
    • B)employ only the lecture mode
    • C)be delivered in a classroom
    • D)always proceed from the known to the unknown:
    • follow an outline sequence
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fire instruction 1.txt
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