Bio Warm-Up May 1st

  1. What are the most successful of all plants?
    Angiosperms, seed plants that produce flowers
  2. What percent of all living plants are angiosperms?
  3. What are flowers?
    The reproductive organs of angiosperms
  4. What is nectar?
    A sugary secretion of flowers
  5. THe basic structure of a flower consists of the four concentric whorls (circles) of appendages, which are?
    • Calyx
    • Corolla
    • Androecium
    • Gynoecium
  6. What is the Calyx?
    The outermost whorl of a flower, consits of one or more sepals (modified leaves) and it protects a flower from physical damage while its in a bud
  7. What is the Corolla?
    The second whorl of a flower, consists of flowers (also modified leaves), produces vividly colored pigments or fragrances that attract pollinators
  8. What is the Androecium?
    The third whorl which produces the microgametophytes, or pollen grains, made up of one or more stamens that consist of slender, thread-like filaments that are each topped by a pollen-containing sac called an anther
  9. What is an anther?
    A pollen-containing sac that is part of the Androecium
  10. What is the Gynoecium?
    The fourth and innermost whorl, that contains the ovules in which migagametophytes develop, consists of one or more pistils in the center of a flower
  11. Where do ovules develop?
    In a pistil's swollen lower portion, called the ovary
  12. What may an ovary have?
    One or more chambers
  13. What rises from an ovary?
    A slender stalk called the style
  14. What does the style have?
    A swollen sticky tip called the stigma where pollen lands and sticks to
  15. What is a stigma?
    The swollen sticky tip of the style where pollen lands
  16. What is a style?
    A slender stalk that rises from the ovary and has a swollen sticky tip
  17. What is the ovary?
    Swollen lower portion of a pistil whre ovules develop
  18. What happens when a flower is pollinated?
    A pollen tube emerges from each pollen grain and grows through the style and into the ovary
  19. What is a complete flower?
    Flower with all four whorls of appendages
  20. What is a perfect flower?
    A flower with a gynoecium and androecium
  21. What are imperfect flowers?
    Flowers lacking either a gynoecium or an androecium
  22. What is an incomplete flower?
    Flower that lacks any one of the four whorls
  23. What are the affects of flowering plants coevolving with animals?
    Certain insects specialize in visiting particular kinds of flowers
  24. What flowers are both incomplete and imperfect? (example)
    Flowers that lack either stamens or pistils (squash flowers)
  25. How long ago did bees evolve?
    100 million years and about the time flowering plants began diversify
  26. How do bees locate sources of nectar?
    First by odor, then by color and shape
  27. What are the normal characteristics of bee pollinating flowers?
    Yellow or blue and have lines to indicate location of nectar
  28. Why can bees see the lines and we can't?
    Because they see in the ultra violet spectrum
  29. What do bees use pollen for?
    To feed thier larvae
  30. What characteristics to flowers butterflies tend to visit have?
    "Landing platforms" so they can perch and tube-shapes filled with nectar
  31. What flowers do flies pollinate?
    Ones that smell like rotting meat
  32. When and what flowers do moths visit?
    At night they visit white, heavily scented flowers
  33. Why are red flowers usually not super smelly and visited by humming birds?
    Because humming birds have keen eyesight and poor smell
  34. What are the characterisitics of angiosperms pollinated by bats?
    Large, heavily scented and pale-colored flowers that open at night
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Bio Warm-Up May 1st
The Thunder :)