La muerte y la brujula

  1. temerario, adj.
    rash, hasty, reckless, bold, brave
  2. perspicacia, n.
    insight, perceptiveness
  3. riguroso, adj.
    strict, rigorous
  4. hechos de sangre
  5. la quinta
    country house
  6. interminable, adj.
    interminable, endless
  7. olor, n.
    odor, smell
  8. adivinar, v.
  9. infausto
    ill-fated, accursed, unlucky
  10. malvado
  11. jurar, v.
  12. tahur, n.
  13. el prisma, n.
    • 1) prism
    • 2) viewpoint, perspective
  14. dominar, v.
    to control, overcome, master, overlook
  15. el estuario
    • 1) estuary(mouth of the river),
    • 2) (estero) = stream, creek
  16. la aborrecida
  17. la apariencia
    appearance, illusion
  18. arribar
    to reach
  19. el delegado
    delegate, representative
  20. sabremos, v, 1 person plural
    (saber) we will know
  21. agradar
    to be pleasant
  22. resignacion
    1. the act of resigning.2. a formal statement, document, etc., stating that one gives up an office, position, etc. 3. an accepting, unresisting attitude, state, etc.; submission; acquiescence: to meet one's fate with resignation.
  23. postergar
  24. la prenda
  25. apagar
    to turn off
  26. pieza
    • piece, part
    • catch, kill
    • room
    • play (drama)
  27. contiguo
  28. hallar
    to find, to find out
  29. levemente
  30. la capa
    cloak, cape, coat
  31. anacronico
    • anachronistic =
    • 1) outdated, not belonging in time
    • 2) error in chronology of something
  32. yacer
    • to lie (here, down, etc.)
    • to lie together (in a place)
  33. puñalada
    • stab wound
    • stabbing
  34. profundo
  35. serenidad
    serenity, tranquility
  36. -No hay que buscarle tres pies al gato
    Don't look for complications
  37. blandiendo
    • from blandir,
    • 1) wave around, shake
    • 2) flatter
  38. imperioso
    • 1. domineering in a haughty manner; dictatorial; overbearing: an imperious manner; an imperious person.
    • 2. urgent; imperative: imperious need.
  39. poseer
    own, have
  40. el ladron
  41. prescindir de
    to do without, omit
  42. intervenir
    • 1. to operate on
    • 2. to tap (teléfono, línea)
    • 3. to seize (incautarse de)
    • 4. to audit (finance) (cuentas)
    • 5. to take part (participar) (en in); to make a contribution
    • 6. to intervene (interferir, imponer el orden) (en in)
  43. copiosamente
  44. percances
  45. la fila
    • line
    • row
    • ranks
  46. monografia
    • monograph =
    • a highly detailed and thoroughly documented study or paper written about a limited area of a subject or field of inquiry: scholarly monographs on medieval pigments.
  47. mamotreto
    • 1. hefty volume (informal) (libro)
    • 2. unwieldy object (objeto grande)
  48. llevar
    • here as
    • 5) to deal with, to look after, keep
  49. miope
    short-sighted , near-sighted (United States), myopic
  50. ateo
  51. hoja
    • leaf
    • sheet
    • blade
  52. sentencia
    • 1. sentence (law)visto para sentencia -> ready for judgment una sentencia benévola -> a light sentence
    • 2. maxim (proverbio, máxima)
  53. abstenerse
    • 1. to abstain (guardarse)(de from) se abstuvo de mencionar su embarazo -> she refrained from mentioning her pregnancy
    • 2. to abstain (en votación) me abstuve en las últimas elecciones -> I didn't vote in the last election
  54. octavo mayor
    here: a binding process of a book where each large sheet is folded 8 time, and then bound and cut, giving about 6 by 9 inches sheet size
  55. enseñanza
    • education
    • teachings
  56. piadoso
    • 1. kind-hearted (compasivo)
    • 2. pious (religioso)
  57. inefable
    • indescribable
    • Ineffable, unspeakable.
  58. compendiar
    • 1. to epitomize (cualidades, características) =
    • to contain or represent in small compass; serve as a typical example of; typify:
    • 2. to abridge (libro, historia)
  59. inmediato
    • 1. immediate (instantáneo)
    • 2. next, adjoining (contiguo)
  60. noveno
  61. hiato (masculine noun)
    • hiatus=
    • 1. a break or interruption in the continuity of a work, series, action, etc.
