Neurophys - EEG

  1. Name this EEG Artifact ...
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    Electrode Pop
  2. Name this EEG Artifact ...
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    Eye Blinks
  3. Name this EEG Artifact ...
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    Slow roving eye movements
  4. What is depicted here ...
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    • 14 and 6
    • Bursts of arch shaped waves maximal over the
    • posterior temporal area
    • Most common in deep drowsiness and light sleep
    • 3 y/ - young adult peaking at 13 – 14 years old
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    Benign Epileptiform Transients of Sleep (BETS)

    • sharps that occur bilaterally in the temporal lobes during sleep
    • Normal variant that is rare in children but more common in adults / elderly where they may be seen in 20-25%
    • Occur during deep drowsiness
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    • High-amplitude, delta frequency waves with sharp apex
    • Generalized and symmetric with a frontal predominance
    • Noted during Stage II sleep and with arousals
    • Followed by runs of rhythmic theta
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    Lambda Waves

    • Sharp transients in the occipital region while awake
    • Bilateral, positive, triangular, symmetrical, occipital
    • Occurs with visual scanning
    • Most common in 3-12 y/o (80%)
    • Usually bilaterally synchronous and will attenuate with eye closure or darkness
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    • Runs of central alpha frequency (8-10 HZ)
    • <5% of children <4 and 18-20% of children 8-16
    • Thought to be sensorimotor cortex at rest
    • Always rounded in one direction and sharp in the other
    • Disappear with motor activity in the contralateral arm / hand but unlike alpha are not affected by visual stimuli
    • More common after surgery when the skull have been removed
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    Positive Occipital Sharp Transients of Sleep (POSTS)

    Bilateral, positive, triangular, symmetrical, occipital that occur during sleep ("reverse check mark")
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    Posterior Slow Waves of Youth

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    V Waves
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    Wicket Spikes

    • Most common >30 y/o and usually >50 y/o - ~1%
    • 6-11 Hz negative sharps seen in the anterior / mid temporal
    • Facilitated by drowsiness
    • Unilateral with a shifting asymmetry
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    REM Sleep
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    Stage 1 Sleep
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    Stage 2 Sleep
  16. What is depicted here ...
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    Stage 3 sleep
  17. What is depicted here ...
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    Stage 4 Sleep
Card Set
Neurophys - EEG
EEG Normal Variants, Abnormalities, and Sleep