APUSH Part 3

  1. Committees of Correspondance
    Committees appointed from different colonies to communicate on matters; asserted rights to self-government, cooperation between colonies (1st Facebook)
  2. Tea Act (1773)
    Intended to save British East India Company from bankruptcy, could sell directly to consumers rather than through wholesalers (lowered prices to compete with smuggled tea)
  3. Boston Tea Party
    Peaceful destruction of British tea in Boston Harbor by colonists disguised as Indians
  4. Quebec Acts
    Former French subjects in Canada allowed to keep Catholicism, while American colonists expected to participate in the Church of England
  5. Intolerable Acts (Coercive Acts)
    In reaction to the Boston Tea Party; closing of Boston Harbor, revocation of Massachusetts charter (power to governor), murder in the name of royal authority would be tried in England or another colony
  6. Suffolk Resolves
    Organize militia, end trade with Britain, refuse to pay taxes to Britain
  7. Olive Branch Petition
    Politely demanded from the king a cease-fire in Boston, repeal of Coercive Acts, guarantee of American rights
  8. Thomas Paine, Common Sense
    Stressed to the American people British maltreatment and emphasize a need for revolution; appealed to American emotions
  9. George Washington
    American commander-in-chief; first president, set precedents for future presidents, put down Whiskey Rebellion (enforced Whiskey Tax), managed first presidential cabinet, carefully used power of executive to avoid monarchial style rule
  10. Whigs (Patriots)
    Most numerous in New England, fought for independence
  11. Tories (Loyalists)
    Fought for return to colonial rule, usually conservative (educated and wealthy)
  12. British strengths and weaknesses
    British citizenship outnumbered colonies’, large navy and professional army; exhausted resources (Hessians hired), national debt
  13. Colonial Strengths and Weaknesses
    Fair amount of troops, short guerilla tactics, strong leaders (Washington); nonprofessional army that could not handle long battles
  14. Battle of Saratoga
    American general Horatio Gates was victorious over British general Burgoyne
  15. Valley Forge
    Scarce supplies (food and clothing), army motivated by von Steuben
  16. Battle of Yorktown
    Last major battle; surrender of Cornwallis, led King George III to officially make peace with the colonies
  17. Treaty of Paris (1783)
    Full American independence, territory west of Appalachian ceded to America, loyalists to be compensated for seized property, fishing rights off of Newfoundland
  18. American Society during the Revolution
    British-occupied cities, new governments, fighting by any with experience, loaned money, African-Americans and Native Americans involved
  19. Articles of Confederation
    States joined for foreign affairs, Congress reigned supreme lacked executive and judicial), one vote per state, 2/3 vote for bills, unanimous for amendments; too much power to states, unable to regulate commerce or taxes
  20. Virginia Statute on Religious Freedom (1786)
    Foundation for First Amendment, offered free choice of religion, not influenced by state
  21. Northwest Ordinance of 1787
    Defined process for territories to become states (population reached 60,000), forbade slavery in the new territories
  22. Alexander Hamilton
    Pushed for Assumption (federal government to assume state debts), pushed creation of the National Bank (most controversial), loose interpretation of Constitution, leader of Federalist Party
  23. James Madison
    Strong central government, separation of powers, “extended republic”
  24. Shays's Rebellion
    Mistreated farmers, fear of mobocracy, forced people to think about central government
  25. Connecticut Compromise
    Advocated by Roger Sherman, proposed two independently-voting senators per state and representation in the House based on population
  26. Virginia Plan
    Bicameral congressional representation based on population
  27. New Jersey Plan
    Equal representation in unicameral congress
  28. Commerce Compromise
    Congress could tax imports but not exports
Card Set
APUSH Part 3
Key Terms for US History