    • 2. a missing part; gap or lacuna: Scholars attempted to account for the hiatus in the medieval manuscript.
    • 3. any gap or opening.
    • 4. Grammar, Prosody . the coming together, with or without break or slight pause, and without contraction, of two vowels in successive words or syllables, as in see easily.
  62. señalar
    • mark (marcar, denotar); to indicate, to say
    • (hora, temperatura)
    • 2. to point out (indicar)
    • 3. to set, to fix (fijar)
    • señalarse pronomial verb
    • 1. to stand out (destacar)
  63. centesimo
    hundredth, centesimal
  64. distrajo (distraer)
    • 1) amuse, entertain
    • 2) distract
  65. v. dar + con
    • dar con algo/alguien -> to find something/somebody
    • he dado con la solución -> I've hit upon the solution
  66. habituar(se)
    to be accustomed, to be used to
  67. indignar
    to get angry, irritated
  68. descubierto(descubrir)
    particible II of discover
  69. resignarse a hacer algo
    resign to doing something, (decide to do smth.)
  70. hueco
    hollow, empty
  71. soledad
  72. umbral
    • 1. threshold (de puerta, periodo)
    • 2. threshold (nivel básico)
    • example: el umbral de la pobreza -> the poverty line
  73. emponchado
    • 1 (Latinoamérica) (vestido de poncho)
    • wearing a poncho; covered with a poncho
    • 2 (And) (S. Cone) (sospechoso) suspicious
  74. yacente
    1. lying (tumbado); recumbent, reclining (Arte)
  75. duro
    • 1. hard (material, superficie); tough (carne); stale (pan)
    • 2. tough (resistente)
    • 3. harsh (clima)
  76. rostro
  77. puñalada
    1. stab (acción); stab wound (herida)
  78. rajar
    • 1. to crack (partir); to slice (melón) (peninsular Spanish)
    • 2. to slash, to cut up (informal) (apuñalar)
  79. pecho
  80. el rombo
  81. deletrear
    To spell, to read by spelling.
  82. dirigirse
    • 1. to head for (encaminarse)
    • dirigirse a -> to head for
    • ¿hacia dónde te diriges? -> where are you heading for?
  83. firmamento
    Firmament, sky, heaven.
  84. horno
    oven (cooking); kiln (de cerámica, ladrillos)
  85. álamo
    • poplar
    • тополь (tree)
  86. callejón
  87. tapia
    wall (out of stone)
  88. desaforado
    • 1. uncontrolled (excesivo)
    • 2. furious, wild (furioso)
  89. puesta
    • 1) (acción) (de un motor) - tuning
    • puesta al día -> updating
    • puesta en escena -> staging, production
    • puesta de largo -> debut (in society)
    • puesta en marcha -> starting, start-up; (de máquina) implementation (de acuerdo, proyecto)
  90. puesta de sol
  91. arrabal
  92. ascender
    • 1. to go up, to climb (subir)
    • 2. to rise, to go up (aumentar, elevarse)
    • 3. to be promoted (en empleo, deportes) (a to)
  93. guapo electoral
    • ward heeler =
    • a minor politician who canvasses voters and does other chores for a political machine or party boss.
  94. delator
  95. ávido
  96. sigilo
    secrecy (secreto); stealth (al robar, escapar)
  97. gutural
    • guttural =
    • 1. of or pertaining to the throat.
    • 2. harsh; throaty.
  98. dispuesto
    • ready
    • capable
  99. remuneracion
    Remuneration, recompense, reward
  100. sacrificio
    • 1. sacrifice
    • 2. [de animal] slaughter; slaughtering
  101. discordia
    • discord=
    • 1. lack of concord or harmony between persons or things: marital discord.
    • 2. disagreement; difference of opinion.
    • 3. strife; dispute; war.
