chapter 32

  1. Which nations were a part of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization during the 1980s?
    • -Britain
    • -France
    • -Canada
    • -The United States
  2. In the years after World War II, what nation was the focal point of the cold war?
  3. In the Suez Canal crisis of 1956...
    the United States and Soviet Union jointly interceded on behalf of Egypt.
  4. Which nation had the highest military expenditures following World War II?
    the United States
  5. What new political movement in western Europe, following World War, II promised democratic institutions and moderate social reform?
    the Christian Democrats
  6. Make a statement concerning the European welfare state.
    The welfare state provided aid for citizens at many income levels and won support from many groups.
  7. The welfare state
    initially won wide acceptance from all political factions.
  8. Margaret Thatcher, prime minister of Britain,
    worked to cut the expenditures of the welfare state and to promote free enterprise.
  9. In what year was the European Economic Community first formed?
  10. The fastest-growing sector of the labor force in the West after World War II was
  11. After 1945 the__________ emerged as one of two great world powers along with the United States.
    Soviet Union
  12. In which period of Soviet history did the Soviet Union achieve superpower status?
    1945 - 1985
  13. Which nation remained independent of direct Soviet control after 1948?
  14. What cultural institution was suppressed under Stalin's program?
    the Orthodox Church
  15. The Soviet agricultural system
    remained a major weakness of the regime to the 1980s.
  16. What was the status of women in the Soviet Union?
    Soviet women dominated some professions, such as medicine, although they received less pay than men.
  17. What leader emerged to take primary power in the Soviet Union in 1956?
    Nikita Khrushchev
  18. The rivalry between the United States and the Soviet Union after World War II is often referred to as the __________.
    cold war
  19. In 1947, the United States proclaimed its __________, a program of substantial loans that was designed to aid Western nations in rebuilding from the war's devastation.
    Marshall Plan
  20. The final new ingredient of Europe's diplomatic framework, the __________ between the United States and the Soviet Union, had a durable influence on politics and society in the West.
    cold war
  21. Several new political movements surfaced in postwar Europe, notably an important __________ current that was wedded to democratic institutions and moderate social reform.
    Christian Democratic
  22. France, Britain, and the United States merged their zones of occupation into what became the __________.
    Federal Republic of Germany
  23. France, pressed by the war in __________, changed its constitution in 1958.
  24. The consolidation of democracy and the shift leftward of the political spectrum entailed a general movement toward a __________ state.
  25. A new breed of bureaucrat, often called a "__________" because of intense training in engineering or economics, came to the fore in the offices of government.
  26. In Britain, Conservative leader __________ began the longest-running prime ministership in history in 1979.
    Margaret Thatcher
  27. In 1958, six West European nations set up the __________, or Common Market, to begin to create a single economic entity across national boundaries.
    European Economic Community
  28. A Common Market bureaucracy was established, ultimately in __________, to oversee operations.
  29. The widespread exodus to West Germany from East Germany continued until the __________ was built in 1961.
    Berlin Wall
  30. A challenge to communist rule came from Poland in the late 1970s in the form of an independent labor movement called __________.
  31. __________, exiled to the West because of his trilogy on Siberian prison camps, found the West too materialistic.
    Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
  32. In 1956 a new Soviet leader, __________, emerged from the committee pack to gain primary power.
    Nikita Khrushchev
  33. The first manned spacecraft, __________, was sent up in 1957, well in advance of the U.S. response.
Card Set
chapter 32
Western Society and Eastern Europe in the Decades of the Cold War