MODULE 14 USU 1350

  1. Objectives:
    • document seasonal elk use areas and migration corridors, including timing of use and migration movemens, in the study area using radio telemetry techniques
    • produce a statistically derived estimate of productivity and recruitmnt for the study period
    • produce a statisticaly derived estimate of the population size with in each subunit in the study area
  2. Define productivity
    # born to the population
  3. Define recruitment
    # born that & join the population
  4. Methods:
    • Relocate elk once per month, twice per month during migration,, using telemetry techniques from fixed win aircrafts
    • locate calbes of collared elk once in spring and once in fall to estimate production and survival
    • conduct annual helicopter surveys using mark/recapture techniques to estimate population
  5. What was their null hypothosis (they found it to be wrong)
    Elk stay in the same areas throughout the year
  6. T/F Elk in this study moved from public land to private land during hunting season
  7. T/F results indicated high productibyt and recruitment rates
    TRUE: 5/5
  8. define sightability
    number of radio-collared elk seen during surveys/number of radio collared elk in th esurvey area 36/47=76.6%
  9. Population estimate=
    • number of elk seen on surveys/sightability
    • 4,210/.766=5496 Elk
  10. Statistically derived estimate of recruitment for one year showing _____% with a small sample size
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MODULE 14 USU 1350
Elk in the Uintah Mountains