  102. silbido
  103. corneta
    mus. cornet, bugle, horn
  104. ahogar
    • 1. to drown (asfixiar) (en el agua); to smother, to suffocate
    • 2. to strangle (estrangular)
    • 3. to extinguish, to put out (extinguir)
    • 4. to put down, to quell (dominar); to hold back, to contain
  105. rechazar
  106. indagar
    investigate, inquire
  107. salobre
  108. abrumado
    upset, overwhelmed, worried
  109. anulado
    • here: humiliated
    • also
    • canceled, revoked
  110. decencia
    • decency, dignity
    • here: reputation
  111. inquilino
  112. acabar + de hacer algo
    to have just done something
  113. en seguida
  114. pieza
    • piece
    • play(theater)
    • room
  115. rasgo
    trait, characteristic (característica); feature (del rostro)
  116. afilado
    • 1. sharp (cuchillo, punta)
    • 2. pointed (dedos, rasgos)
    • 3. cutting (comentario, crítica)
  117. nebuloso
    • 1. cloudy (con nubes); foggy (de niebla)
    • 2. vague (poco claro)
  118. trajear
    to dress, to wear
  119. destinar algo a o para
    • to set something aside for
    • to assign something to
  120. adivinar
  121. alquiler
    • n. or v.
    • rent
  122. inmediatamente
  123. estipular
  124. apenas
    • 1. scarcely, hardly
    • apenas me puedo mover -> I can hardly move
    • 2. only
    • hace apenas dos minutos -> only two minutes ago
    • 3. as soon as
  125. despacho
    • 1. office
    • 2. dispatch
    • 3. sale
  126. deneter (detuvo)
    • stop
    • delay
    • arrest
  127. el pescante
    driver's seat
  128. parroquiano
    • 1. parishioner (feligrés) (Church and its parish)
    • 2. customer, regular (cliente)
  129. mascara
  130. cochero
  131. oso
    bear (animal)
  132. balido
    • bleat =
    • cry of a sheep, goat, or calf or a sound resembling such a cry.
  133. la corneta
    bugle, horn
  134. irrumpir
    to burst into
  135. abrazar
  136. frialdad
  137. agudo
    • 1. keen (vista, olfato)
    • 2. serious, acute (crisis, problema, enfermedad)
    • 3. sharp (dolor)
  138. subir
    • rise
    • go/come up
    • lift
  139. tambaleante
    • 1) staggering;
    • 2) unsteady;unsteady; wobbly
  140. vertiginoso
  141. losange
    • 1 (forma) diamond (shape)
    • 2 (Matemáticas) rhombus; rhomb
  142. tropezar
    to trip o stumble
  143. sujetar
    to hold in place; to hold down ; to hold up
  144. rumbo
    course, direction
  145. dársena
  146. estribo
    • 1. stirrup (thing for legs when horse riding)
    • 2. step
  147. garabatear
    (al escribir) to scribble; scrawl
  148. pizarra
    slate, сланец, шифер
  149. recova
    • here.
    • arcade; covered corridor along the front of a house
  150. previsible
  151. el suelo
    floor, ground, soil
  152. brusco
    • adj. 1) sudden, abrupt
    • 2) sharp
  153. rincón
  154. armario
    cupboard, wardrobe
  155. indignacion
    indignation, resentment
  156. sacarse
    • to take out, draw (gun, sword)
    • remove
  157. torcida
    • adj. (pp of torcer = twist, turn)
    • curvy, waivy,
  158. pisar
    to step on
  159. la alba
    • dawn,
    • very white
  160. simulacro
  161. leyo'
    • past of leer.
    • ella leyo'
  162. trigésimo
    30th = thirtieth
  163. agregar
    to add
  164. ensayar
    test, rehearse, use
  165. valioso
  166. dato
    data, fact
  167. descuidar
    neglect, forget, overlook
  168. reprobar
    fail, condemn
  169. demora
    n. delay
  170. clandestino
    illegal, secret
  171. rechazar
    reject, refuse
  172. un complot
    plot, conspiracy
  173. penetrante
    acute, penetrating, sharp
  174. ilustre
    illustrious, distinguished
  175. producir(se)
    • here:
    • happen
  176. imponente
    stunning, imposing, sensational
  177. sellado
    • literally: sealed
  178. el sobre
  179. carta firmada
    signed letter
  180. minucioso
    meticulous, highly detailed
  181. arrancado
    torn out, pulled out (i.e. from a book)
  182. notoriamente
  183. merecedor
    worthy of, deserving
  184. brusco
  185. adquisicion
    • acquisition
    • purchase
  186. quinta
    • fifth,
    • here: villa, country house
  187. fluye
    p.f. of FLUIR - to flow
  188. ciego
    • blind
    • blocked up (chanel, path)
  189. riachuelo
  190. curtiembre
    tannery (leather factory)
  191. barroso
    muddi, reddish
  192. infamado
  193. fabril
    • adj. manufacturing; industrial
    • n. factory
  194. amparo
    al amparo de
    • protection, refuge.
