Psych Final Review

  1. Rod Plotnik tells the stories of preacher Ted Haggard and actor Charles Dutton to illustrate the life changing forces of
    hidden urges and personality changes
  2. Personality
    a combination of long-lasting and distinctive behaviors, thoughts, motives, and emotions
  3. what do the theories of personality do?
    attemp to describe and explain how personality developes and why personalities differ
  4. what type of experience did Fraud have that influenced his theory of human behavior?
    He found that some of his patients symptoms had no obsevable physical or neurological causes
  5. Psychodynamic theory
    emphasizes the importance of early childhood experiences, unconcious or repressed thoughts that we cannot voluntarily acsses, and the conflics between conscious and unconscious forces that influence our feelings, thoughts, and behaviors.
  6. what is the "id" in the devision of the mind?
    has two biological drives-sex and aggresion-that are the source of all psychic or mental energy; the id's goal is to pursue pleasure and saticfy the biological drives.
  7. What is the purpose of the ego?
    search for socially acceptable outlet for the id's disire
  8. what is the superego?
    the part of the mind that allows us to manipulate social situations to our own ends
  9. how does the super ego develope?
    through interactions with parents or caregivers
  10. Fraud believed that an unconscious conflict is waged between the?
    id and the superego
  11. what do we call the unpleasant state that involves uneasiness, apprehension, and hightened psychological arousal?
  12. which defense mechanism uses acceptable excuses for behaviors which cause us to feel anxiety?
  13. if someone refuses to believe that drinking and driving is dangerous, this person is using what kind of defense mechanism?
  14. The defense mechanism of projection involves the unconscious transfer of:
    one's own unacceptable traits onto other people
  15. the defense mechanism in which unacceptable wishes are turned into their oppisites is known as:
  16. what did Fraud believe about ealy childhood?
    that early childhood is is important in shaping their personality.
  17. Carl Jung and Alfred Alder were critical of Fraud's
    reluctance to recognize the role of biological drives
  18. Alder disagreed with Fraud by proposing the humans are governed by _________ urges.
  19. Fraud's ideas such as the id, ego, superego, represion, and unconscious forces are ________ ________ _________ by most psychoanalytical theorist
    assumed to be incorect
  20. Reguarding Frauds theory of psychsexual stages, research:
    indicates that personality continues to develope beyond the first five years of life
  21. self-actualization for Rogers refers to one's need to:
    develope our capacities in ways that are best for one's life
  22. I see myself as a shy and people tend to go out of their way to make me feel comfortable. This person has described her:
    real self
  23. _____refers to our hopes and wishes as to how we would like to see ourselves.
    ideal self
  24. why are so many people unhappy? Carl Rogers says it is because:
    we have both a eal self and an ideal self, and they are often in conflict
  25. The idea of positive regaurd refers to:
    the love, acceptance and respect that we need from those people who are important to us
  26. A humanist might explain Peter Herida's super massive obesity by examining the role of:
    a lack of unconditional positive reguard.
  27. As you are researching your paper on men and women who are law enforcment officers, you find out that:
    women are better listeners than men
  28. In social cognative theory, your behavior can be influenced by:
    beliefs and feelings
  29. Stephanie expects that other people will treat her unfairly. this belief is influences her behaviorto the point that she acts in suspicious and somewhat rude manner. From the social cognitive perspective, this contributes to:
    how people treat her therby reinforcing he expectations
  30. Locus control and self-efficacy are examples of:
    cognitive factors
  31. Social cognitive theory was originally know as_____and was changed toreflect the importance of__________.
    social learning theory; cognitive
  32. After watching a basketball game, a group of fifth graders go to the gym to play. Each one of them tries to model what they saw at the game. The cognitive factor most illustrates here is:
    observational learning
  33. you are writting a paper for a class. As you start writing you notice that you keep on evaluating your work. You keep deleating what you've just written and decide to take a different approachin your paper. Your _____ allows you to monitor your writing.
  34. what is an example of internal locus of control is:
    whan I make plans, I am most certain I can make them work
  35. Children and marshmellows were used in a classic study of:
    delay of gradification
  36. when the 4-year olds in the delay of gratification experiment were retested 10 years later:
    being good at delay was related to many other positive characteristics
  37. Wayne like to play computer games, and he is especially good at ones that requier good eye hand cordination. He is poor on games that requier forethought and critical thinking. His brother Lloyd introduces him to a game that is very similar to the ones he has already excelled at. Based upon your understanding of social cognitive theory, what is Wayne's self-efficacy and why?
    strong self-efficacy- his success in the past on similar games.
  38. I don't think that i am capable of selecting the right answer to this question. According to Bandura, this best illustrates weak:
  39. A person's fear of snakes can be sucessfully treated by observing a fearless model handling a snake. This is based on:
    social cognitive theory
  40. Do women make better peacemakers? Evidence suggest that the answer is:
    yes, because personality traits shared by many women are useful in keeping the peace.
  41. Who is associated with the trait theory of personality?
    Gordon ALLPORT AND Raymond Cattell
  42. who was it that constucted a list of traits that was considered to long and therefore impractical to use in research?
    Gordon Allport
  43. Jan is quiet, reserved, and thoughtful about her behavior. She dislikes going to parties where she knows few people, and feels uncomfortable with most people. Jan would be concidered a(n):
  44. Jeremy is very outgoing. He enjoys taking risks and being involved in in any social activities. He prefers to be with people and dislikes jobs where he has to work at alone. Jeremy would be classified as:
    an extrovert
  45. New research in the Big Five is suggesting that there may actually be:
    The Big One
  46. If you experience a panic disorder, you might have had an initial interpretation of sweating, racing heart, and trembling:`
    as signs of a heart attack
  47. Lazerus has concluded that in stressful situations, our anxious feelings arise from:
    our apraisal of the situation
  48. A concequence of determining primary appraisal as irrelavant, positive, or stressful is that:
    normal stress reactions are caused by stressful situations.
  49. The part of the brain that is initially activated when a situation is appraised as threatening is the:
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Psych Final Review
ch 19-23