Does it measure what it’s supposed to measure?
Consistency and reproducibility
Measurement involves observations in qualitatively different categories
Data according to size
Measurement data same distance apart
Quota sampling
Nonrandom sampling technique when subgroups from each group are chosen
Stratified sampling
Process of sampling in which groups of interest are identified and participants selected at random from the groups
Convenience sampling
Picking population that’s easy or available
Subject variable
Independent variable resembling true IV but created on basis of pre-existing characteristics of participant
Manipulated variable
True IV changed by the experimenter
Measured variable
Variable used to create groups to be measured, but participants are assigned based on their characteristics rather than researchers’ system
Research project resembling experiment that compares groups but no random or systematic assignment (assignment based on participant characteristics)
Ex post facto study
Resembles experiment but uses existing grouped data that didn’t involve random assignment
Qualitative variable
Variable whose different values are based on qualitative rather than numeric differences
Quantitative variable
Variable whose differences are based on numerical differences like size or duration
Repeated Measures design
Design in which a single participant is observed & measured on more than one level of independent variable rather than individuals on each level of individual variable
ANOVA (Analysis of variance)
Family of statistical tests that compares group means to assess whether differences across means are reliable
Planned comparison
When you know in advance which groups you’re going to compare
Post hoc comparison
When you compare groups after looking at results
Factorial design
Research design when investigator manipulates more than one variable, each level crossed with each level of all other IVs
Main effect
In factorial design, differences among groups for single IV that are significant, temporarily ignoring all other IVs
Interaction effect
In a factorial design, differences across groups of a single IV that are predictable only by knowing the level of another IV
Higher order interaction
Interaction in factorial design that involves joint effect of more than 2 IVs
Within-subjects design
Repeated measures – collecting data from same people more than once
Between groups design
Test participants in different groups to see if there are differences between groups
Sequence effects
The result of multiple or repeated measurements of individuals in different experiment conditions such that they behave differently on later measurements as a result of having undergone the earlier measurements
Order effects
The result of multiple or repeated measurements of individuals in different experimental conditions such that a particular behavior changed depending on which condition it follows
A change in behavior in a repeated measures design that results from learning that takes place in an earlier condition
Symmetric transfer
A change in behavior in a repeated measures design that results from learning in an earlier condition, with the same degree of change in later behaviors, regardless of the order of conditions
Asymmetric transfer
A change in behavior in a repeated measures design that results from learning in an earlier condition, with differences in the amount of transfer in a later condition depending on which conditions occur first
In a repeated measures design, the changing of the order of conditions to avoid contamination of data
Complete counterbalancing
In a repeated measures design, the use of all possible orders of experimental conditions to avoid contamination of data because of systematic sequence
Partial counterbalancing
In a repeated measures design the use of a subset of all possible orders of experimental conditions to avoid contamination of data because of systematic sequence, order, or transfer effects
Statistical regression
Participants categorized or selected for research participation on basis of initial observation that involves significant measurement error that is not likely to repeat itself on later measurements, giving the false impression that change is due to a treatment when it is really due to the difference in measurement error.
Attrition threat
Participants dropping out
Maturation threat
Short or long term changes in participant
Selection threat
Groups seem to differ – could be due to initial differences rather than the IV
Testing threat
Participants’ previous tests changes their behavior
Nonequivalent control group
A quasi-experimental research design in which 2 groups differ on pre-existing dimension measured on a pre-test, exposed to treatment, and measured on a posttest
Snowball sampling
An individual from a hidden population is likely to know others in the group
Observational research
Investigators are trained to record human or nonhuman behavior exactly as it occurs, avoiding interpretation
Cohort effects
Differences across age groups having to do with characteristics of the era in which the person grew up rather than age specifically
Cohort study
Longitudinal research in which investigator samples randomly from population because of specific characteristic, often age
Panel study
Longitudinal research in which investigator studies the same individuals over time
Withdrawal design
Investigator observes baseline, applies treatment, watches change, and then removes or withdraws treatment and observes