Which group was responsible for the overthrow of the reformist government in Guatemala in 1954?
dissident Guatemalan forces supported by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency
Fidel Castro led the revolution that successfully expelled what Cuban ruler?
Fulgencio Batista
Describes the outcome of the Cuban revolution.
The revolutionary government eventually announced its adoption of Marxist-Leninist dogma.
Liberation theology refers to
the combination of Catholic theology with socialist principles.
What was typical of military governments established in Latin America during the 1960s and 1970s?
-bureaucratic organization similar to a military chain of command
-stringent measures to control inflation
-repression of human rights
Which statement concerning U.S. relations with Latin America is most accurate?
In association with the cold war, the U.S. adopted a more interventionist policy to limit the spread of communism in Latin America.
What U.S. president introduced the "Good Neighbor Policy" that promised to deal more fairly with Latin American countries and to halt direct intervention?
Franklin Roosevelt
In which period did most Latin American women achieve the right to vote?
in the decades after World War II
What distinguishes those regions referred to as the "Third World" from other societies?
lack of industrialization
Latin America belonged to the __________, in contrast to the capitalist industrial nations and the communist industrial nations.
Third World
In 1944 a coalition of middle class and labor in Guatemala elected a reformer, __________.
Juan Jose Arevalo
A tax program and intense nationalism brought the Guatemalan government into conflict with foreign interests such as the __________.
United Fruit Company
In 1954 a CIA-sponsored invasion overthrew the Guatemalan government of __________.
Jacobo Arbenz
In 1958 __________ and a poorly armed rebel army succeeded in overthrowing the dictator Fulgencio Batista in Cuba.
Fidel Castro
By the 1970s __________ combined Catholic theology and socialist principles in an effort to bring about improved conditions for the poor.
liberation theology
In Chile the socialist government of President __________ was overthrown in 1973 by the Chilean military.
Salvador Allende
In Nicaragua __________ led a guerrilla resistance movement against occupying troops until his assassination by the U.S.-trained Nicaraguan National Guard in 1934.
Augusto Sandino
President Franklin Roosevelt introduced the __________ that promised to deal more fairly with Latin America and to halt direct interventions.
Good Neighbor Policy
U.S. programs such as the __________, begun in 1961, aimed at the development of the region as an alternative to radical political solutions.
Alliance for Progress
Card Set
Chapter 33
Latin America: Revolution and Reaction into the 21st Century