    • with the help of, under the protection
  195. caudillo
  196. medrar
    grow, prosper, increase
  197. desecho'
    waste, unwanted object, dregs, cast off, garbage, rubbish,
  198. circunstancia
  199. tra'mite
    formality, procedure, process
  200. apenas
    • hardly
    • as soon as
  201. abochornar
    to embarsass
  202. turbia
  203. llanu'ra
    plain (geog.)
  204. echar a andar
    -> to set off, start,
  205. vía muerta
    • (railroad) siding
    • a short railroad track, opening onto a main track at one or both ends, on which one of two meeting trains is switched until the other has passed.
  206. plateado
    silver (color) , silver plated
  207. charco
  208. crapuloso
    • drunken
    • spoiled, wasted, or from waste
  209. mirador
    viewpoint, balcony
  210. rodear
  211. apenas
    as soon as, hardly
  212. ocaso
    sunset; decline
  213. resplandor
    brightness, glow
  214. occidente
  215. anhelado
    • to crave, wish,
    • anhelar = to breathe
  216. la quinta
    villa, country house
  217. el porton
    large door or entrance
  218. infranqueable
    impassible, insurmountable
  219. meter
    to put in
  220. dar + con
    aply, smear with, hit with, find something
  221. pasador
    bolt, pin, hairpin
  222. chirrido
    screech (ruido); creak (de puerta, madera); squeak (de bisagra, muelles)
  223. hierro
  224. sorprender
  225. laborioso
    hard working, arduous
  226. pisar
    to step on, walk on
  227. maniatico
    fuzzy, crazy, maniacal
  228. nicho
    niche (place)
  229. lobrego
    dark, obscure, gloomy
  230. escalinata
  231. balaustrada
    • balustrade (a railing with supporting balusters)
    • baluster is any of a number of closely spaced supports for a railing
  232. sombra
  233. rodear
    surround, walk around
  234. estrecho
    narrow, tight
  235. persiana
  236. empujar
    push, press
  237. escalon
    • step, rung, degree
    • Echelon. (Military) (m)
  238. opuesto
  239. subir
    to go up; to climb; to board, to get on
  240. alzar (preterite forms: yo alce')
    lift, raise
  241. la trampa
    • 1. trap (para cazar)
    • 2. trapdoor (trampilla)
    • 3. trick (engaño)
  242. guiar
    to guide
  243. resplandor
    brightness, glow, glean
  244. fuente
    fountain, source
  245. cegado
    • blind, blocked off, blind(methaporically í.e. stupid),
    • here: not working, not functioning
  246. antecomedor
    Room adjoining the dining room
  247. polvoriento
  248. antecámara
    • 1. Antechamber. (f)
    • 2. Lobby; hall. (f)
    • Antechamber is a chamber or room that serves as a waiting room and entrance to a larger room or an apartment;
    • anteroom=waiting area, a room as an entrance to another room
  249. cansarse (de hacer algo)
    to grow tired of doing something
  250. embalar
    to wrap up, to pack
  251. enteabrir
    to half-open
  252. tarlatan
    a thin, plain-weave, open-mesh cotton fabric finished with stiffening agents and sometimes glazed.
  253. rozar
    rub, skim, brush off, touch, graze
  254. el roce
    a touch
  255. deshacer
    to undo; to melt; to destroy
  256. creciente
  257. agrandar
    to enlarge
  258. la penumbra
    • semi-darkness, half-light
    • penumbra = the partial or imperfect shadow outside the complete shadow of an opaque body, as a planet, where the light from the source of illumination is only partly cut off.
