The Glorious Revolution
William and Mary kicked James II out of England (exiled into France), allowed more power to the legislatures
James Oglethorpe
established colony of Georgia as a place for honest debtors
The Enlightenment
Emphasis on human reason, logic, and science (acquired, not nascent, knowledge); increased followers of Christianity
Benjamin Franklin
Connected the colonies to Britain, opposed to unnecessary unfair taxation; strong influence on Albany Plan
The Great Awakening
Began by Edwards to return to Puritanism, increased overall religious involvement, gave women more active roles in religion, more and more ministers sprouted up throughout the country; mainly affected towns and cities
Believed that God created the universe to act through natural laws; Franklin, Jefferson, Paine
George Whitefield
Powerful speaker, toured the country and inspired many into Christianity
Jonathan Edwards
Puritan minister, led revivals, stressed immediate repentance
New Lights vs. Old Lights
New Lights brought new ideas, rejected by Old Lights; both sought out institutions independent of each other
Albany Plan of Union
Colonies proposed colonial confederation under lighter British rule (crown-appointed president, “Grand Council”); never took effect
French and Indians War
French threat at the borders was no longer present, therefore the colonies didn’t need English protection; more independent stand against Britain
Proclamation of 1763
Prohibited settlements west of Appalachian, restriction on colonial growth
Salutary Neglect
Parliament took minor actions in the colonies, allowing them to experiment with and become accustomed to self-government, international trade agreements
Writs of Assisstance
Search warrants on shipping to reduce smuggling; challenged by James Otis
Townshend Act (1767)
Similar to Navigatio; raised money to pay colonial officials by American taxes; led to Boston boycott of English luxuries
Sugar Act
Increased tariff on sugar (and other imports), attempted to harder enforce existing tariffs
Stamp Act
Taxes on all legal documents to support British troops, not approved by colonists through their representatives
Stamp Act Congress
Held in New York, agreed to not import British goods until Stamp Act was repealed
Virginia Resolves
“no taxation without representation,” introduced by Patrick Henry
Currency Act
Prohibited colonies from issuing paper money, destabilized colonial economy
Virtual Representation
All English subjects are represented in Parliament, including those not allowed to vote
The Loyal Nine
Group of Bostonians in opposition to the Stamp Act, sought to drive stamp distributors from the city
Sons of Liberty
Organized and controlled resistance against Parliamentary acts in less violent ways (strength of martyrdom), advocated nonimportation
Declaratory Act
Allowed Parliament to completely legislate over the colonies, limited colonists’ say
Boston Massacre
British soldiers shot into crowd of snowball fight; two of nine soldiers (defended by John Adams) found guilty of manslaughter