Elegance 68
- elegant quality: elegance of dress.
Scandalized 69
- to shock or horrify by something considered immoral or improper.
Dowry 71
- the money, goods, or estate that a wife brings to her husband at marriage.
Triumphant 72
- having achieved victory or success; victorious; successful.
- any of numerous fish- or insect-eating birds of the family Alcedinidae that have a large head and a long, stout bill and are usually crested and brilliantly colored.
Ceremonial 74
- of, pertaining to, or characterized by ceremony; formal; ritual: a ceremonial occasion.
Coriander 74
- of the parsley family, native to Europe, having strong-scented leaves used in cooking and aromatic seeds used as a seasoning and in medicine.
Kohl 75
- a powder, as finely powdered antimony sulfide, used as a cosmetic to darken the eyelids, eyebrows
Pension 79
- a fixed amount, other than wages, paid at regular intervals to a person or to the person's surviving dependents in consideration of past services, age, merit, poverty, injury or loss sustained,
Imprisoned 86
- to confine in or as if in a prison.
Pooris 94
- a light, round, unleavened wheat bread of India, usually deep-fried.
Wallahs 96
- a person in charge of, employed at, or concerned with a particular thing (used in combination): a book wallah; a ticket wallah.
Rickshaw 98
- a small, two-wheeled, cartlike passenger vehicle with a fold-down top, pulled by one person, formerly used widely in Japan and China.
Rupees 99
- a cupronickel coin and monetary unit of India, Nepal, and Pakistan
Vendors 100
- a person or agency that sells.
Aimlessly 105
- without aim; purposeless
Pittance 107
- a small amount or share.
Bartering 113
- to trade by exchange of commodities rather than by the use of money.
Sophisticated 118
- (of a person, ideas, tastes, manners, etc.) altered by education, experience, etc., so as to be worldly-wise; not naive
Cinema 137
- a motion-picture theater.
Admonishing 138
– to caution, advise, or counsel against something.
Proprietor 146
- the owner of a business establishment, a hotel
Indignant 155
- feeling, characterized by, or expressing strong displeasure at something considered unjust, offensive, insulting
Lentils 165
- of the legume family, having flattened, biconvex seeds used as food.
Muslin 178
- a cotton fabric made in various degrees of fineness and often printed, woven, or embroidered in patterns, esp. a cotton fabric of plain weave, used for sheets and for a variety of other purposes