  259. losange
    • 1 (forma) diamond (shape)
    • 2 (Matemáticas) rhombus;
    • 4 (Heráldica) lozenge
  260.  mirador
    • enclosed balcony,
    • viewpoint
  261. asombrar
    to amaze
  262. vertiginoso
    dizzy, quick, mind buggling
  263. estatura
    1. height (altura); stature (categoría)
  264. feroz
  265. fornido
    well-built (person)
  266. gravedad
    gravity; seriousness, importance
  267. maniatar
    to tie the hands, handcuff
  268. alargar
    • 1. to lengthen (ropa)
    • 2. to extend (viaje, visita, plazo)
    • 3. to stretch out (brazo, mano )alargar el brazo -> to stretch out one's arm
    • 4. (pasar)alargar algo a alguien -> to pass something (over) to somebody
  269. tamaño
    • size
    • son del mismo tamaño -they're the same size
  270. efímero
    ephemeral, lasting a very short time;
  271. deleznable
  272. garito
    gambling den
  273. tiroteo
    • shooting (tiros); shootout
    • tiroteo cruzado = crossfire
  274. el vientre
    stomach, belly
  275. arrasar
    to destroy, to devastate
  276. ocaso
    sunset (puesta del sol); decline (decadencia)
  277. ensueño
    • dream, Sleep, fantasy
    • Mundo de ensueño - Dream world
  278. vigilia
    • 1 wakefulness (vela); period of wakefulness (periodo)
    • 2. sleeplessness (insomnio)
    • 3. vigil (víspera)
  279. delirio
    • delirium
    • delirante = delirious
  280. alimentar
    to feed
  281. huir
  282. fingir
    to pretend, to feign
  283. término
    end, period(time), place, point, term
  284. tramar
    • to plot, to plan,
    • to weave (to interlace (threads, yarns, strips, fibrous material, etc.) so as to form a fabric or material.)
  285. traicionar
    to betray (amigo, ideal, país); to give away (ser descubierto por)
  286. emborrachar(se)
    to get drunk
  287. adelantar
    • 1. to overtake (vehículo, competidor)
    • 2. to move forward (mover hacia adelante); to put forward (pie, reloj)
    • 3. to bring forward (en el tiempo) (reunión, viaje)
    • 4. to pay in advance (dinero) here
    • 5. to release (información)
    • 6. to promote, to advance (mejorar)
  288. acometer
    • to attack,
    • to undertake, to attempt;
  289. la empresa
    • company, enterprise
    • here: a plan, undertaking, mission, enterprise(accion)
  290. irrumpir
    to burst into, break into
  291. acosado por el/la...
    harassed, hounded, pursued by (here as tortured or suffering from)
  292. puesto
    position, post
  293. verosimilmente
    Probably, likely
  294. intimar
    here: to order; require
  295. el timbre
    • doorbell, bell, 
    • voice
    • stamp
  296. reflejo
    • reflected,
    • reflexise (here)
  297. todopoderoso
  298. recondito
    hidden, secret
  299. la clave
    key, code,  harpsichord, clef (Mús)
  300. dediqué
    preterite de dedicar (yo dediqué ) devote, dedicate
  301. convenir
    • 1. to be suitable (venir bien)
    • 2. to agree (acordar)
    • 3. convene, meet, gather
  302. aniquilar
    annihilate, crush
  303. vincular
    to link
  304. encima
    on top, above
  305. simulacro
  306. sobrellevar
    to endure, bear, overcome
  307. tenue
    fine, faint, tenuous , thin, barely noticible
  308. postiza
  309. cubiculo
  310. estribo
    stirrup, footrest
  311. divulgar
    reveal, devulge
  312. intercalar
    • To intercalate, to insert among other things
    • to fit in, to combine
  313. indicio
    indication, sign, clue,
  314. prodigio
    prodigy, miracle
  315. sugieren
    • 3p. Pl, present tense,
    • form of sugerir = to suggest
  316. subrayar
    to underline
  317. cierto
    here: certain
  318. atraer
  319. aguardar
    expect for, wait for
  320. incesante
    • incessant, ceaseless
    • =continuing without interruption
Card Set
La muerte y la brujula
Vocab from the "La Muerte y la Brujula" by Borges