Chapter 26: Truman and the Cold War

  1. U.S. economic expansion after World War II was encouraged by all of the following EXCEPT
    Office of Price Administration
  2. President Truman's domsetic policies included support for all of the following EXCEPT
    The Taft-Hartley Act
  3. Which of the following was NOT a major issue between the Soviet Union and the United States in the postwar years 1945-1950?
    development and control of atomic weapons
  4. "In these circumstances, it is clear that the main element of any United States policy towar the Soviet Union must be that of a long-term, patient, but firm and vigilant containment of Russian expansive tendencies. It is important to not, however, that such a policy has nothing to do with outward histrionics, with threats or blustering or superfluous gestures of outward 'toughness.'"
    This statement is taken by
    George Kennan's article, "The Sources of Soviet Conduct"
  5. The primary purpose of the Marshall Plan was to
    aid the economic recovery of war-devastated Europe
  6. Which U.S. action is NOT correctly paired with an event in international politics?
    troops sent to Korea- Churchill's Iron Curtain speech
  7. Which of the following was NOT an issue during the Korean war?
    whether North Korea had committed aggression
  8. Which of the following contributed the LEAST to the growth of the Red Scare in the 1950s?
    Army- McCarthy hearings
  9. Which of the following BEST describes Truman's foreign policy from 1945 to 1952?
    committment to containing Communist expansion
  10. The principal reason for the defeat of most Fair Deal programs was
    opposition by Republicans in Congress
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Chapter 26: Truman and the Cold War
us history